Dev's really fu$#ed up the Matchmaking

Happened to me yesterday 3x and the first match today... lol they [Badword] really hard up xD
But a rank 18 killer facing rank 1s has been fine for 3 years?
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Shhhh everyone knows it only counts if the survivors are getting stomped.
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@GraviteaUK I know, but I like it when survivors have to face the facts thhey cant deny
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Solo or Swf?
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I had seen a picture of the DV commenting saying an update was coming like 4 days ago. Since then I been DC every game I don't like. I'm not grinding this stupid ranking system until they fix it.
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No that's not right either, apologist.
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@Master | No one said that it was.
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Survivors said that for 3 years. The killer should just git gud
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Again ... against swf or solo?
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Hes just a forums troll, literally all he does he has almost 10k posts and is negative and igorantly prokiller everywhere. He even has the audiacity to blatantly lie that MLGA is bannable. so ignore him. and mhhBurgers @Kikki
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@Master I feel bad when I go against a low rank. Like, I don't want to defer the person from playing the game, but I also don't want them to kill me or my fellow survivors.