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Huntress (Viability Revamp)

NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

Huntress is very overrated as a killer, she's 110% and has too much counter play. Therefore, it's time that we give her a boost in power as she's falling behind!

Huntress Buffs:

-Terror radius perks will now affect her lullaby range.

-Lullaby is no longer directional and her terror radius is increased to 32 meters.

-When out of hatchets, she'll gain a 5% haste effect and make her a 115% killer.

-Can see the aura of all lockers whenever she is out of hatchets, Pungent Phial add-on is not needed to reveal lockers to her.

-Hatchets that traveled further than her terror radius range will instantly cause survivors to enter the dying state.


-Iridescent head will cut the distance requirement in half for her hatchets to cause survivors to enter the dying state but will no longer reduce her hatchets.

-Pungent Phial now causes the scented status effect for 90 seconds. The scented status effect causes survivors to leave scratch marks behind them, regardless if they are running or not.

DONE: She's more viable and I know, some people can destroy with her. However, are going to look at the 10% of players who can and balance around them or look at the other 90% of players who can't play like them?


  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 416

    When we’re balancing survivors, we’re typically not even looking at the top 10% but rather the top 1-5% and expect that the rest will simply put in the effort to get as good as them.

    I main Huntress on console with controller and for me she’s fine and immensely fun even though I am not the PS4 equivalent of Sverkeren.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Can only agree with one thing. And that is the haste when out of hatchets

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    I like your ideas

  • xStansfield
    xStansfield Member Posts: 17

    If all your changes are applied, they're going to make perks like Insidious completely broken; a Huntress could stay still in front of a hooked survivor and absolutely destroy anyone trying to approach them with a hatchet and make unhooking impossible; making camping even more of an issue; also, perks who make your terror radius smaller like Monitor and Abuse would make it really easy to get instant downs without much distance between you and them and would and make her overpowered.

    The idea of making her hatchets an instant down from a certain set distance unnaffected by perks could be an interesting one though and would implement a whole new dynamic to the game, that'd be something to test out. I also agree that the range of her lullaby should be directional but be the same as her terror radius.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I think she's fine as it is. I can agree with the 115% idea, but other than that, I think it'd be nice for the windup time of the hatchets to be slightly buff, in turn slightly nerfing ther reduced windup time addons. (bringing her performance with and without those add ons closer together, since they're often the optimal choice).

  • solo_survivor
    solo_survivor Member Posts: 85

    When the game starts, is it a bug for the huntless to start near the survivors?

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    Any killer can can camp with insidious, not just the Huntress but I see your concern. Since she has no terror radius, hatchets will instantly down survivors but there's down sides. You have to stay still for a certain amount of time and you have to repeat that process everytime you throw your hatchets. Lastly, survivors who rush the hook against any killer are bound to get destroyed anyways, it's just that an insidious Huntress is just more scary.

    Finally the terror radius, she has to sacrifice a perk slot for it and 24 meters (M&A) is still a far shot for an instant down. I added the instant down because I know that if a Huntress makes a sick long shot, the survivors won't mind her getting rewarded more.

    Thank you for your feedback but if you still feel like these might be OP, how would you make it balanced?

  • xStansfield
    xStansfield Member Posts: 17

    After some reconsideration, the out of range instant downs might be a good idea, especially with Insidious. Having to stop for a few seconds during a chase aiming to get an instant down could be an interesting mechanic.

    I think just implementing this out-of-range instant down idea would be a great buff to her already, without even changing anything else about her speed or lullaby. It would also contribute to make perks like Insidious and Tinkerer actually usable with her.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited April 2019

    My first thought would be that while some of these changes are needed (I'd remove the lullaby completely, but whatever), balancing around the average scrub is not a very good idea. Then I remember that survivor perks and gameplay are balanced around the average free weekender that doesn't even know what a skill-check is, so I say that I'd go on with this.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    That argument hasn't stopped the devs from introducing tons of such mechanics.

    Decisive Strike was intended to give low-skilled Survivors who actually needed it a second chance at a chase. It was obvious that the Perk would be too powerful on skilled Survivors, who don't need to have another chance in the first place.

    The same goes for all second-chance Perks and changes that benefit the already experienced players much more than the lower skilled ones the change is intended for.

    Let's use the same means of measurement, alright?

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464
    edited April 2019

    I like your ideas except for the 1 shot hatchet.

    Rather than be terror radius based and affected by the likes of insidious or M&A i think it should be a fixed range like MYC.

    Say 30 metres for a healthy middle?

    Currently the lullaby pisses me off a massive early warning system for the survivors you're approaching with direction against a killer that is massively loopable sucks so badly.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I actually really like this. +1

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 600
    • 115% when out of hatchets is brilliant.
    • Non-directional lullaby sounds fine.
    • Instant down outside of terror radius would be overpowered because of BBQ.
    • Iridescent Heads should apply deep wound status effect.
    • Reveal locker auras when out of hatchets makes sense as a basic feature.
    • Turn on aiming crosshair (restricting the crosshair doesn't make sense when players can just get one anyway via built-in monitor feature or cheerio technology).