We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!

How about buffing all killers on console ?

Now, I know a performance patch is coming "soon", but in the meantime, how about compensating for the poor framerate and the joystick maniability, making it very easy for survivor to 360 you or hide in obvious spots because the game is too laggy and dark to see them with a small buff to all killers ?

The three killers who suffer the most from the poor framerate and maniability are the Plague, as it is very hard to hit a continous flow of vomit with a joystick as apposed as with a mouse, the Huntress, for not being able to aim quickly and precisely, and the Legion as you're too fast for your own good when in Frenzy and can hardly turn around and hit a survivor just moving around in front of you to avoid hits and waste your time. For example, to help console Plague players, the time it takes to inflict Broken upon survivor could be slightly reduced.

A lot of people who play the game on console are actually scared to play Killer, because the game's current problem with the efficiency of SWF groups added to the poor framerate and maniability of killers takes all the fun from the game; you're either playing against completely new player who are too easy to kill or teams that are extremely strong and nigh-on unbeatable because of the problems already present on PC.

I get that for the game to stay afloat, you need 4 survivors for 1 killer and need to keep experienced and possibly toxic players in SWF groups happy, but it's getting harder and harder to find killers to play against and getting dodged because of appearing at the same time, making the killer fear being bullied by a 4-man group is very frequent; all of this is detrimental to the health of the game and the fun of everyone involved and the performace patch might come in too late for anyone to even remember the game and the little fun they had playing Killer and come back, buying new DLC and cosmetics.

I'm sure the team is working hard on making the game play at 60FPS on console, but as of right now the game isn't viable and a temporary buff to all Killers will help greatly to keep the game afloat.

What do you guys think ?
