Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Perk stacks + Ruin change

Some perks stack well to make a good build for example Spirit Fury and Enduring: good but not OP.

However, Corrupt Intervention and Ruin needs a balance. If you run this on plague who can infect the remaining 4 gens this basically stops survivors from being able to do anything for 2 minutes. I think it is Fair to stop gen rushing but there needs to be a balance to this. I think Corrupt needs to be a totem perk as well or this needs to be re balanced. I have always liked that low level ruin was not able to effect everyone so you could kinda play around that but something needs to change here; playing against this sucks.

I think ruin should effect 1 less than the number of total survivors and show the location of that survivor when they work on a gen and ruin is up, make this an obsession perk. Somthing. I have to play vs it everygame, I can hit my checks 4/5 times but honestly if it is being run every game identify it is an issue and make some changes.

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  • Member Posts: 2,230

    Git gud at hitting Skill Checks (and this is coming from someone who loves Stake Out because I can't reliably hit Great ones most of the time).

  • Member Posts: 208

    Actually these two perks don't work together at all, simply spend your time looking for hex ruin.

    Corrupt intervention lasts 2 mins, so just spend those 2 mins looking for ruin. Find it, cleanse it boom no ruin then corrupt intervention runs out and there you go the killers out 2 perks and your good to go!

    You say you think it's fair to stop gen rush but this post doesn't attest to that. This combo and or either of these perks have one goal and that's to counter gen rush nothing else! and even then they're both easily countered.

    Honestly if you find yourself complaining about either of these perks chances are you love gen rushing not that there's a problem with that per se just don't complain when a killer counters it.

  • Member Posts: 16,735

    Nah, it is fine as it is. I dont have any problems with those two Perks, even though I prefer the Killer having Ruin over Corrupt Intervention. But Ruin is quite needed and Corrupt Intervention helps some Killers a lot (mainly Trapper and Hag).

    Regarding Plague - yes, she can puke on the remaining 4 Gens, but I havent seen this happen yet. Most of the time the Killer goes to his Ruin anyway, same goes for Plague.

    So for now I dont see any problem with that. I even find those to Perks contradict, because Survivors cannot spawn on Ruin and will move, when the Gen is blocked, which increases the chance of finding Ruin.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    I never ever use those two perks combined. Ruin will go down during that 2 minute window 100% of the time, giving you pretty much the same pressure that Corrupt Intervention would give you by itself. You're not completely wasting a slot by running both, but it's not the best synergy imo.

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