Fourteen Second Chances



  • Ttwylerr
    Ttwylerr Member Posts: 106

    The only belittling here is you. You refuted none of his points.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Oh look a comment that neither refutes my points or contributes anything substantial to the conversation.


  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @GhostOfPastKiller "I don't need to he doesn't even had points to begin with."


    You just don't have any counter points to make and resort to parroting memes hoping others will dog pile on me as if that proves me wrong.

    I mean if I don't make any points they should be easy to refute right? RIGHT?

  • Raizinz
    Raizinz Member Posts: 43

    False equivalence


    Only functions against 1 survivor for its desired purpose i.e. Mori and the trade-off (yes, there is a trade-off involved) is that gens get completed....which is completely counter-intuitive to what the killer is ultimately trying to achieve.


    How is this an argument? It's a totem perk, its "second chance" can get negated well before it ever has the opportunity to be used, no selectivity in when it gets to be used (reserved for end-game only), and again faced the trade-off being all gens being completed first.

    All second chance survivor perks can be used by anyone for whichever situation, all involve wasting a tremendous amount of killer time, can be stacked, and effectively multiplied when multiple survivors use them. Killer gets no such benefit, their strongest perks that are able to compete with that of survivor's strongest perks are totems; killers cannot remove survivor 2nd chance perks until after they're used, not before

  • Raizinz
    Raizinz Member Posts: 43
    edited April 2019

    Just because you present points doesn't necessarily make them valid nor merit them refutation, don't be so self-righteous

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited April 2019

    Someone that plays both sides at rank 1 wouldn't have these opinions.

    I play survivor at rank 1 solo regularly and you are way over exaggerating these things. Playing solo survivor at rank 1 right now is an easy and relaxing experience for anyone that's half decent. I depip MAYBE once every 10 games if that. This is obviously not counting games with DC's as that is an entirely separate issue that is being worked on. Nor is it mentioning the terrible matchmaking which is also temporary as they are in the process of fixing that. We are talking normal games. I rarely depip even when I get those games with low rank teammates though.

    Also, the amount of times I actually get a facecamper that makes me or someone else depip is way, way less often than people on here like to exaggerate. I get a legit facecamper that depips me or someone like once every 10 games which is the one game I'm depiping. Not enough to be a serious issue. The majority of the time people screaming camper it's because they are miss playing and the killer is capitalizing on it or the killer is simply proximity camping which I'm totally fine with, as that is far enough that you can make saves if you know what you're doing.

    You make survivor sound like it's hell right now and it's not even close. Survivor right now is extremely easy for anyone that's even semi competent at the game and barring recent bugs/matchmaking issues/DC's etc.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I pretty much spell it out for you why that is. On top of several others points I make, yet you just want to focus on a single sentence.

    You both speak like people avoiding debate. "You didn't make points so I don't need to refute anything".

    Gotta start that dog pile somehow.

  • Raizinz
    Raizinz Member Posts: 43

    I'll repeat myself then if you don't seem to get it: just because you present points does not necessarily make them valid nor are merited refutation. To expand upon that: just because you said it, doesn't make them right, even though they may be right to you, and nobody is obliged to entertain them. Minds are made up on this board more often than not, thought-posting eventually gets met with deflection, memes, or "lul git gud"; pretending it doesn't makes you willfully ignorant to the matter

  • dwightdotexe
    dwightdotexe Member Posts: 22

    A couple things to keep in mind for all of the killer mains out there:

    Borrowed time is useless if you don’t camp

    DS is useless if you don’t tunnel

    Unbreakable is useless if you don’t slug

    Dead Hard is only useful the first time they use it, and is useless after if you know how to play against it

    Adrenaline is useless if you have NOED

    MoM is not that big of a deal, and if the devs really think that there’s a problem with it, it takes time to fix

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    At least someone here is willing to refute my points. So props for that.

    Now I play on Xbox. Maybe your experience is different because you are on PC, or it could be your region, or maybe you are a better survivor than me. I'm willing to accept that. But just because YOU do not see it does not mean it is not a problem. Killers camp and tunnel A LOT. Like literally almost every game a killer does one of these two things unnecessarily. Like I said I can understand situations where it is a necessary thing to do, but that's rarely the case.

    When I say camper I mean camper. I don't mean he left for 30 seconds and came back to check on me, then left again. I mean the killer won't go more than 20m from a hooked survivor. And when I say tunneling I don't mean I got saved and ran into the killer, or that killer just happened across me soon after an unhook. I mean the killer saw me get unhooked and just went straight for me.

    And I honestly find it hard to believe that you don't experience this at all. Maybe you get lucky and get fair play killers, or bad killers that are easy to escape. Or again maybe you are the .01% of survivors that are super good. But this has been an ongoing problem for survivors for a long time. Killers are so quick to point to the other side and call out "not fair" when it's just as easy to point the finger at killer and say "not fair". Killers have problems, I won't deny that, but you seriously can't deny that survivors don't have problems too.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited April 2019

    Uses the word "DEFLECTION" in a post that is just 100% deflecting. If I made invalid points then you can refute them. I wrote them out very clearly and with a lot of detail, so comparing it to something like "git gud" just proves you'd rather deflect than refute. If I'm wrong it should be easy. If I'm not wrong then just keep deflecting.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited April 2019


    I'm copying this from another thread where I posted but here's an idea for fixing it:

    Honestly the perk is just poor design to begin with which makes it difficult to adjust. It needs an entire rework as to what it does fundamentally. Second chance perks aren't healthy for the game nor is ones that have no counter "generally".

    If we're forcing a tweak on it though, remove the speed boost component of it that normal killer hits would give. This allows you to body block with it and take an extra hit, but you aren't gaining ground in a chase. A body block perk is more reasonable than ANOTHER chase extender. You'd still get a little ground from the swipe animation but nothing too extreme like how it is now. It also adds a counter now in the form of STBFL.

    It would still probably be too strong even with that change, but it's at least a start. Not to mention we don't need to be requiring even more perks of killers just to function.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited April 2019

    Actually it already is sort of like this. IDK if you remember my thread "Mettle of Man facts" when the perk was leaked, but at first it seemed like there was no damage speed boost. I tested some more and confirmed there is. After seeing it even more in actual games, it seems like it's somewhere in between. It gives you an very VERY short damage speed boost, but it's not like getting hit normally. It's almost like a mini-DH effect, there to let you gain a bit of ground so the killer can't just machine gun you down, but short enough that it's not going to extend the chase unless you take the hit in a good position.

    That said, I'd be all for removing the speed boost entirely if push comes to shove. Though IMO, what they really should do is remove the "basic attack" clause and let everything count (also remove it from Dark Devotion and Infectious Fright), then increase the number of required hits to 4. This would make it a death hook kind of thing, as you get hit 4 times that's 2 hooks. Then once you get saved it can act as both what it is now, and as a self-induced BT. Makes it a bit harder to get the use without sacrificing the potential power of the perk and making it useless. And it gives killers more room to play around it if they have one shots, or just decide to camp the obsession after second hook or something.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited April 2019

    Well it's true I play on PC and not XBOX so I can't speak for XBOX.

    I think the primary issue is what people call "tunneling" or "camping". I think that many times this is said when it actually was not the case and people are just salty. Their definitions are very "loose" in other words.

    Also, what rank is this that you're experiencing all this at?

    Survivors have some issues, I just think they are way over exaggerated by most people. Most of the issues I think come down to player skill or lack there of. Like I said though, I am speaking at rank 1.

    "Killers are so quick to point to the other side and call out "not fair" when it's just as easy to point the finger at killer and say "not fair""

    Yes, this is easy to do. That said, one side has MUCH more that is "not fair". It's not even a close comparison. Like I said I play both sides at rank 1 so I fully see it from the other perspective. It's just that most people not agreeing with me here only play their one side, hence why they aren't agreeing with me. A lack of perspective.

  • Raizinz
    Raizinz Member Posts: 43

    How are they carefully written when they're effectively ranting? I'll entertain you just this once and then wait for you to hold by your laurels because your mind was made-up well before you made that post. Your passive-aggression is unnecessary and much of the problem the community faces. I'm not entertaining this further.

    Heck you can even play some SWF too. You will quickly see why these types of mechanics are necessary once you get killers that stack everything in their favor too and then hard tunnel or camp.

    What is your point in this, do you imply that survivors do not stack everything in their favor in their builds? How does the killer stack things in his favor? Run ruin, NOED, or the off-chance they run devour hope? Break totems, negated. It's a poor argument. Will I agree with unwarranted tunneling/camping, yes, but that is largely not the case and the perception of being tunneled is subjective, as I've gotten accused of tunneling even though I ran into him, not pursuing but ran into him, shortly after because he ran off in an unintelligent way; better yet, he parked on the gen I literally just took him off of.

    You will get games where you get found by the killer first and they have strong perks/add-ons where they catch you in 20 seconds, then they will hover around your hook and make it near impossible for someone to save you. And then in the chance someone does make the save, killer will be RIGHT THERE to put you back on the hook. You will depip and it will be just as frustrating as what you are dealing with as killer.

    You effectivtively repeated what you said in the first remark, just in a different way. Your teammates making poor decisions when it comes to saves is not on the killer, take it up with them, killer is just doing their job. You think I'm going to ignore a survivor that I see flying up to the hook as I leave it? Hell no, I'm turning around and getting a swipe on him, and you if I can without running off too far to pursue.

    You will get games where the killer does this to someone else, and when that person dies on a hook and you lose your Benevolence, that's a depip where there was NOTHING you could have done.

    There's nothing I can do to stop survivors from DCing when I play a certain killer, with the rest DCing in tow since their teammates screwed them; I depip too because of who I wanted to play, not even my build, just my killer choice. Arguing depips due to uncontrollable circumstances is not an argument.

    You will get games where a killer let's someone save you only to tunnel you down and mori you 60 seconds into the game. You will barely get any BP and depip.

    Literally impossible. You have to get hooked first, that's after a chase of at least a minute or two if you're reasonably map aware, get unhooked, then downed again, which can be 5+ minutes and 3 gens into the game, stop exaggerating.

    Oh and least we forget bad survivors. You will get games with BAD survivors that NEVER come to save you even if the killer isn't camping (rare nowadays but still), or survivors that never do gens and spend the whole game looking for Ruin, leaving you to do 2 gens yourself, and then you will do those 2 gens and die then some Dwight that hid all game will take hatch.

    You've already talked about bad survivors in the past several remarks you presented while blaming the occasional campy killer and then projecting it via a sweeping generalization. Much of what you said above has almost everything to do with you getting caught and/or your teammates actions.

    You will get games where survivors sandbag you or run the killer straight to you (intentionally or not) and it will get you killed.

    See above

    You will get games where the killer slugs you for the full 4 minutes after a 30 minute game because they desperately want a 4k (which BTW is not a 4k, a 4k means you hooked/mori'd all 4, bleed outs are not rewarded and therefore it is not a 4k IDC what you killer mains say).

    Never considered 4 deaths a 4k and don't think I've heard the claim much either. That's likely toxicity, retaliation to toxicity, or both on the part of the killer. No excuse for either party, pretending survivors don't "ask" for what comes their way is ignorant.

    You will get games where you are completely outplaying a killer then POP, they DC and you depip automatically.

    See above; I knock down a survivor too soon? DC. Hook a survivor 2 times in 5 minutes because they made a really bad decision on where to run or just had bad luck in running into me again? DC. Everyone else DCing because their teammates screwed them? DC+Depip, they clearly didn't care about depiping and didn't want to continue the game in an effort to get a safety pip, I don't get such a luxury.

    You will get games against killers doing off-meta builds that are super lame to deal with. Those 3 gen Docs on Game where they just use Distressing and heartbeat add-ons to make it IMPOSSIBLE to avoid Madness 3 for anything more than 30 seconds. Huntress pink hatchet slug rush builds where they whack you with a hatchet and leave you there to bleed out. FMT Legion with Sloppy and Thana and Ruin, you will be lucky to get 2 gens for hatch.

    Depends, do you support build diversity for survivors but not for killers? Survivors have the ability to run with anything they want, killers have abilities specific to them which are complemented, not supplemented, by the builds they run, to bring the best out of their abilities. To say that killers should stunt themselves for your enjoyability, at the expense of their own, is hypocritical. Again, you're overexaggerating the efficacy and efficiency of these builds, 2 gens are regularly popped before killer can stumble upon their first survivor if they're really unlucky, 1 within the first 2-3 minutes is common, 1 survivor runs while 3 more continue repairing, do the math.

    There is a lot of BS on survivor side too, stuff you never see because you're not playing survivor at red ranks. Heck this happens at all ranks, but it is ESPECIALLY egregious at red ranks considering the new ranking system requires you to play perfectly and get lucky to even have the opportunities to gain a pip.

    This applies to both parties

    The door swings both ways. There are problems all over this game, and while it is on the devs to fix them, there are no easy solutions. I'm sure they know MoM would cause backlash especially after the DS changes, but they can't just make useless perks else why even bother?

    Sure does but you're heavily skewing it as if survivors are the victim of something they're not

    McLean has talked about a lot of changes coming to the game, but it's not going to all happen at once. Game dev takes time, change doesn't happen overnight. They can't just gut the entire game, they have to make changes here and there, WAIT to see how it plays out (and by wait I mean like months to get the feedback/data they need to make informed decisions), and then take more time (ie. months) to figure out, test, and implement a solution.

    Agreed, no further comment

    If you are frustrated with killer, play survivor. Just do it. It will be a different experience for you. And I don't mean just play a game and be silly, actually do your best to rank up. At first it will probably be easy because you understand the game, but then, probably around rank 10 or so, you will hit a wall. You will run in these killers or survivors I mention above and you will begin to see why survivors play the way they do.

    Same to you and anyone else. Will it happen? Likely not, it's also common for unseasoned survivors/killers that are lacking in shared perks vital to swaying the game more into their favor, or at the very least balance it, suffer equally and is not a fair measure for either. After they get their perks to where they can do as they may with them.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    Sounds like you stood nearby the hook at all times waiting for the save. Maybe have a look at the gens? Or how comes you didn't have a chase after hooking the first?

    If the survivors know you won't really leave the hook the others will gen rush (what else expect them to do?) and 1 Person goes for the save. Even more if they are survive with friends.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    No it does not... Each perk and in this case second chance perks can affect the end result of the game drastically. Are you really going to say 16 vs 4 perks is the same as saying a survivor has 400% movement speed? The answer should be no since we are talking about actual game play which is affected directly due to perks rather than a absurd statement that makes no sense due to it not being in the game. Hell a better thing to say is that survivors are 400% more affective than killers since it at least holds some truth even tho it is still an absurd statement.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    Pretty much my game style since I don't tunnel, camp, or slug and I'm ok with MoM as it is but I just want it to were you can't Insta heal when useing it. I have come across a few people who do that and the chases are far to long, even longer than post DS chases when it was used correctly.

  • Ttwylerr
    Ttwylerr Member Posts: 106

    Your points aren't valid and they don't need to be refuted.

    On a serious note saying crap like that just makes you come off as someone who would keep talking in a argument just so the other person can't. With that I'm just gonna dismiss whatever you say since that's your tactic.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited April 2019

    What is your point in this, do you imply that survivors do not stack everything in their favor in their builds? How does the killer stack things in his favor? Run ruin, NOED, or the off-chance they run devour hope? Break totems, negated. It's a poor argument. Will I agree with unwarranted tunneling/camping, yes, but that is largely not the case and the perception of being tunneled is subjective, as I've gotten accused of tunneling even though I ran into him, not pursuing but ran into him, shortly after because he ran off in an unintelligent way; better yet, he parked on the gen I literally just took him off of.

    So I made this point elsewhere, but saying "just break totems" is not exactly a solution. If killer runs Ruin and NOED together they will have a huge advantage. If they run pink mori and add-ons that's a stacked killer game. Maybe SWF can do all the totems no problem, but a SOLO survivor will have a significantly more difficult time. If it's certain maps, then it's even harder. Spending all your time on totems just IN CASE killer has NOED is a sure fire way to die most of the time.

    There's nothing I can do to stop survivors from DCing when I play a certain killer, with the rest DCing in tow since their teammates screwed them; I depip too because of who I wanted to play, not even my build, just my killer choice. Arguing depips due to uncontrollable circumstances is not an argument.

    No but I was making the point that it is very easy to get screwed over in this game as survivor. Some killers need fixes to emblem points, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about not only losing the opportunity to earn emblem points but even being straight up punished for it. If a survivor DC's/suicides that sucks for killer yes, because it means less opportunity to get points but you don't get flat out punished for it too and LOSE emblem points you already earned.

    Literally impossible. You have to get hooked first, that's after a chase of at least a minute or two if you're reasonably map aware, get unhooked, then downed again, which can be 5+ minutes and 3 gens into the game, stop exaggerating.

    Dude I had a game against a Legion yesterday that tunneled me off first hook and mori'd me. Probably was more than 60 seconds yes, but it was definitely within 3 minutes. We didn't even have a gen done and Ruin was still up. Considering I got chased first that's not even on me. It's not exaggerating that much honestly.

    You've already talked about bad survivors in the past several remarks you presented while blaming the occasional campy killer and then projecting it via a sweeping generalization. Much of what you said above has almost everything to do with you getting caught and/or your teammates actions.

    No dude, the first example where a killer was camping/tunneling is NOT bad survivors. Explain to me how a survivor is supposed to do a safe rescue if the killer never leaves the hook? They HAVE TO save me, or else they lose Benevolence. If they let me die on hook, they can't pip. Leaving someone to die on hook is not really a valid option unless your only goal is to escape, and even then it's not that great of an idea. When I say bad survivors I mean that. When I say camping killers I mean that. If a survivor has no choice but to make a potentially unsafe hook because the killer won't leave, even if they get a hit on someone else, THAT is what I'm talking about.

    Never considered 4 deaths a 4k and don't think I've heard the claim much either. That's likely toxicity, retaliation to toxicity, or both on the part of the killer. No excuse for either party, pretending survivors don't "ask" for what comes their way is ignorant.

    I was just making a point to killers that think slugging = a kill only because I know someone would have said "but you're all dead that's a 4k".

    Depends, do you support build diversity for survivors but not for killers? Survivors have the ability to run with anything they want, killers have abilities specific to them which are complemented, not supplemented, by the builds they run, to bring the best out of their abilities. To say that killers should stunt themselves for your enjoyability, at the expense of their own, is hypocritical. Again, you're overexaggerating the efficacy and efficiency of these builds, 2 gens are regularly popped before killer can stumble upon their first survivor if they're really unlucky, 1 within the first 2-3 minutes is common, 1 survivor runs while 3 more continue repairing, do the math.

    I'm not complaining about build diversity, but there are some killer builds that are exceptionally lame to play against as survivor. And no I'm not exaggerating, particularly when it comes to Doc 3 gen on game. It is almost impossible to not 3 gen yourself on that map, and when it happens if the Doc is committed to keeping you in Madness 3 the game will just drag on for ages, which is not fun to play. My point was to highlight problems survivors have to deal with, not to say killers don't have problems of their own.

    This applies to both parties

    Yes exactly. Again highlighting survivor problems compared to killer problems. They both exist, yet killers like to pretend survivors have to so easy when it's so far from the truth.

    Sure does but you're heavily skewing it as if survivors are the victim of something they're not

    No I'm highlighting survivor problems. No where did I say killers do not have problems too. The OP talks about the problems he faces as killer, which is why I ask him to play solo survivor to red ranks to get a better perspective, on top of potentially being able to enjoy the game since he doesn't enjoy killer at the moment. It might even help him become a better killer.

    To summarize, I'm not trying to downplay the killer problems as described by the OP. They are all valid complaints. I'm simply trying to contrast his frustration with the usual survivor frustrations to show that the grass is not actually greener on the other side. There is reason to have this stuff in the game, and while not perfect, they shouldn't be nerfed into the dirt either.

    Post edited by thesuicidefox on
  • MegChicken
    MegChicken Member Posts: 163

    Saying luls in every paragraph won’t make your ‘argument’ any better. Regardless of it being out in one day, we can already tell how stupid this perk is.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    Who has a problem with BT? It only activates on campers. People only run it to counter that behavior. It adds 0% to user's chance of escape. I'm sure they'd much rather use something that helps themselves instead of another.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Trapper main, and I have only noticed a couple of MoM issues. Second chance perks for both sides are always annoying, but that should not warrant full reworks. Adrenaline, MoM, DH, DS, Deliverance, NOED, Blood Warden, Remember Me etc, all give second chances to do/avoid what you failed to do last time. It is what it is.

    Hate MoM combined with other perks? So do survivors when they finish gens after evading the killer only to find Remember Me, NOED and Blood Warden await.

    It is what it is. The current survivor second chances affect M1 killers more than anything, so it is not even an across the board issue.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    The mistake be gone meta is pretty common, I see regardless of which side I am playing. Its the main reason I don't get salty when killers focuses down to ensure my death. They can "play nice" and hope for the best or primitively fight against it. Either way its a tough battle when survivors don't potato those chances.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I think the only problem in this game is SWF. A coordinated SWF team knows what others are using and exactly what is going on and where the killer is. Solo players get crushed usually and the only way to beat SWF is to tunnel. SWF should only be duos or three man teams to be fair at this point. Killers have good add ons too, SWF is just OP

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    Frustrating? Yes, you have a point there but unplayable? No, you did very well against a group of survivors who should have destroyed you.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    "Frustrating? Yes, you have a point there"

    This is the entire point of the thread.

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767
    edited April 2019

    Rancor isn't a good perk and isn't a second chance perk.

    It only works at the end and only for the obsession, so basically it has no real use.

    It's just a "You have DStrike, well go ######### yourself"-Perk.

    It's so bad, sweaty killers NEVER use it and the sweat is the real deal.

    NOED should be base kit for every killer.

    The End Game is over within 30 seconds max and NOED may help you to atleast get a kill vs some gen rushers.

    It can be annulated completely by destroying 5 totems or by destroying it in the end game, none of the survivor perks can be hurt in this type of easy to workaround style.

    It is a second chance perk, but it isn't as powerful as any of the survivors perks.

    The thing with second chance perks is, you can do good, if the RNG god allows you too, even with 200 second chance perks, but the chance to win is drastically reduced and also the game is way less fun, while for the survivors it is way more fun.

    That's not a fair trade.

    But guess what, survivor mains still defend second chance perks, because all they care about, is their own fun, they are happy and joyful when killers DC, they are bullying killers, if they ain't top tier killers and they insult them in the end game chat, if they went on steam to chat with a friend while near ANY hook, main objetive or downed survivor.

    Since camping and tunneling is nearly gone against good survivors, no one can stop survivor mains from being ######### which dominate the game.

    Well done, BHVR.

    The reason I don't enjoy playing killer.

    All I did, was playing survivor the last few days and sometimes killer to grind BP for my survivors.

    I don't get why people are playing this game as killer.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    Nick, just saying your missing the point. "Should have" doesn't account for one thing. Player Skill. This wasn't even a Red Ranks game. you think these Survivor's were playing super optimal style. Where they playing SWF? Imagine a SWF of optimal survivors running these perks in the Red Ranks.

    Don't think of it as what you see, think of the potential for abuse. Go ALL the way down thr rabbit hole to see where it leads, not half way and say "I've seen enough to make my deliberation".

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    That problem s that many killers including a lot on here and Reddit/Steam and quite few survivors find it boring. It actually takes some skill to evade a good or even great killer even when using P3 Claudette.

    The ones against it all complain about Merry Go Round Simulator but will complain even more about a stealthy style of gameplay. I can stealth around, do totems, do unhooks, gens and evade the killer quite often.

    But I get insulted about playing immersed by most killers post game and even some survivors. Now I'll get lobby dodged the moment I load in because they know I'm not an easy kill, especially if they're camping.

    While it does take skill to loop properly I'm not a great looper and never will be because I just don't enjoy it. I'd rather skulk around and evade the killer like a true horror movie, not stare at him as I play Ring Around The Rosies.

    Sadly the devs have actively discouraged stealthy gameplay with Whispers, the new Spies and other anti stealth stuff.

  • Vexon
    Vexon Member Posts: 70

    I think most of the second chance perks are situational other than MoM, and as far as instaheal stacks go, those are a one time thing and they seem to be the direct opposite of a killer bringing an instadown addon or a mori. sometimes youre just gonna get instadowned and morid as survivor, other times as killer youre just gonna get instaheal swf groups. But let's be honest, these things arent THAT common and only happen every so often. We need to stop crying over every little thing in this game when someone doesn't get what they want. just my two cents, you cant expect to win every game as survivor just like you cant expect to win every game as killer.

  • Vexon
    Vexon Member Posts: 70

    also if youre worried about spies from the shadows just bring calm spirit, you should have that if youre going for a stealth playstyle anyway. these perks all have counters, people need to stop crying over every little thing JEEZ

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Nickenzie As long as the killer isn't a Nurse, a chase will last a certain amount of time if the survivor doesn't make mistakes. There are safe routes where the killer can't do anything. Where the killer doesn't have the chance to try mindgames. Some perks help prolonging the chase.

    If the survs play well, the killer will lose. That's just the current state of the game because killers don't have enough time. That doesn't mean that a player can't win most of his games as killer. Not every survivor group is a good group. Often one single survivor makes a big enough mistake to get the entire team killed. But these are simply cases of the survivors needing to get better.

    When a "very good" killer doesn't win against a "good" group of survivors because of perks and items, then the game isn't balanced.

    Btw, I like long chases. Chases are the fun part of DbD. Just give the survivors a 2nd objective so that the killer has more time for chases.

    And yeah, I also appreciate our discussions. 🐙 *alien hug*

  • Crujoh
    Crujoh Member Posts: 28

    5 survivor matches today, 3 of them were face camping leatherfaces! Guess that’s one way to counter 2nd chance meta. Also the way to get me to go play something else.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857

    Mettle should trigger with any hit that gets the noed buff since noed buffs basic attacks, that includes phantasm strikes. However, there are plenty of killers that can bypass mettle of man. As with all games, the meta changes and better killers for the most part adapt better.








    Trapper can grab survivors out of traps

    Nurse is nurse

    Spirit can rack up hits fast

    Several killers who aren't affected/barely affected/can get around mettle of man.

  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824

    This is why I’m becoming a survivor main and running all the crutch perks.

    dstrike, Adrenaline, DH, and MoM. It’s fun. Unless you have doodoo teammates you’re basically invincible.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Yeah, but you're not understanding the point though. Every game, including those from both survivors and killers, won't always be a cakewalk and that's a GOOD thing. Just imagine how boring Dead by Daylight would be if you never had a challenge or, in other words, it wouldn't be any fun to get 4ks every game or escape every game, ya know? Therefore, you shouldn't be frustrated, I mean for the love of the Entity just look at good how you did against that SWF group! That's nothing to be frustrated about, in fact that's just as good as a 4k right there!

  • ColgateAdvancedWhite
    ColgateAdvancedWhite Member Posts: 616

    I don't get it. First they can run nonstop (seriously which human can do that?) And now they all have god mode perk. Ridiculous.

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    In the future I might sing "99 second chances"

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857

    I play spirit red rank, not much of an issue, extends the chase a little bit. Spirit with stridor gets hits so fast mettle doesn't really add much time. I run the yakeyoke amulet with bloody hair brooch or amulet and dirty uwabakis everygame. I have enough on my p3 and plenty of black wards.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited April 2019

    The implementation of MoM proved to me once again that the people with responsibilities in BHVR apparently don't know ######### about their own game. Yes, people are having a hard time dealing with all the 2nd chance perks, that's one of the reasons why they stop playing Killer or Dead By Daylight in general.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Looks to me that you jus met your match that game considering 2 sacs is the devs intended average.