Bannable offenses

Greetings, fellow people of the fog.

Some things are still not clear to the community, as the opinions differ. It would be great if a dev could give a definitive answer to the following things, as the question "is this bannable?" comes up from time to time in steam forum, friends,...
And the answer is always the same: "Maybe"

The things i mean (and i can think of right now):

  • Intentional deranking in general -> playing bad to derank

  • Staying AFK to derank -> While Survivors screw over their team, a AFK killer doesn't affect the survivors that much.

  • Farming bloodpoints -> "Friendly killer" I think in some devstream we were told it was not bannable, but i am not sure about

  • Macros -> Used for wiggle/struggle. I don't speak of the Farmbot macros used back in 2016 (Which were bannable)

  • Macros V2 -> Farmbots. Back in 2016 it was bannable since the old ranking system only required bloodpoints to rank up. I
    think it is and should be bannable, but i want clarification.

This are the things i can think of right now, maybe someone has more to add.
If a dev reads this, please consider giving a CLEAR answer (a "maybe" doesn't really help).
If someone knows a definitive answer (with source would be nice) please write it here.

Thank you for your attention.



  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited July 2018

    Derank is not bannable, back on launch I asked one of the Devs straight as friends on steam when reporting cheaters and they responded with No it's not a bannable offense but would encourage not to do it

    now Macro for Flash-lights, they still have said nothing on this

    Farm Bot is still bannable, it's even listed on their FAQ on steam come on

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474
    edited July 2018

    Most current info I could find:

    Some of the bannable offenses:
    -Streaming hostile, hateful behaviour.
    -Stream sniping
    -Achievement hacks, in any way, shape or form.
    -Illicit ways to obtain inventory items
    -Using third-party site or software to join specific games
    -Being a bot

    Harassment: Communication Abuse
    Insults, intimidation, hateful speech, repeated harassment
    Multiplatform harassment (Steam/Twitter/Facebook, Twitch etc.) – These are exceptional cases, if you go all the way to do this, you will be banned for 48 hours right away, skipping the 24 hours ban.
    Greifing: Intentional gameplay abuse
    Working with the opposite team to gain an advantage or grief teammates
    Targeting specific users repeatedly in order to ruin their game experience
    Holding the game hostage
    Exploits: Abusing bugs or errors in design to gain a competitive advantage
    Showing exploits on stream / advertising exploits in any form
    Exploit bugs, errors in design or undocumented features to gain access to what would otherwise not be available or to obtain any competitive advantage
    Unsportsmanlike conduct
    Disconnects and/or Rage quitting – no report needed. We’re using our backend analytics to flag and ban players who are constantly disconnecting/leaving the game.
    Lag switching

    Achievement hacks
    Using 3rd party software to tamper with Dead by Daylight achievements in any way. Unlocking, locking, clearing them off – all of this is prohibited.

    Hacking in-game exclusives/Legacy skins
    Acquiring any kind of in-game skin a player isn’t supposed to have.
    Legacy cutoff happened on November 24th, 2016. If player has received Legacy skins anytime after that, it is considered hacking (3rd party software/expanding Legacy cutoff time/loading up a savefile, etc.)
    Video of this person in a hacked skin (and you opening the profile to ensure it’s theirs) is mandatory.

    Killer spawns and stays at one place, hitting air the whole time. He doesn’t move or change the hit pattern even if gates are opened and some of the Survivors are already gone. Video of the match (showing the tally screen is crucial) is mandatory.

    Hacked progress
    Using 3rd party software or any other way to hack amount of BP in the game. Or loading up any savefile except from your own backup (any savefile – from previously banned account, from a friend, your savefile from BETA, etc.)

    Excessive threats (DOX threats, life threats, disclosing private information, etc.)

    Other hacks
    Using 3rd party software or other tools to gain any kind of unfair advantage wasn’t intended by the game, except if they have been whitelisted by us. Heavy proof and a video recording is mandatory.

    If you wish to appeal your permanent ban, please contact the support team at

    List of bannable offenses | Temporary ban

    Harassment: Communication Abuse
    Insults, intimidation, hateful speech, repeated harassment
    Multiplatform harassment (Steam/Twitter/Facebook, Twitch etc.) – These are exceptional cases, if you go all the way to do this, you will be banned for 48 hours right away, skipping the 24 hours ban.

    Greifing: Intentional gameplay abuse
    Working with the opposite team to gain an advantage or grief teammates
    Targeting specific users repeatedly in order to ruin their game experience
    Holding the game hostage

    Exploits: Abusing bugs or errors in design to gain a competitive advantage
    Showing exploits on stream / advertising exploits in any form
    Exploit bugs, errors in design or undocumented features to gain access to what would otherwise not be available or to obtain any competitive advantage

    Unsportsmanlike conduct
    Disconnects and/or Rage quitting – no report needed. We’re using our backend analytics to flag and ban players who are constantly disconnecting/leaving the game.
    Lag switching

    Temporary bans escalation
    24 hours for the first ban;
    48 hours for the second ban;
    1 week for the third ban;
    After that, you will be banned permanently.
    If you go way out of the line, you may receive a 48 hours or a 1 week ban straight away,
    if the team decides that the offense was really harmful.

    There will be no ban appeal option available for temporary bans.

    Looks like Sept 06, 2017 was the last time it was updated.

    Edit* Found more
    Edit** Even more

  • Absolute_Zero
    Absolute_Zero Member Posts: 56

    1st point is not bannable
    5th point is bannable

    Ok, 3 points remaining.
    Good start, thanks guys :chuffed:

  • Absolute_Zero
    Absolute_Zero Member Posts: 56

    FSB75, damn you are fast....

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    Not to piggyback on this thread, but I found it more difficult to find the so called "whitelist". Only info I could find was about MLGA. Whitelisted on May 03, 2017, removed Nov. 09, 2017. Is there anything else on the whitelist. I like to record using's not THE drivers, but it's bundled, and pretty much integrated now.

  • Absolute_Zero
    Absolute_Zero Member Posts: 56

    NOOO! I got outgoogled! :'(

    Thanks for your help. But some points will remain unclear unless devs finally give a clear answer...

    "now Macro for Flash-lights, they still have said nothing on this" (from someissues)
    if you mean the flashspam macro used to crash the killers pc, im pretty sure this falls under exploits. but once again, it's a "MAYBE".

    Devs please :dizzy:

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    @Absolute_Zero said:
    "now Macro for Flash-lights, they still have said nothing on this" (from someissues)
    if you mean the flashspam macro used to crash the killers pc, im pretty sure this falls under exploits. but once again, it's a "MAYBE".

    Nah not the crash, it's the machine-gun Flash-light where they can make you blind for an infinite duration unless you turn 360 or the other way around. Very overpowered and consumes less battery

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474
    edited July 2018

    @Absolute_Zero said:
    NOOO! I got outgoogled! :'(

    Thanks for your help. But some points will remain unclear unless devs finally give a clear answer...

    "now Macro for Flash-lights, they still have said nothing on this" (from someissues)
    if you mean the flashspam macro used to crash the killers pc, im pretty sure this falls under exploits. but once again, it's a "MAYBE".

    Devs please :dizzy:

    This is have my attention. You mean because the killer is the "host", players are using flashlights to, basically, spam request to the killer...thus causing a crash. Is that even possible? I mean, who the hell is on DSL anymore?

    Lastly....if the Devs have never commented on it.....then it's not bannable. This could be due to them being ignorant it's a "thing", or they just keep it simple by not addressing the 1,000 things that are legit, and limit it only to things that are bannable.

    It's like most statute laws. Laws don't list what IS legal, they only outline what's illegal. Example: In Portland, Oregon....there is obviously nothing that states it's legal to ride a unicycle in a kilt while playing flame throwing's just not illegal. See what I mean.

    As far as I know....macros are completely fine, but mostly because it's IMPOSSIBLE to detect with 100% accuracy.

  • Absolute_Zero
    Absolute_Zero Member Posts: 56

    It isn't a matter of internet, it's a matter of the hosts pc. if the pc isn't high end (normal laptops for example) then there is a high chance the pc can't process the high amount of activation/deactivation of a flashlight and then causes the game (sometimes even the pc) to crash. This is easily achieved with macros (but in absurd high clicks per second).
    I have already encountered multiple of these guys (but i have a high end pc, so i can just laugh at them :chuffed: )

    The thing about detecting macros is, if you use macros based on software (3rd party software) there is a chance EAC flags you as cheater. If you use hardware macros then it is undetectable for EAC. But the question is, are macros bannable or not? Some people say yes, some no (personally i say no, because why ban someone for using a macro for wiggle/struggle, it gives no ingame advantage and is only used to not use the keys in unnecessary ways)

  • Absolute_Zero
    Absolute_Zero Member Posts: 56

    @Someissues said:

    @Absolute_Zero said:
    "now Macro for Flash-lights, they still have said nothing on this" (from someissues)
    if you mean the flashspam macro used to crash the killers pc, im pretty sure this falls under exploits. but once again, it's a "MAYBE".

    Nah not the crash, it's the machine-gun Flash-light where they can make you blind for an infinite duration unless you turn 360 or the other way around. Very overpowered and consumes less battery

    Ok that one is new to me, haven't encountered that so far.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    But the question is, are macros bannable or not? Some people say yes, some no (personally i say no, because why ban someone for using a macro for wiggle/struggle, it gives no ingame advantage and is only used to not use the keys in unnecessary ways)

    Again....without the Devs saying macros ARE bannable, then they remain, by default "legal". Until I see a member of the dev team, more than likely Not_Queen state, "Macros are bannable", then I don't care who wants to speculate or give an opinion about them...they are 100% allowed.

    I understand your request for confirmation. It's always better to get the word from a source that word of mouth. However, in this case, macros are not new, and the Devs remain silent. This is the example of silence louder than words.

  • Absolute_Zero
    Absolute_Zero Member Posts: 56

    Good point. So as long as the devs don't say otherwise, i will see macros as "no bannable offense". Your logic applies perfect in this case.
    I think this thread is done for now.
    Have a nice day everyone :)

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555
    edited July 2018

    Intentionally deranking: Yes, it is bannable (WITH A HUGE ASTERISK, READ ON). If your are intentionally dying in your games to lower your rank, you are hurting the other people in the game by ruining their experience and making it tougher on them. Though these days it's much easier to do something and still derank, so you could still do something to help the team and derank in the end if you really want.

    Basically, just don't throw the game, that's all. Be considerate of the other people in the lobby who aren't trying to derank. If you're commited to deranking, at least do some generators or something first. Don't just make a beeline to the killer and die as soon as possible because you're making it into a 3v1 and that's not fair to everyone else.

    Staying AFK: Not really. Sometimes people go AFK. Sometimes the dog pees on the rug. Sometimes someone comes to the door. Sometimes you forget that you're queuing for a game and walk away from the computer. We'd have to be able to tell that you're intentionally doing it on a regular basis for it to become a problem. It's still preferable that you don't do it just because that does make the game boring for everyone else.

    Farming: Farming at someone else's expense is. e.g. If someone is working with the killer to lead them to other survivors, sandbagging, then farming them on the hook for points- that is bannable. When farming crosses into griefing, that's a problem.

    Macros (wiggling, etc.): No. We don't ban for that. Though it's a use at your own risk type deal because if EAC picks up on it and automatically bans you for it, we won't be able to help you.

    Macros (botting): Yes, that is bannable. Don't do that.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited July 2018

    @Peanits said:
    Intentionally deranking: Yes, it is bannable (WITH A HUGE ASTERISK, READ ON). If your are intentionally dying in your games to lower your rank, you are hurting the other people in the game by ruining their experience and making it tougher on them. Though these days it's much easier to do something and still derank, so you could still do something to help the team and derank in the end if you really want.

    Only for survivors, it would be a bannable offense, I would correct that statement on your post. De-ranking as Killers is not a bannable offense, BHVR_Crow confirmed this a long time ago on Launch

    Anyone can do this easily by just slugging all survivors and leaves them for dead, they might report you for griefing but it's not bannable in any way since slugging is legit

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    I misread the heading. I thought it said Bananable offences now I'm hungry and lost.
  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    You have to literally use 3rd party programs/hacks to get banned here. Deranking has always been a thing. I haven't seen too many people banned for it at all. They talk about banning quitters, but i just don't see the actual proof. I've reported plenty of people in the past for sandbagging and working with the killer including after game chat that confirmed it.

    The report system needs an overhaul. The end game thumbs up/down, and match rating mean what exactly? I shadowplay 90% of my games, so i always have video proof of whatever I'd report but you can't anymore. It sucks. Considering the dev have dubbed looping and camping(not hook defending) as playstyles, the toxicity rolls on. They creates a store for more cash profit before ensuring players have a means of helping police outside of a wonky EAC for christ's sake..

  • TreblucFayle
    TreblucFayle Member Posts: 75

    @FSB75 said:
    Not to piggyback on this thread, but I found it more difficult to find the so called "whitelist". Only info I could find was about MLGA. Whitelisted on May 03, 2017, removed Nov. 09, 2017. Is there anything else on the whitelist. I like to record using's not THE drivers, but it's bundled, and pretty much integrated now.

    MLGA is no longer Whitelisted due to the addition of "features" that the Devs do not agree with. And as far as I know, MLGA was the ONLY thing that had been Whitelisted. So now there is no Whitelist. It's not blacklisted either, it's simply considered "use at your own risk". They are not actively pursuing anyone who uses it.

    They HAVE warned that because it's a 3rd party program it could possibly be something that's detected by the EZ Anti-cheat software at some point in the future. And they have said that IF you get flagged by the anti-cheat for any reason, they can not/ will not help you. The anti-cheat is a 3rd party company that they have no direct control over. So if they change the software in a way that it detects MLGA and you get banned for it, you're pretty much out of luck. To my knowledge, bans from the EZ Anti-cheat almost never get repealed.

    That being said...

    The chances of it ever being added to EZ Anti-cheat's detection is very slim as it doesn't directly interact with the game. Unless you recorded/ streamed yourself endorsing or encouraging people to use this 3rd party software (and made a VERY big deal out of it), you can't be "reported" for its use either.

    A lot of popular streamers use it. Mostly to avoid really toxic players and very high pings, because these things directly affect their content. But they do so for their own use. They don't advocate for anyone else to use 3rd party software, because that IS something the Devs don't care for.

  • Absolute_Zero
    Absolute_Zero Member Posts: 56

    @Peanits said:
    Intentionally deranking: Yes, it is bannable (WITH A HUGE ASTERISK, READ ON). If your are intentionally dying in your games to lower your rank, you are hurting the other people in the game by ruining their experience and making it tougher on them. Though these days it's much easier to do something and still derank, so you could still do something to help the team and derank in the end if you really want.

    Basically, just don't throw the game, that's all. Be considerate of the other people in the lobby who aren't trying to derank. If you're commited to deranking, at least do some generators or something first. Don't just make a beeline to the killer and die as soon as possible because you're making it into a 3v1 and that's not fair to everyone else.

    Staying AFK: Not really. Sometimes people go AFK. Sometimes the dog pees on the rug. Sometimes someone comes to the door. Sometimes you forget that you're queuing for a game and walk away from the computer. We'd have to be able to tell that you're intentionally doing it on a regular basis for it to become a problem. It's still preferable that you don't do it just because that does make the game boring for everyone else.

    Farming: Farming at someone else's expense is. e.g. If someone is working with the killer to lead them to other survivors, sandbagging, then farming them on the hook for points- that is bannable. When farming crosses into griefing, that's a problem.

    Macros (wiggling, etc.): No. We don't ban for that. Though it's a use at your own risk type deal because if EAC picks up on it and automatically bans you for it, we won't be able to help you.

    Macros (botting): Yes, that is bannable. Don't do that.

    Thank you for the response. Am i allowed to save this so when the question comes up again (in steam forum, as the mods are quite inactive lately) i can give them a clear answer?

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555

    @Absolute_Zero said:

    @Peanits said:
    Intentionally deranking: Yes, it is bannable (WITH A HUGE ASTERISK, READ ON). If your are intentionally dying in your games to lower your rank, you are hurting the other people in the game by ruining their experience and making it tougher on them. Though these days it's much easier to do something and still derank, so you could still do something to help the team and derank in the end if you really want.

    Basically, just don't throw the game, that's all. Be considerate of the other people in the lobby who aren't trying to derank. If you're commited to deranking, at least do some generators or something first. Don't just make a beeline to the killer and die as soon as possible because you're making it into a 3v1 and that's not fair to everyone else.

    Staying AFK: Not really. Sometimes people go AFK. Sometimes the dog pees on the rug. Sometimes someone comes to the door. Sometimes you forget that you're queuing for a game and walk away from the computer. We'd have to be able to tell that you're intentionally doing it on a regular basis for it to become a problem. It's still preferable that you don't do it just because that does make the game boring for everyone else.

    Farming: Farming at someone else's expense is. e.g. If someone is working with the killer to lead them to other survivors, sandbagging, then farming them on the hook for points- that is bannable. When farming crosses into griefing, that's a problem.

    Macros (wiggling, etc.): No. We don't ban for that. Though it's a use at your own risk type deal because if EAC picks up on it and automatically bans you for it, we won't be able to help you.

    Macros (botting): Yes, that is bannable. Don't do that.

    Thank you for the response. Am i allowed to save this so when the question comes up again (in steam forum, as the mods are quite inactive lately) i can give them a clear answer?

    Sure, go for it.