Camping and tunneling after unhook baffles me...

Anzi130 Member Posts: 51

Greetings fellow fog travellers :)

I play almost 50/50 killer and survivor. As a killer i never tunnel or camp.. for me its not about pips, but about getting lots of bloodpoints (for all players), and honestly? Standing besides a hook for most of the match seems really boring.. i’d rather find and change other survivors.. Usually both i and all the survivors get between 15.000-30.000 bloodpoints, and thats when i consider it a good game no matter how many kills i ended up getting..

When i play survivor i see a lot of camping and tunneling killers. I understand, of course, that its a strategy, and people can use it if they like.. What i dont understand is...Why??!! Most of these killers get less than 15.000 bloodpoints. I’ve seen camping/tunneling killers get a 4k and only got 9.000 bloodpoints. The survivors got around 3-4k.. and thats where i think.. was it fun even for the killer? Did the killer not realize he could earn many more points? What was the goal here? It cant even be pips..

I’m honestly curious, if anyone here uses that strategy, as to Why they choose that playstyle? BTW i realize that there are toxic players that you just wanna kill off fast and hook swarmers, so these are not the situation i refer to.. and i usually play solo, and occasionally with my sister who is new to the game.



  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    It is a weak tactic for bad killers. It is easily defeated by smart survivors. Do gens and totems and leave. Unfortunately the new emblem system punishes you for not being stupid and rushing in for the save, therefore rewarding the killer. If this pip system sticks, they need to penalize players who do this as it is punishing smart survivors.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554
    edited April 2019

    There is a percentage of people that play this game solely to make sure the opposing party has the most miserable time playing. It's more than just a play-style to those people, it's their joy in life. People weren't joking when they said some people just like to see the world burn, cause they sure as hell play this game.

    EDIT : I just read the second half, and yeah, it's basically a last ditch effort when you have no clue how to continue playing killer effectively

  • Anzi130
    Anzi130 Member Posts: 51

    @Warlock_2020 I totally agree with you there..

    @raptorsfromspace I agree completely that genrushing is out of hand in this game, btw.. but i dont feel like it equals camping.. if you Camp a survivor you will be genrushed harder.. in my experience it slows the game down more to let someone go for the rescue and heal while i find someone else to chase, and regress some gens.. Plus the question still remains.. is it fun?

    @Mat_Sella I fully agree.. it seems more like its an attempt to just be spreading misery..

    @RoKrueger lol okay. Fair enough if you get your enjoyment that way. I thank you for your input.

    @RWoodrow Yes, thats how it seems. We cant all have the same definition of fun :)

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    When i play killer, i pupously go for the one who does the unhook, just to give the surv a chance, esp if they are my first hook and i know why haven't done any gens or attempted at anything. At times i play fairly, even as the pig and i see someone trying to get the hat off i go elsewhere, its how i play...but not all the depends, i am not out to get my 4 kills and if the game i feel is going to fast, because it's one of "those" games i try do another thing or another surv....mostly at my good bad ass days i have no mercy i am a 3/4 kill but if i get 2 and know we all have had a good game and the other 2 are a two hook i am okay with it...but i refuse to tunnel....unless it's one of those survs thats too good lol and i am like get down you little #########....if i do so terribly, if i am so not in the mood i go sulk as my Killer in a corner or get points with survs....but thats just how i play

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @Mushwin Ignoring the unhooked survivor and giving then a second chance? That's no good. What you have to do is down them immediately then pick them up and chase after the farmer together! (Agitation helps a lot here.)

    Though in terms of general playstyles I simply use my "all or nothing" method. What I mean is that if 4 generators are done and nobody's on death hook yet then I won't try to kill anyone. That being said, if everyone is on death hook and they only got 1 or 2 generators you can bet I'm shipping everyone's souls to the Entity.

  • Bithard
    Bithard Member Posts: 406

    It is a strategy that works against solos/altruistic SWF but if you play it smart you can get 5 gens done, unhook with borrowed time and get out. We have just started bringing toolboxes as most killers do it now.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Most are just bad at the game, if they want to play that way they can but standing around a hook won't make you better at the game. Ofc there are people that do it to get salt so for those of you that send messages to killers please don't fuel the fire lol. It depends on the situation too honestly if there are hook swarmers I understand ect ect. Camping is too high risk anyways if I am playing with friends we all have anti-tunnel/camp builds on just to get rid of the annoyance and usually get out bc of it.

  • ShirtlessDwight
    ShirtlessDwight Member Posts: 190

    Until you will camp someone like me and realize that Voodoo irl is not a fairy tale

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    This is what I think:

    Some killers are salty and want revenge

    Some killers just want an easier win so they'll camp at least 1 person to kill the over altruistic teammates

    Some killers roleplay the role way too seriously and pretend to have a hard on over watching a video game character stay slugged or on the hook

    None of them care about their bloodpoints

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    @not_Queef sounds like me

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    I feel like for most Killers it's a matter of how many gens are left. In the beginning you have the time to play fair but as gens keep going off you realize if you keep playing by these 'rules' of no patrolling or no tunneling that you are actively sabotaging yourself for the benefit of the opposing team.

    Tunnelling sucks yes but for killers it's probably the smartest move to get someone out of the game fast. As for camping, patrolling the hook when you suspect someone is around is perfectly fine and nobody should be put down for it, So many people scream 'camping killer!!' when in fact they themselves are the one getting ready for the save and the killer knows it.

    End Game both patrolling the hook and tunneling become fair game to me, There's no way a killer should leave the hook to go watch survivors at the exit gates while the other person is saved. There's just no reason to leave.

    Face camping is one thing that is just plain stupid and takes the fun out of the game.

  • IFeelFantastic
    IFeelFantastic Member Posts: 72
    edited April 2019

    I realized today, as I was playing Freddy and enjoying every second of it, that I am a great Killer. I'm what a killer Should Be. I casually enjoy the experience of gliding around looking for prey. I chase, I strike, I hunt, and I even hook the occasional unfortunate soul when it's appropriate to do so. My main job, though, I know, is to show those survivors a good time. The Killer is, ironically, the ultimate pawn. The Killer is there to surprise. To provide jump-scares and genuine excitement and dread. Sure, I might sacrifice a survivor here or there--I can't be denied that great pleasure completely--but I mainly let the vermin escape and claim their +5000 bloodpoints. After realizing how I play, survivors tend to start having real fun, toying with me to bump up our CHASE and ESCAPE bloodpoint meters. And I toy with them by putting them in the dying state, carrying them to some godawful forsaken corner of the map far, far away from either exit, and then letting the others come in for the rescue.

    It's a beautiful relationship we have.

    Everyone survives (mostly). Everyone earns a bunch of cheddar. Everyone is happy... even me. For I am a benevolent killer. My real power comes in being cooler than that guy who gets a blunt thrill from playing to win.

    So I don't sacrifice folks. Big deal. I have such great fun playing the cat and mouse game as the cat.

    Run, little mouse. Run run.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @IFeelFantastic I agree. It is not for everyone, but I see my role as killer as the "entertainment". I make the player shout, scream, squeal or otherwise get lost in the game. It is why we play, to get away from the norm and have fun. I don't expect every killer to agree, nor play that way.

    You may have put into words the reason so many get frustrated with camp/tunnel to death. It takes away that experience and turns it into a toxic experience. When I play survivor, I am not looking to survive. I'm looking for a "oh Chit" moment where the killer surprised me or made a move I did not anticipate and hit me. When I die, I do so laughing with friends at how silly I sounded, or at the situation. It was fun.

    I sometimes lose that mentality after several toxic matches as either survivor or killer. Thanks for the post/reminder.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    That isn't how i roll, give them a second chance as i hate it when it happens to me, hooked, tunnelled....downed etc, i still have a 3/4 hook.

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    I love these virtue signalling threads. Are you also a vegan?

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    What was the original win condition as the devs created the game?

    What was their intended way of playing the game?

    I understand that games, especially online games alter, evolve and change over time, but I am still curious. It's always interesting to see how a game has evolved.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I'm more interested in knowing what they feel is the current win condition, if I may be honest. Not sure how I feel when a win in the context of this game is referred to as a "nebulous thing".

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    Yeah that they seem to have no idea what a win is is ridiculous, right?

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    They've said for quite some time 2 kills 2 escapes is a standard but as was stated for some if they don't 4k it's broken.

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220
    edited April 2019

    Me, personally? I'm in it for the kills. Blood Points are only important so far as i need them to get better perk options and maintain my addons, and after a point you have a Killer P3 with all perks and so many addons and offerings that points no longer matter, and you can focus on doing what you came to do: Kill survivors. That's my challenge and my fun; as many kills as i can manage before the end of the game. What that means is no, i am not going to just let you go if you unhook in front of my face or i find you again while you're still injured.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @Peanits If your playing for kills, camping is the dumbest thing you can do. You get one or two kills vs halfway decent survivors. Pressuring the map and keeping fresh hooks going keeps them off gens and gets more kills.

    Whether you want to admit it or not, people that camp from the first hook on are typically just trying to be toxic. They want to ruin other people's gameplay. They don't care about kills, blood points, pips, etc. They just want to be toxic. Easily 99% of non-new killers I've faced who camp from the start are just trying to get you going. The end game chat proves it too. They are begging for "salt". Don't give it to them and they will get pretty nasty, or just leave in disappointment.

    Camping certain hooks is situationally useful. Swarming, open gates, etc is when it makes sense.

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220

    @Warlock_2020 This has not been my experience at all. At all ranks from 20 to 1, across these many years, against solos and SWF's, ordinary people and coordinated streamer-led SWAT teams, survivors have consistently abandoned logic to rush a hook and save every single person at any and all costs and sometimes they get away with it, but usually i end up getting more kills and more points besides when they fail to secure the save.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @BigBlackMori We have very differing experiences. What I've seen most of is people just do gens and leave. Unfortunately, the new ranking system promotes rushing back after the hook, feeding campers because if you don't get chase/altruism you don't pip. Pretty sad.

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220

    It was that way long before the pip system changed. Survivors have always been thirsty for an unhook, and contrary to what Survivors and bad Killers would have you believe there are more ways to monitor a hook and control an area than just standing there staring at it.

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    That would be the balance point, not a win condition.

  • Meme
    Meme Member Posts: 275

    Great another survivor main post complaining about tunneling and camping. Killer mains have to deal with much more BS you know?

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
  • Anzi130
    Anzi130 Member Posts: 51

    Not at all.. its not about being vurtuous.. to me it just makes no sense. Its not fun for anyone (i’d assume) and you barely get any points..

    @Warlock_2020 I agree completely.. it does Seem that Way at times.

  • Anzi130
    Anzi130 Member Posts: 51
    edited April 2019

    @Meme - Actually i’m not complaining. I even wrote in my post that i understand its a viable strategy. I am simply asking how/why anyone thinks its a FUN strategy? Its merely a question/discussion on that.. i am not denying that there are toxic survivors out there who makes killers miserable or that genrush is one of the biggest problems in the game (in my view)

    Oh and BTW.. if you had read my entire post you would have seen that i play almost 50/50 killer and survivor :)

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220
    edited April 2019

    There you go, assuming everyone enjoys the same things as you. How many thousands of times will this thread be made? For some, winning is what matters no matter what so long as they aren't cheating. And as i've also often said, there is a great deal of skill in successfully and effectively using a baited hook to lure in and catch more victims. If the game was intended to be nonstop chases and nothing but, then they wouldn't have bothered with a chase-stopping mechanic like hooks. It'd just be 'x hits then you go down and die'

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    Oh totally, this thread for sure isn't a humblebrag

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited April 2019

    " there is a great deal of skill in successfully and effectively using a baited hook to lure in and catch more victims"

    I'm sorry but what? There is no skill in this. It's luck that people fall for it. Good survivors aren't stupid to fall for obvious bait. If you see a good survivor going for a save on a camped hook it's because they want points and nothing else. They don't care if they get caught usually.

    Camping in DBD takes about as much skill as camping in a shooter. ZERO. Literally anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together can sit in some corner of the map waiting for someone to walk by and pop them. Just as anyone can put someone on a hook and walk around the hook waiting for someone else to show up. There's no skill involved here, just dumb luck.

  • Anzi130
    Anzi130 Member Posts: 51

    @BigBlackMori - I realize that people like different things, which is why i started the discussion in the first place.. i am curious how others find it

  • Anzi130
    Anzi130 Member Posts: 51

    @CaptainCastle - you are free to see it as that if you want, but it is certaintly not the intent of the thread as there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ Way to play the game, unless you go deliberately use cheats or hacks

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220

    According to survivors being on the same side of the map as a hook is camping. And its been working for me for years now, so forgive me if i don't believe a word of what you're saying. You seem to think Killer players are braindead AI-controlled bots who can't put two and two together and figure out that no gens are being done so the survivors are probably going for the unhook. Thats your failure.