Perma unlocked perks slots

Reunlocking everything after prestiging is a chore so i thought of an idea that makes killers and survivors more playable after prestiging "perma-unlock perk slots" heres how it would work after prestige 1 your second perk slot would stay open, after prestige 2 the 3rd would stay open, and at prestige 3 obviously the last would stay open. May not seem to much to some people but would help playability any comments or revisions? 


  • xcottonx
    xcottonx Member Posts: 33

    For what we need a buff for prestige in such a wise?

  • Aaronhill1202
    Aaronhill1202 Member Posts: 29
    Its not buffing prestige in any way @xcottonx its simply adding to reward of prestige because bloody outfits are cool but not worth by itself and the increase for better items isnt really noticable till p3 so this would just help characters be usable quicker after each prestige. (Not really a buff) just a nice addition.