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Suggestions for a new Mori system

Hillbilly420 Member Posts: 844
edited June 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

Since they're looking for ways to implement Mori's without requiring offerings I thought I'd give my two cents:

Simple solution: make Devour Hope a base mechanic. It promotes leaving the hook, can be countered by hook rushing which still benefits the Killer which means they're going to be right there chasing either person(s). Seems like a win/win.

Another idea: Rage.

My idea how Rage would work: Killers have a rage meter. Hooks and totems being broken adds to the rage. Dropping a pallet on a Killer adds to the Rage. Side note: stunning a Killer with a pallet CONSIDERABLY adds to the rage meter and the same applies to breaking lit totems. Completing gens and exit gates adds to the Rage. Once the Rage has built up enough the Killer can now kill a downed Survivor. This would promote throwing pallets down earlier to curtail looping and more consolidated efforts when it comes to breaking totems and hooks.


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I like the idea of the Rage mechanic, but I'd go one step further and say that any "harmful interaction" directed at the Killer should immediately allow for a kill. By "harmful interaction", I mean pallet stuns and flashlight blinds. I'd include Decisive Strike, but it's being changed, so that seems overkill.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    While that would be hilarious, I don't think you can accurately "measure" teabagging.

  • jiyeonlee
    jiyeonlee Member Posts: 211

    @Hillbilly420 said:
    Since they're looking for ways to implement Mori's without requiring offerings I thought I'd give my two cents:

    Simple solution: make Devour Hope a base mechanic. It promotes leaving the hook, can be countered by hook rushing which still benefits the Killer which means they're going to be right there chasing either person(s). Seems like a win/win.

    Another idea: Rage.

    My idea how Rage would work: Killers have a rage meter. Hooks and totems being broken adds to the rage. Dropping a pallet on a Killer adds to the Rage. Side note: stunning a Killer with a pallet CONSIDERABLY adds to the rage meter and the same applies to breaking lit totems. Completing gens and exit gates adds to the Rage. Once the Rage has built up enough the Killer can now kill a downed Survivor. This would promote throwing pallets down earlier to curtail looping and more consolidated efforts when it comes to breaking totems and hooks.

    this is stupid

    unconsistency for survivors and mori for free is very trash thought

    unlike hope, this can fill from anything? than ill equip enduring and always push at pallet

    no psychological but gain profit from it

    idea like this needs one answer

    "git gud"

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @jiyeonlee said:

    @Hillbilly420 said:
    Since they're looking for ways to implement Mori's without requiring offerings I thought I'd give my two cents:

    Simple solution: make Devour Hope a base mechanic. It promotes leaving the hook, can be countered by hook rushing which still benefits the Killer which means they're going to be right there chasing either person(s). Seems like a win/win.

    Another idea: Rage.

    My idea how Rage would work: Killers have a rage meter. Hooks and totems being broken adds to the rage. Dropping a pallet on a Killer adds to the Rage. Side note: stunning a Killer with a pallet CONSIDERABLY adds to the rage meter and the same applies to breaking lit totems. Completing gens and exit gates adds to the Rage. Once the Rage has built up enough the Killer can now kill a downed Survivor. This would promote throwing pallets down earlier to curtail looping and more consolidated efforts when it comes to breaking totems and hooks.

    this is stupid

    unconsistency for survivors and mori for free is very trash thought

    unlike hope, this can fill from anything? than ill equip enduring and always push at pallet

    no psychological but gain profit from it

    idea like this needs one answer

    "git gud"

    Pallet stun is still a pallet stun. If the Survivor uses it properly, they can escape.

  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    Ds fills rage immediately... that would be great 
  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    @jiyeonlee is a survivor main so he won't like any of this I have seen some of his discussions 
  • HermanTheDoctor
    HermanTheDoctor Member Posts: 212

    i think it's good like it is

  • Ferazel
    Ferazel Member Posts: 17
    I fully support removing more of the randomness that the survivors/killers can’t plan for. I feel brand new part and moris being the biggest offenders due to the dramatic impact they have on balance. I like the the idea of bringing the mori into the main game mechanic. Not only for balance reasons but also for cosmetic reasons! However, let’s make it rare and promote good gameplay while we’re at it.

    How about if the killer gets all survivors to the struggle state before sacrificing one, the entity grows disappointed and grants a Mori to the killer. I also feel like this promotes lack of camping, lack of tunneling, and more importantly allow the killer to use the mori as a show-off potential (style points). I always felt the killer should have UI that tells them how many hooks each survivor has left. This would be a way to do that. 
  • dbd900bach
    dbd900bach Member Posts: 679
    Well maybe an offensive action decreases the rage meter Such as hooking a survivor or downing them. This would discourage people to loop killers the entire game, allowing killers to give more map pressure or I dunno. 

    It's pretty late over here.
  • M2Fream
    M2Fream Member Posts: 288
    I like the idea of rage and all, but I feel we could do better. I have a similer idea, 'Lust' which is like rage, but is only gained by hooking survivors. 3 hooks gives you enough lust to kill a dying survivor who has been hooked, and 5 hooks gives you enough lust to kill a dying survivor who has not been hooked. This idea would be more fair to survivors because the power of the killers mori ability would be a direct measure of how well the killer is doing.


    Yet another similer meter type mechanic called adeptness. This is gained by succesfully using the killers ability. It would be gained in the following ways:
    Trapping survivors in bear traps
    Hitting players with hatchets
    Wraith surprise attacks
    Pulling survivors in the dream world
    Succesfull stalking
    Successfull blink attacks
    Succsesfull ambush attacks and RBT kills
    Succesful phantasm trap teleport hits
    Successfull intoxication
    Succesfull chainsaw hits

    After the bar has been filled the whole way a survivor can be killed without special circumstances. At 3/4 of the bar, a survivor who has been downed atleast one other time may be killed. At 1/2 bar, a survivor who has been hooked one time may be killed. At 1/4 bar, a survivor who has been hooked 2 times may be killed.

    This idea is my favorite because it promotes and rewards skillfull killer plays instead of M1 chases.
  • Ferazel
    Ferazel Member Posts: 17

    I think a lot of people are missing the impact that a mori has on the game. You are forcibly removing a survivor from the game. The idea is not to embed an ebony mori into every game. The point is to introduce a gameplay mechanic that allows for a Mori in the game without an offering and allow the players to play around it better.

  • NotBiasedAtAll
    NotBiasedAtAll Member Posts: 50
    edited July 2018

    I like the "You can mori someone who's been to the struggle phase/hooked twice" idea. The entity drains its hope from the survivors being on the hook, and allows you to finish him or her off as reward. I see no issue with this system at the moment.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    @Hillbilly420 said:
    I've seen someone make a good suggestion: if Survivor's have been hooked twice and you down them for the third time you're allowed to Mori them. That would be fun. It would promote leaving the hook and it would save Killer's some much-needed time.

    this is a good idea. if they are down for the third time they are dead anyway so at least youg et to mori them.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    I like the meter ideas.. The devs should test out the ideas. the mori after being hooked 2x is plain, boring and old.. if they implement the mori after survivors have been hooked twice... killers would just want the offering back because you can mori after 1 hook.. the rage meter does seem brain dead and players would be abusing it... though I like the idea of after gens are complete, if the killer has a hex and totems are cleansed a meter builds up, add in actual skill use of after using the killers abilities (successful uses) the meter builds up more.. this encourages more fun play and doesn't break the game. I do feel that if having the trade off (risk/reward) for DS would be perfect! if the survivor uses DS on the killer it allows the killer to mori the DS user... throw in extra blood points and leave how the perk works as is (meaning let the survivor get off the shoulder)

    Devs please test!

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Hillbilly420 said:
    Since they're looking for ways to implement Mori's without requiring offerings I thought I'd give my two cents:

    Simple solution: make Devour Hope a base mechanic. It promotes leaving the hook, can be countered by hook rushing which still benefits the Killer which means they're going to be right there chasing either person(s). Seems like a win/win.

    Another idea: Rage.

    My idea how Rage would work: Killers have a rage meter. Hooks and totems being broken adds to the rage. Dropping a pallet on a Killer adds to the Rage. Side note: stunning a Killer with a pallet CONSIDERABLY adds to the rage meter and the same applies to breaking lit totems. Completing gens and exit gates adds to the Rage. Once the Rage has built up enough the Killer can now kill a downed Survivor. This would promote throwing pallets down earlier to curtail looping and more consolidated efforts when it comes to breaking totems and hooks.

    A base mechanic that spawns a hex or a base mechanic that functions without the totem?
    If it only works with a hex, then it will be useless because it will be cleansed instantly, especially if everyone knows that there is a devour totem somewhere

    If it would be functioning as a perk, then survivors would cry about it being OP and would prevent it from being implemented

    I like the rage idea, however "dropping a pallet on a killer" woudl mean the survivor dropps a pallet while being in chase?
    Also I would like to see rage added if the killer breaks a pallet