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General Discussions

How Can One Person Have So Much Hatred?

Member Posts: 9
edited April 2019 in General Discussions

Just a simple game, three other people and I against a Plague on Myers' map. No SWF, nothing.

Then suddenly I go down at the end of the game and the killer starts hardcore spazzing out and nodding and hitting the girl on the hook. Then picks me up, hooks me, and does the same and the game is over. Just a "lol ok" from me- Whatever. Then proceeds to say this in chat;

Killer; GG EZ

(me ignoring the toxicity); Sorry Feng <3 Ggz

Killer; absolutely degenerate names kill yourselves, faggots


Um? Did he think we were SWF? To my knowledge, no one was being toxic or anything... And I sure as hell know I wasn't, he downed me fairly easy as well. So I was really freaking confused and said "geez", trying to decipher this guy's attitude, but left it at that I guess. Good sportsmanship much?

Reported him for the bullying and the insults. Didn't do him wrong in any way. I thought to myself, "kill 'em with kindness right?"

So right after, I left a final "Ggz" on his profile, nothing else. No "-rep", no rudeness, nothing. I don't get down that way. I join another game and quit DBD in favor of doing some work. I see a notification, he comments on his profile in response to my "Ggz" as you can see in the picture.

(guy); dont you comment on my profile ever again you disgusting ****** go suck your boyfriends********on stream

Then proceeds to block me.


Sorry I couldn't get a screenshot of my Ggz before I deleted it, but that's literally all I put. I deleted the Ggz I put so he wouldn't burst a vein from me being an active comment on his profile, but God. So uncalled for.

The entire time I'm just seriously confused as to why he was being so... toxic? Rude? Just a straight up piehole? Idk. Is this the right place to put this at? Did I know him from somewhere? Most certainly not. He mentioned "stream" but idk if he meant Twitch or Steam*. I have a Twitch account, but I haven't streamed at all.

Idk, and sorry if this isn't the right forum. I at least reported him, so I hope he gets banned for this. This isn't cool, at all. No one did a single thing wrong to him, he didn't make a comment on anybody's playing style, nothing. Just insulted all the players, then insulted me. Um? I don't know what crawled in him and died but again this is seriously not cool!

Post edited by YummyGothDaddy on

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  • Member Posts: 474


  • Member Posts: 531

    You can't do this. It's name-shaming and it's against the rules of the forum, if you wish to report him manually you've gotta do it trought a ticket.

    Even tho this guy deserves to be name-shamed to hell and beyond.

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    It's best to PM a mod and send them the info direct if you wish to share it @Peanits may be able to help.

    This person does need dealt with but all you will do is get yourself banned for naming and shaming as it's agaisnt the rules.

  • Member Posts: 474
  • Member Posts: 9

    Okay thanks! Didn't know this was still name-shaming.

    Will share with Mods/Devs.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Just make sure you remove those images quickly as it will get you banned as well.

  • Member Posts: 9

    I crossed out the names but left the screenshots, is that okay? Or do they still need to be removed?

  • Member Posts: 536

    You shouldn't care about those type of salty killers maybe they are dissatisfied with their live and show this to other People lol

  • Member Posts: 9

    Nah I don't really care, but I think he needs to be banned if he's gonna be this way towards people. What a horrible way of thinking...

  • Member Posts: 1,532

    This became an issue when it was discovered that the DBD community is quite vicious so if someone does something they shouldn’t, it’s an angry mob that shows up to gang up on the guy.

    In in a way it’s kinda beautiful how defensive the community is of its own players. Too bad we always fight like siblings lmao.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    That guy is a very kind and loving person but there are way worssse people in the world sadly.

  • Member Posts: 312

    Why even give the guy any more time or thought? Just ignore and move on. Some people are just nuts.

  • Member Posts: 2,161

    Sorry someone treated you like that. :/ As others said, just report him. There's been an increase of these types as of recently and it's kinda sickening.

  • Member Posts: 3,142
    edited April 2019

    I have match chat between the two opposing teams permanently closed. I do the same in Overwatch, too. I see very little point in using it in any PvP game. I honestly can't fathom why anyone would willingly keep it open. PvP games breed toxicity and always have.

    I never get the toxicity, because I disable the only way it can be given. At least on PC platform.

    But yeah, you need to send all that to Behavior. That player will likely get a perma-ban.

  • Member Posts: 531

    Any case where you're mentioning someone for having done something negative it's name-shaming here. That's the rule even thought I don't completely agree with it.

  • Member Posts: 1,154

    Wow, that's crazy! Absolutely disgusting behaviour of that Killer main and I feel ashamed as a Killer main myself. I'm really sorry that you had to go through this horrible experience. People insulting others and telling them to kill themselves, that's inacceptable and should result in a ban.

    Unfortunately, this happens a lot in Dead By Daylight and I'm not sure how strict they are with the bans. I've reported hundreds of players for insulting me and wishing me cancer and other nasty stuff.

    I really hope they got what they deserved but I highly doubt it, otherwise we'd see them crying here in the forum.

    Always make sure to report them ingame, that'll send the chat log to the devs so they can take care of it.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    I like how you censored your own name on the scoreboard.

  • Member Posts: 713

    >that'll send the chat log to the devs so they can take care of it.

    Really? How do you know? Is this accurate information that chat logs are actually saved?

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    Report them via a ticket, too, if you have their profile link, including the stuff posted on your profile.

    No one deserves abuse like this for playing a game, and BHVR is more than willing to take out the trash.

    Sorry this has happened to you, but it's a pretty common occurrence in this game.

  • Member Posts: 2,320

    One good thing to do aswell... If no one mentioned it is...

    Don't got onto people profiles to make negative comments just cause you either lost, or got insulted in the end game chat.

  • Member Posts: 1,131
    edited April 2019

    Damn so much hate...

    Maybe he saw the "ggz" on his profile as a joke to bm him cuz he obviously remembered you?

  • Member Posts: 194

    Just report them and move on.

    People like to think it's just the other side being toxic. It's not killers or survivors, it's the player behind the screen. You done nothing wrong so do your best to ignore the insults and just report them. Or if you find it difficult to ignore you can close the end-game chat so you don't see it, much easier to ignore that way.

  • Member Posts: 9

    My feelings aren't hurt at all though? lol

    I have played other games for a very long time people are sick for no reason

    I'm well aware thanks

  • Member Posts: 9

    And you know for the most part I did ignore it. I just said whatever and kinda laughed about it because I felt better as a person knowing I wasn't like him and I'm not gonna let that get to me. I kinda did ignore it, I didn't send him anything extra, just wanted to share what happened including proof with the community and the Mods/Devs; and I successfully did so.

  • Member Posts: 647

    If you report someone for something like this, you have not been on the internet long enough. Have been called way worse things off of a video game and know that they can't touch me in reality in any way shape or form. This person will never change the way they act online. If you are super disgusted from what they say I would advise you to stay away from post match.

  • Member Posts: 62

    I swear people like this are the result of us no longer spanking our kids. Daddy should have pulled the belt on the person on more than one occasion.

    This type of behavior is just straight up disgusting.

  • Member Posts: 62

    @Zanfer Reporting people like this and hopefully getting them banned helps stop other people from dealing with these poor excuses of human beings.

  • Member Posts: 647

    Banning this person will not help. There are many people from around the internet that will jump into this game especially if the game is for free. There is a never ending wave of people who don't care about what they say online. Reporting these people will help sensitive people feel safe on a game, but does it real solve any problem? In the end it doesn't.

  • Member Posts: 62

    @Zanfer Its one less person to deal with at least.

  • Member Posts: 647

    Not exactly. If the person loves the game so much they will do anything to get back on the game. You can make a new account, have a vpn, use a proxy, live in a new house with a new wifi, use console if banned on pc. Ochido is a prime example of this and people always figure out ways on how to get around a ban. I have never been banned, but there are many people who love this game that would do anything to get back on it.

  • Member Posts: 3,278

    There is no point in carrying offense to this, he wants to you to feel bad and will carry his childish ways, report him and just move to a different match, it's upsetting to have some killer play such a negative role and make us other killers who love to play killer look like horrible people. You'll get either good and genuinely fun people to play with, I made many close friends through this game, or the worst people imaginable who hide behind their screen and all. Some don't care and will just move on which isn't a bad thing, but ignore it and don't let it get you down.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Report and ignore. This helps to purge the toxicity.

  • Member Posts: 9

    Oh God... I've been on the Internet for a very long time, but I'm taking the opportunity to report him directly to the moderators because I know that if this can get direct attention then he can be taken down. I've been called way worse too, and all I do is just report them and ignore it for the first part. Most of the time, I don't even think to report them. But It's not like I went back and started trashing him or anything, after everything happened I never spoke to him again.

    I'm not a baby it's not like I'm in shock whenever someone says that type of thing. When it happens time and time again, you eventually get used to it. This is the internet, its honestly strange for anyone to expect better for people, but it's also good to be optimistic too.

    I don't think some of you guys understand that this literally did nothing to me lol I don't feel any way about what he said, but I think that what he said deserves for him to be banned.

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  • Member Posts: 2,055
    edited April 2019

    Has a name it

    "iTs NaMe AnD sHaMe"

    Could show a friendly conversation and the police would still arrive.

    Besides that, trash person. I heard the shorter the person the more hatred they instill.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    Some people are just jerks. As far as why a person gets to be this way there are many possibilities, but none are worth wasting your time thinking about. You can't fix a person. Just report and move on with your life.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    I've been playing online games since 1999 with Everquest, The Realm, etc. Behavior is much worse than those days. Mostly adults playing back then. So many kids, or kids who grew up with the anonymity of a monitor and no concern due to no authority holding them responsible for their actions. Thus you get toxic players who don't understand a single ounce of decorum, sportsmanship, or even humanity for that matter.

  • Member Posts: 63

    OMG.._ I remember playing Evercrack. Seeing Traaaaaaiiiiiiiinnnnnnn come up in chat n half the "zone" saying ######### as they high tail it out right quick. O r the train just rolls yer arse over cuz there was no warning. Ahh memories lol! CAMP CHECK!

  • Member Posts: 814
    edited April 2019

    Well you only seen game from your perspective. Low points suggests you were gen jockey and game was genrushed so you didnt interact with killer too much. Maybe they were bming constantly, mby not. Maybe 3 of them were swf maybe not. Facts are: swf makes survivor ridiculously easy and ranting in post game chat achieves nothing, for both sides really. This guy was mad and doesnt seem like person i would ever want to interact with.

    Qeustion is, why you commented on his profile when he was clearly very angry? Such comments after frustrating game do sound like mockery generating even more salt from such people. Next time just say gg in chat (or nothing) and leave it be. Unless getting into salt ######### show is your goal.

  • Member Posts: 713

    How cruel is the punishment for insulting? If chat logs are kept, one case goes enough for the aggressor to be punished? I think need to punish them more cruelly, it would help to clear the community of toxicity, it is largely due to a sense of impunity.

    Recently, i was insulted by two people on a national feature, seeing from which country i was on a profile in a steam. I took screenshots and sent an appeal to tech support, they wrote to me that an investigation was launched and they took action. But how did it end? I would like to know the result, were they banned for it at least for a while? This would help to understand whether there is any sense at all to spend time on reports or they are useless. Some people openly laugh at the threat of the report, say they did it so many times and them had nothing for it.

  • Member Posts: 9

    Usually they result in a ban that requires you to either make a new account or they get hardware banned...

    People laugh at the threat of being reported since there's that period where everyone in the dbd community came to the conclusion that dbd doesn't look at the reports they get.

    Like when I used to play Roblox, when people get threatened with getting reported, people say "haha wont do anything lol" because people came to the conclusions that Roblox doesn't ban people from their report logs so...

    In my case, I'm pretty sure he's gonna get a definite ban, especially since he is apparently no stranger to being reported before. So he's probably a repeating offender.

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