Killer is No Longer Fun
Hello all,
I started playing DBD with 2 friends about 3 weeks ago; they both play survivor so I spent my first few days as survivor. I remember first seeing the killer and the red light and thinking 'holy hell' and running like crazy. I legitimately feared the killer. Eventually, I wanted to feel powerful and start chasing people down so I switched to killer. It was fun for about 2 weeks, then it started to get stressful. I realized I do not control the game: the survivors do, I'm not powerful, and they don't fear me. Now survivors run straight up to the KILLER and flick their flashlight or crouch up and down.
It doesn't make sense. The killer should be funneling and bullying survivors, the survivors should not be funneling and bullying survivors.
A few things as a new player with a fresh perspective:
1) Bloodlust is Trash
Many killers have to deal with loopers, only a few killers can get around them, that means for the majority of your play time as a killer, you are chasing people. Bloodlust takes forever to kick in, disappears the millisecond you lose visual sight of a survivor (which is very often, as they are looping around sight blockers) and takes forever to start back up again. A good survivor can loop you for minutes, especially if they know all the pallet locations, and you can do absolutely nothing about it (except a few killers).
2) Flashlights w/ SWF are broken
When you have 4 people on voicecomms who can constantly communicate not only where you are, but when you're about to be pic someone up, and can stand on opposing sides with flashlights to force a drop, it is incredibly frustrating.
3) Survivors Control The Game
The game is essentially a race against time, and as a killer, every action every second counts. Survivors, especially a 4 SWF, completely control the pace of the game. They can force you to camp a near-done generator, they can force you to camp a hook with 1 survivor while 2 others repair gens, they totally dictate the pace and play of the game.
4) Survivor Add-Ons Are Better Than Killer Add-Ons
Not only do survivors get better add-ons, they get 4 times as many of them.
5) Coordinated perk teams dominate a killer
Adrenaline rushes, safe unhook hits leading to no downs, when survivors coordinate their perks with each other you can hit the same survivor 3 times in a row and still have them escape. I am sure better players can think of better examples.
6) Totem Placement Is Completely Random
Sometimes a survivor can spawn right on-top of your hex totem, sometimes they may never find it. This can be easily remedied by creating a distance algorithm, just like you have for survivors spawning X meters from killer. Cleansing should also require skill checks.
7) Looping Can Get Ridiculous
When you are up against a survivor who knows every pallet location and all the good spots to loop, you can chase them for minutes and never catch them (minus a few killers).
8) Some Maps Totally Suck For Some Killers
Don't force killers to play maps that completely negate their ability
9) Survivors often get as many or more more points than you do
In about half my games, a singular survivor will get more points than I do, even though I got 3k. This is compounded by how often survivors DC when you down them, denying you tons of hook/sac points. Despite the fact I am the one running around frustated and stressed; I earn no more.
10) The overall experience is stressful and frustrating
Lets do this for 5 minutes: hold W, sometimes A/D, run forward 15 seconds, hit space, run forward 15 seconds, hit space, run forward 20 seconds, hit space, run forward 10 seconds, hit space, run around in circle for 30 seconds, jump through window, run around in same circle for 20 seconds, jump through window, bloodlust kicks in, survivor turns corner, lose bloodlust. How is this fun?
I watched the full 40 minute video of cotes getting a 0k 3 times in a row then saying say he doesn't care about killers and killers who find the game frustrating or stressful should play civilization IV for a week, so I suppose that is what I will do. I am highly discouraged. I was hoping as I got better and better perks some of these problems would be minimized, but they haven't been.
The better I get at the game, and the more knowledge I have of the game, the more resentful I get at how many issues are easily fixable but totally ignored.
Does anyone else feel the same way?
Thanks all!
Yes only trapper still satisfying we got one trapped
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"I started playing DBD with 2 friends about 3 weeks ago"
and you expect to be stomping everyone you come across? Learn how to counter loops and mind game and you will be a lot better. A place to start is stop following survivors through windows and don't run clockwise around T-walls (and some other loops). If you're still new, you have a lot to learn and shouldn't be beating survivors who are decent at the game. Learn from your mistakes, try and improve your style of play, and maybe watch good killers and see what they do to counter survivor play. It's possible, you just need to figure it out like every other quality killer did before they were good.
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"and you expect to be stomping everyone you come across?" @Vexon
No. I expect the experience to be fun, not frustrating. Fun is not a binary conditional of losing/wining.
" you just need to figure it out like every other quality killer did before they were good."
Every quality Killer I see says the same thing, especially truet4lent.
I suggest you watch this video:
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Every quality Killer I see says the same thing, especially truet4lent.
I suggest you watch this video:
That is a compilation of the top killers you recommend I watch, and all of them say killer is frustrating and stressful. @Vexon
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It is fun if you know how to play killer properly. My advice to you is again, maybe watch some youtube videos or streams of good killers and see what they do in certain situations. You can learn a lot from them.
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I totally agree with you. Play for the killer has become impossible. Try to play for the survivors.
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I have been. For hours on end. And they all say the same thing: Killer is frustrating and no longer fun.
A compilation of all the top killers in the game saying exactly those words is right here:
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I have seen that video, and it's pretty dated. A lot of issues do still remain in dead by daylight, I agree, but that video is definitely dated. Also if you really know tru3talent, he usually does get 4k's. He plays against the top survivor ranks, and the majority of the time he still wins. Of course there are some insane survivors out there, but none of which you have even come close to coming across if you've only been playing 3 weeks. You can beat those survivors. Mind games are a very large part of beating good survivors. Learn how to do it.
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@Vexon You are confusing 4ks as 'having fun' and 0ks as 'not having fun'.
I have gotten many 4ks, were they fun? Some of them. Were they stressful and frustrating? Most of them.
I have gotten some 0ks, were they fun? Some of them. Were they stressful and frustrating? Most of them.
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If you don't feel like you achieved anything by getting a 4k then maybe killer isn't for you. I'm with the other dude try survivor. As you play more you may enjoy killer more, but maybe since you're still new, killer isn't the best choice since you definitely will get bullied from time to time (especially since you're new)
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@Vexon You should try killer more. From reading your posts, you seem to be exclusively survivor.
Also you are assuming because I am a new player, I am a bad player. that is not true. I am rank 12 as killer. Your whole argument is faulty as you tie enjoyment directly to outcome (Win/loss) and assume I find it unenjoyable because you think I am trash. Enjoyment first comes from experience, not outcome.
And you act as if I've never played survivor, about 1/3 of my playtime is survivor.
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I am a survivor main, but don't let that confuse you. I have every killer rank 50, and 3 of them (billy, nurse, trapper) are prestige 1 and lvl 50.
I enjoy playing killer as much as i enjoy survivor. both are full of mind games and both are very satisfying if you read the other person correctly. I never said because you're new that you're bad, but having lack of experience in this game will definitely screw you over more times than not, since there are so many perks and jungle gym patterns you need to learn how to play against. It has nothing to do with your ability to be skilled, but experience is massive in this game. Rank also means nothing in this game, especially at the moment. Enjoyment in this game should be correlated with outsmarting your opponent in my opinion, which is pretty much all you do in this game.
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can i say "in this game" more JEEZ
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Ok, I could use your help then.
I just got cannibal and am trying to get him to 30 for BBQ and Chili.
I am playing a 4man SWF where they all know every single pallet location and looping location.
I am able to find 3 of them at a generator, I lunge hit 1, damage the generator, and begin chasing him. For about 1 minute he loops me around a jungle gym dropping pallets. His exhaustion is up, he uses sprint burst and makes it to another jungle gym with fresh pallets. What should I do from here? 3-4 generators left. This is typical game scenario.
reminder: the whole time I'm chasing him, his friends know it, and are slamming down generators / healing anyone injured
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you dont necessarily need BBQ and chili also, i've never used it.
if you find 3 people on one gen, dont chase the one with sprint burst, you could probably use your chainsaw to down at least one if they are in a deadzone or caught in a bad spot. if they all have sprint burst, go to the one in the worst part of the map (areas with no windows or pallets, or edges of the map). only damage a generator if its pretty far into being repaired, otherwise youre wasting valuable time kicking that when you could be tailing someone right off the gen. sometimes avoiding kicking the gen can be better even if its close to being finished, its all situational. this is what im talking about with playtime and hours of experience. youll know when to kick a gen and when not to.
if he makes it to another jungle gym, you need to figure out if he knows how to loop properly, and if not, you can punish him for it. mind games are also really important if they dont have line of site on you. you can hide the red stain by looking away from a wall before going around a corner and they won't know where you are until its to late, and you may be able to get a lunge or even a chainsaw. if they know you respect pallets, they will run you around a single pallet until bloodlust 3 kicks in and theyre forced to drop it. its important to switch your playstyle up and remain unpredictable. sometimes respect pallets, sometimes dont. revving your chainsaw up if you think theyre about to drop a pallet may save you just enough time to break it as they drop it and then catch up to them faster, or if they call your bluff they can keep running through and theyve just earned another loop from you respecting the pallet. theres literally so many way this can go down.
you say theres 3-4 gens left, assuming this guy knows how to run, maybe drop the chase and go for someone who doesn't seem to be as good. try and catch someone in the open. and if you find yourself at the killer shack, while the basement might be there, it may not be worth the chase if the survivor knows how to loop the shack properly because this wastes valuable time which you need to conserve every second of. the shack is the strongest part of any map in the game for survivors, and i recommend not chasing anyone around it unless A. they are really bad and you can tell, or B. you are comfortable enough as killer to really get a good mindgame going around it...which is very difficult to pull off if the survivor is decent at the game. if someone throws down the God pallet (pallet in the killer shack) thats a victory for you. Most people would rather die than throw it down, and if you get someone to do it, youve won that killer shack battle and have made it 50% less safe than it originally was. never respect that pallet as its worth getting stunned over to remove it from the trial.
i hope this helped, if you have any other questions id be happy to answer. i apologize for the td;dr, but there are plenty of scenarios that can play out here (i didnt even cover half of them im sure), which is again why im saying playtime and experience goes a long way, and 3 weeks is just not enough time to learn everything you need to learn to be good at this game, for anyone.
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@MystiKasT forgot to tag you
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@Vexon "if you find 3 people on one gen, dont chase the one with sprint burst"
How do I know which survivor has sprint burst?
Also, nearly all survivors I play can loop properly. Going after the ones that 'can't loop properly' is near impossible. I won't know until I've already started chasing, and very few don't know how to loop, it is very easy after all (only took me about 2 hours in a practice game with my friend as killer to nail it). The hardest part is memorizing pallet locations.
I do like the not always kicking gen advice. I usually only kick it if I know there won't be other survivors near it to stop the degradation, but I will exercise more thought in the future regarding gen kicking. Thank you!
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you will know who has sprint burst because they will bolt out of there like the road runner and you're wil'e coyote. youll see them gain an obvious amount of speed the moment they decide to run. if the others dont do that, they dont have sprint burst and are probably running something like dead hard, lithe, or balanced landing which won't do them any good in that specific spot right by the gen.
saying all survivors you play can loop properly is just not true, because i know rank 12 and its definitely not "nearly all", but assuming they do, just dont respect a pallet. if theyre pallet looping you then you man up and you run right through it, if they dont drop it when they should have, you get a free hit and maybe even a chainsaw. it's all about calling your opponents bluff, for survivor and killer. if they do, big whoop you got stunned, break the pallet (unless its not a safe pallet) and continue chasing. looping can be easy, but those mind games are what buy you more time rather than just running around a pallet and dropping it the moment you think the killer has a chance to swing on you. time which is valuable for survivors and the killer. every little thing adds up and you want to save yourself as much time as possible for both parties involved.
memorizing pallet locations isn't everything, and a lot of the time they don't spawn in the same spot every time. the best thing to do (at least what i do) is run from jungle gym to jungle gym and try to use the least amount of pallets possible by using window loops and mindgames. saying pallet looping is easy may be true for someone who knows how to do it properly, but youll be surprised at the amount of people claim they know how to do it but only get in one or two loops and then drop the pallet every time. like i said mind games are what buy you extra time. you can also use pallets you find in between or around jungle gyms and try not to use every pallet you come across as you dont want to leave deadzones in certain areas of the map. if you use a pallet, the best thing to do is run passed the next one or two if possible and then use one again, you dont want to use every pallet in one corner of the map. coming from a survivor standpoint at least. i dunno why i changed to survivor tips in the middle of that. moving on.
and yea gen kicking at the right time is important. also, if you remember where pallets have been used and broken, trying to lead a survivor into those areas of the map will be beneficial because theyll have nothing to work with and it will only be a matter of time before you down them. remember, not everyone knows where pallets have been used, only the person who has used them. lets see what else....what perks do you use right now? perks go a long way especially when you are playing better survivors.
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Also early game you might just get a lot of pallets thrown in your face and sacrifice a gen or two, but that comes at a cost for survivors. if you see some idiot dropping every pallet they come across, tunnel them until they are hooked. they will wipe the map clean of pallets in no time and in late game, the survivors will have very little to work with. you will also get points for breaking pallets and chasing.
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You aren't correct in every point, but for having played only 3 weeks you seem to have a good basic understanding of the game.
If you want to have a chance against these very good coordinated SWF groups, Nurse is the only killer you can win with. On some maps you might have a chance with Billy, but that's it.
If you play a weak killer like Leatherface, you will only win if the survivors make big mistakes. That is the current state of the game.
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You've been only playing since 3 weeks ago. It's normal you don't know how to play at first.
Also, is the killer who gets more bloodpoints.
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Hey there, you said you were new to the game so let me assure you it gets a lot less stressful and more fun the better you get as killer.
1) Bloodlust is trash
Its trash because its unneccessary the vast majority of the time. You never rely on bloodlust to down people, its just sort of an added bonus you get sometimes on really, really bad setups, which there are few of. You should get it out of your head that bloodlust is even something you should play around.
2) Flashlights w/ SWF are broken
This is very frustrating for newer players but when you get better you eventually learn that the more flashlights the opposing team has, the easier game you'll have. More time spent chasing teammates with a flashlight = less time on gens = you win. You can also get free downs by baiting a fake pickup and downing the person who is coming for the flashlight save. I promise you, you'll learn to love Flashlights once you get good at killer (Unless you're Wraith or Hag)
3) Survivors Control The Game
With the exception of 1-2 maps, both killer and survivor have equal input the majority of the time. Just as they can pressure you to move somewhere, you can pressure them with smart hook placement, slugging, etc. Its absolutely a common misconception that survivors are the only ones in control and its an argument a lot of bad killers fall back on to justify their lack of skill. Try to be more open-minded about it.
4) Survivor Add-Ons Are Better Than Killer Add-Ons
I would very much like to see the addon that let's the Survivors instantly kill the killer from full health, or down them at range, or double the charge speed of a chainsaw. Both sides have very strong addons, and that doesn't even cover Moris.
5) Coordinated perk teams dominate a killer
Of course extreme coordination is strong. Why wouldn't it be? If you are getting "safe unhook hits leading to no downs" you should stop tunneling the person off the hook. This avoids i-frames from being unhooked, and it avoids borrowed time. Just hit the guy doing the unhooking.
7) Looping Can Get Ridiculous
With the exception of a few maps (Like those in the Farm realm), Killers and Survivors have equal input on loops. If they're running around a jungle gym, you can just as easily moonwalk a fake direction just as easily as they can predict that and just leave the loop entirely. Its completely 50-50 in the power department on most maps. The reason everyone hates Farm maps is because that mindgame doesn't exist as all of the tiles are transparent. For shorter loops with no possible mindgames, they only take 5-8 seconds to run around twice and force them to drop the pallet. Its barely any time.
8) Some Maps Totally Suck For Some Killers
This is 100% true and has been a complain since the game has come out.
9) Survivors often get as many or more more points than you do
If you are getting less points than the Survivors as killer you are doing something MASSIVELY wrong. Either camping or tunneling, but that is 100% on you. I lose games and still earn more than every survivor on the opposing team.
10) The overall experience is stressful and frustrating
Its only stressful and frustrating because you are getting bullied, which of course would feel bad. I promise you, when you get better it gets far less stressful and way more fun.
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Also I never fully read your original post so I will read it now and respond to each complaint in order.
1) Bloodlust is trash
bloodlust is actually pretty good, and i dont know how youre losing site long enough to lose your bloodlust, even around jungle gyms with big walls. this shouldnt be the case. also it really doesnt take that long to gain bloodlust, idk why youre saying this. you should only lose bloodlust when breaking a pallet, period.
2) Flashlights w/ SWF are broken
This is very untrue. Any decent killer who sees players join a game with flashlights should take a mental note to only pick up survivors while looking directly at a wall. if no wall is available, you can bait out flashlight survivors by pretending to pick someone up by standing over there body and delay it for about 1 second, and it should bait out any hiding survivor nearby with a flashlight and you can get a free hit to scare them off, or maybe even down them (especially as leatherface). As killer i actually look forward to survivors using flashlight since they waste precious time following their team member being chased instead of doing something useful such as doing a gen or looking for hex totems etc..
3) Survivors Control The Game
This can be true to a certain extent, but you also have a lot of power as well. If it's late game and things are looking grim for you, yes the survivors may have you wrapped around their finger like youre a wooden puppet. But if you keep the pressure on, if you have good map control, and you're constantly chasing and downing survivors, you control the full pace of them game. The survivors will need to heal, unhook, rescue slugged survivors, and still do gens on top of all of that if you keep the pressure on. This is why I believe camping a hook, or even hanging around a hook will actually come around and bite you in the ass later. The more time you spend around that one survivor, the more the survivors have freedom and will back away from you and do gens etc.. you need to always be on the move. Always.
4) Survivor addons are better than Killer addons
I dont know where this is coming from, I would like examples. I'd say it's 50/50 given plenty of killers have unlimited uses of an instadown addon (like clown, huntress, etc...) but survivors only have 1 use for an instaheal. granted the survivors should never need more than that because it would be overpowered as #########, but i think addons are pretty balanced. except franks mixtape on legion, anyone who uses franks mixtape should just die.
5) Coordinated perk teams dominate a killer
Adrenaline rushes, yea adrenaline is one of the best survivor perks out there. But it's also about even getting to late game. And with late game, survivors have less pallets and such to work with anyway. this is why in late game you do not want to injury multiple targets (even with thanataphobia), and maybe if youre having issues with adrenaline use NOED. As far as "safe unhook hits leading to no downs", youre talking about borrowed time, which in my opinion is my ultimate favorite perk as survivor. it can really save you if a killer is being a dickhead just proxy camping a hook. I am one of those people who say don't tunnel because I think its true. you have more map pressure if you dont tunnel one person because youre interrupting multiple survivors doing it. think about it, ones hooked, you find another one, and one more has to rescue. that means maximum there can only be one person doing a gen. if you hang around 1 hook, you have 2 people doing gens, 1 hooked, and 1 coming to the rescue. it bites you in the ass in the end, and you lose points hanging around a hook too long.
6) Totem placement is completely random
actually, totem placement isnt random. there are only certain areas they can spawn in, granted its a lot of areas, but survivors know the right spots to look for each totem spawn. most survivors actually look to see where the killer goes at the beginning of the trial to locate the hex totems. 90% of the time the killer will go directly toward their totem to make sure nobody is working on it at the beginning. once the killer leaves said area, survivors will then run immediately there to see if thats what he was doing. most of the time this is very effective. sometimes just leaving your hex totem alone might be the better way to go, but it is a gamble, as are most things in this game.
7)Looping can get ridiculous
this can be true, but every jungle gym whether it be T-walls, four walls, etc.. has a counter. a good rule of thumb is, if youre being looped around something involving a window, run counter clockwise and dont let the survivor change the direction back to clockwise (not killer shack tho). this is true for most jungle gyms with windows. clockwise and youll be there all day until entity blocks. this is also where mindgames come in. maps like coldwind farm you cant mindgame around walls since you can see through them because of the gaps in the wood. but other maps like macmillan, mindgames are huge. you need to learn when to hide your red stain, as well as pick up if a survivor is even looking for the fake or not. theres a big difference between someone who can run around 1 pallet and someone who can actually mindgame and put together complex loops in jungle gyms. looping around 1 pallet is easy, looping around jungle gyms correctly takes practice.
8) some maps totally suck for some killers
some maps totally suck for survivor too.
9) survivors often get as many or more points than you do
this is 100% not true, like at all. If this is the case for you consistently, you are genuinely doing something wrong as killer. People looking to get bloodpoints fast play killer for a reason.
10) the overall experience is stressful and frustrating
the overall game experience is very stressful for both survivor and killer when youre new, in my opinion. the game does not cater very well to newcomers since there is so much knowledge about gameplay you need to know to be "good" at the game. extremely good survivors will beat most extremely good killers (unless its nurse or huntress and sometimes billy), but really bad killers will steamroll really bad survivors, so theres that. the balance issue is the game design itself. idk how you would fix that whole issue. I do agree there are a lot of minimal issues that could be fixed, and when i say a lot i mean so much so that they have piled up into a big issue. but for me, i love playing the game as killer and survivor and i dont think ive ever been genuinely mad at the gameplay other than when i was new to the game. newcomers always cry until they figure out how the game works tbh. not saying youre crying or anything, just normally how it goes. and like you said yourself, maybe take a break and play civ 5 ;) LOL
in conclusion, i think you just need more hours in the game. theres much to learn. very much to learn. enjoy the tl;dr, this was prolly the longest post ive ever made so ######### me right lmao
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plz add TL;DR next time
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Hope I have been some help to you, again I can't give every tip in the entire game here but that's just my two cents. You are definitely new and definitely need to learn more if you want to stop these problems from happening to you, especially if the survivors are consistently getting more points than you on a regular basis. That's all there is to it. Practice practice practice and lots of time. The people who are really good at this game have anywhere ranging from like 800 hours to 4 thousand hours in the game so you have a long way to go before you will actually be "good" good. Granted some learn faster than others, but everyone thinks they are good when they first begin until they find out there's other levels of "good" in Dead By Daylight. I'm not claiming to be God himself at this game, but I do have over 1,000 hours and I do think I have a somewhat decent knowledge on the game. Again hope this helps @MystiKasT and you have yourself a wonderful rest of your night.
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oh dammit @ScottJund i didnt see your message and we basically just type the exact same ######### FML
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At what rank / how many hours do I have to get before I am taken seriously?
What about all the killers who aren't new, who are top tier, and have the same exact issues I do?
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@MystiKasT You could be the best DbD player in existence, with 10000 hours, and some people would still deny that your problems are inherent game issues. It's how the game got in trouble a while back and lobby times spiked, because killers quit in droves.
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It isn't that I don't take you seriously, it's that a newer player can't possibly have the correct knowledge about every little thing the game has to offer. The ignorance is there whether you like it or not, I'm not trying to sound rude. The game is very unforgiving for new players.
In regards to the "Top Tier" killers, a lot of the problems you speak of, they can't relate to. Only a select few of the problems you've listed actually apply to them. The problem again lies within the game design itself. When this game was originally released, there was no survive with friends. It was originally designed to be a solo queue, no communication survival game. They added in SWF later on, and ever since then the balance has been very iffy. How would you balance a game where a group of friends with plenty of experience can play together with communication and coordinate accordingly, and then the next game have a full game of solos with no communication whatsoever? There really isn't any solution in plain site for something like that.
There are other problems as well that have been addressed by your "Top Tier Killer" Youtubers and Streamers but a lot of them are not as easily fixed as they like to say they are. Granted, the Dev's haven't been the best they could be in terms of fixing problems in the game, and instead releasing DLC and other content for money instead which i find frustrating as well. But hey, the game is still fun, and for the most part it is pretty balanced. These SWF groups of insane survivors are black sheep; they're rare. They really are. Most games are pretty 50/50, especially around rank 12 which is all you can ask for. Rank 1 and rank 20 are where most of the problems lie in terms of balancing, not your rank. the rank 12's of the world are the most balanced games of all the ranks by far unless it's some previous rank 1 SWF group that hasn't played very much since the rank reset and are playing late in the month (or the opposite, with killer). Other than that it really is pretty balanced around that rank and that' a fact. I know you don't wanna hear it again, but you're just new to the game. 3 weeks is NOT enough time to learn everything about everything in this game. Anyone who disagrees with that is lying to themselves or they are new as well.
I gotta get some sleep though, we can continue this tomorrow my friend, good night :}
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@Vexon Especially with the current ranking system, there are a lot of good SWF groups in the green ranks.
@MystiKasT DbD is unbalanced but it is still a great game. Don't get frustrated. If you want to have a chance in killing all the survs every game, learn to play Nurse or Hillbilly. If that is not that important to you, have fun with whichever killer you like best. :)
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Assuming you meant to @ me (not that it does anything, just FYI, since I've disabled my notifications)...
The difference here is that survivor mains who try killer (I mean really try it; not the ones who stomp noobs at rank 21 for 5 minutes and pretend that's the average killer experience with experienced survivors) end up recognizing the balance issues and agreeing with those who say survivors are overpowered.
On the other hand, killer mains who switch to survivor main (again, those who really try it) are surprised by how absurdly easy it is.
Even just mathematically, the game is unbalanced.
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@Orion The thing is, you don't even have to play killer. A half-decent survivor can recognize the balance issues just by playing the survivor role. I wonder if some survivor mains truely believe that the game is balanced or if it is just some pretense.
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It's probably a combination of both. Some of them believe they're very good and only lose to "broken #########", while others just want to keep their bully simulator.
EDIT: Here's a real example. I was on Lery's and let a survivor go after wiping out their team. They went upstairs and I just stopped chasing them because I was bored of all the looping. The survivor was 100% sure that they'd actually juked me (even though I pointed out that I literally stopped chasing them when they went up the stairs) and that I was just bad.
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Honestly I’ll have to share my personal experience with playing killer, but first; if you get stressed/frustrated at any game often it can affect you mentally. The best option is to take a break to switch to survivor.
Or...try not to take it so seriously! Since we as humans are naturally competitive we tend to think that 4ks are the best! When in reality 2ks or 3ks are considered average. If you can get 2 kills I can assure you that you played good enough.
(1) Bloodlust is alright. It got a nerf a couple months ago so it could be that (decrease in speed if I remember?)
(2) Whenever I see 3 or 4mans with flashlights it is 100% a troll team. They will be very distracted often in their games trying to “bother you”, blind you, or body block the best thing to do is look away immediately as you can.
(3) Time is everything in this game, so yes I have to agree with you on that. Sometimes chasing one person or even just finding people in the beginning of the match and a gen has already been done. Very stressful sometimes.
(4) Survivor main and I have to disagree with that. I play killer occasionally and the insta downs, exhaustion add ons, etc are probably the best. It depends which killer you play.
(5) Killers should be ready and understand what will be coming at them. Survivors are trying their best to escape, and survive so of course they have the most meta, crutch perks ever. DS is destroyed and now MoM is what takes its place without a counter.
(6) I hate the totem placements for my hexes lol.
(7) If you loop, or even chase a survivor for way too long you will end up losing a lot of time and other survivors will be doing gens since you are distracted. Giving up chases is the best option if you weren’t able to catch that one survivor after too long.
(8) Some maps also suck for survivors. It’s 50/50 for both sides. That’s just my opinion!
(9) (Run BBQ!!) Killers earn a lot more than survivors. Survivors BPs are all divided because it’s not a solo job, but there are 3 other people as well. The most I’ve ever gotten was at least 32k without farming and that was the most I’ve gotten ever.
If your games drag out for too long, survivors escaping often, opening chests, cleansing totems, saving teammates, just a bit of everything they will get more BPs.
(10) Killer is indeed stressful at times but it’s only stressful if you take it too seriously. I play for the meme of it or just for fun nowadays. A 3K is enough for me. I just want the end game to be resolved properly!!
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Honestly my advice I just meme! For example I role play! I pretend I’m on duty (like a security guard) patrolling for hooligans (survivors) trying to mess with my things (fix gens) and if I catch one I put them on time out (hook them) and if they die on hook they’re kicked off the property!
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This is exactly why playing survivor is boring. Its just easy. This will however not change, because mojority of player base are 'survivor mains' who think that they are entitled to survive just because they are called survivors. Devs don't want to upset majority. Honestly its stiil better than it used to be: pallet vacuum, exhaustion, Decisive strike.
But its still not scary, unless its 1 million hours Billy/Nurse main, killer is not intimidating at all. Hatch standoffs and free tbagging kill the rest of immersion there was in game. Escaping is not achievement, and does not feel rewarding.
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My god, is it me or are new players way faster learners than we were?
It took me 3 weeks to figure out how to hit a skillcheck (I didn't notice the ping).
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I didn't notice the audio ping until my 3rd day or so! With so many sounds going on, I had no idea it was even a thing! funny when you think about it ^_^
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Okay @MystiKasT I'm more than happy to help you get better at killer I'll just need to know a few things.
These being:
- What killer you plan on "maining" or playing most
- Any maps you have trouble with
- What perks you have available
I know you have a Trapper avatar but a good number of people on the forum have avatars for characters that they don't play so I refuse to jump to conclusions on that alone.
Without any information the best I can give you is this video:
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The only strong addons that survivors has are insta-heals, not counting the keys, cause they're items.
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"Git gud" is the best advise you will get here.
Some survivors fear me. They fear that they could be the next survivor I tunnel and camp if I get to catch them after I have done that to one of their friends. They descend into madness when I block the entrance to the basement with Wraith so they can't save the hooked victim I have there. I destroy their hope when I get to drop the last one next to the hatch only to brutally mori them right there.
As you can see, you can feel powerfull as a killer. Just remember this is not a single player game, you won't win them all.
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i recommend you watch some good streammers that knows how to play a killer ive seen alot of them that can get 4k
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Right now the game tells you that a 4k lacks any real achievement if it happens fast enough. Hence why I just started playing survivor after years of killer.
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At first I thought this was a troll post.. then I seen all the novels.. and decided... I don't have an hour to catch up on this one.
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Welcome in dbd wher killer is for troling by the survs .And forget you got power as killer mayby only when you bring one surv to basment and you got insidius as leatherface and camp near by the basment.
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Know the feel. I've been playing killer preferably (survivor aswell, with friends) and it's no fun anymore. At least if you play M1 killers, and I always liked to play some of them (esp. Trapper, Myers).
Not gonna lie, I've never been a A+++ Killer, but I guess I know the basic stuff (cutting short loops, hiding stain on pallets, timing M1 or your power in general, baiting DH etc pp). I always played around Rank 1-8 as killer, depending how much time I had on my hand.
But with the long queues lately, DC-Mania, new perks and matchmaking system, I'm fed up.
Not only do you not get full lobbies in a good part of your games because someone failed to load the game, with the new system, people DC about every little crap. Because it's 3v1, because it's this and that map or killer, because they were found first, because their breakfast wasn't good, whatever.
And if you should get a game with 4 people, chances are you will get survs that are way out of your league, be it above or below. I won't even start about the new MM at this point.
Thing is, before all that #########, I've had a pretty good mix of games. Sometimes I got 4k, most of the times 2 or 3 kills, but also games with 1 or no sacrifice at all. And that was fine.
But lately, I do consistently get a max of 1 kill at best if I don't play Billy or Huntress. Maybe I'm just a boosted killer and have to git gut? Maybe the MM is broken because as green/purple killer I get consistently matched with the new and improved sweaty red rank survivors? Or both? That is to say, I don't camp hooks, I don't tunnel the unhooked and I don't chase attention wh*res with their flashlights. Maybe not playing like a sh*thead is the problem.
Bottom line for me is, the game isn't fun for me anymore when I'm forced to play certain killers if I want to get around 24k points (which has never been a problem before). And on top of that, at the moment, you don't WANT to rank up anymore, because it takes a lot longer to get a full lobby and the survivors become even harder to play against, so you don't even really want to get all kills. Just take a look at the streamers who purposely disconnect from games they played so they don't have to rank up...
So, finally at this moment I see myself at a point where I have to make a decision. Do I
- start camping/tunneling/play shittier in general in order to be able to keep up with the survs
- train Nurse like a mother****er for the same reason even though I hate her
- only play survivor (which has become boring as f*ck lately)
- take a shorter or longer break from DbD in general?
Tendencies go towards point 4. Both sides have become unfun lately, but the killer role particularly, which I always liked most.
Too bad..
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