Holding game hostage (both sides) and other old issues related. Fix propositions.

HazeHound Member Posts: 814
edited April 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

I personally see a big problem that its possible to hold game hostage, either by refusing to leave or just blocking survivors in corners or basement. I also really dislike hatch standoffs and possibililty of bming without consequences. I do believe i found fair solutions to most of those issues, but they turned out to be mostly in favor of killers. Why? Because i do believe that surving and escaping in game that is supposed to bo horror experience should feel like an achievement. It is not the case currently unless its god tier killer like TheEntityLeftHand for example. All those things kill whats left of horrorish immersion in this game.

Hatch standoffs: There are multiple possible solutions.

1. Last survivor with 3 crows becomes killable (Myers tombstone style). In my opinion its the best. If both killer and survivor find hatch at the same time they will do stand off. If survivor just waits in front of a killer like a braindead brat he dies (as it should be from horror perspective). Survivor now needs to keep moving withing some range of the hatch, and even tho its possible to stay withing range that hit will result in free escaping and not getting a single crow... its not that easy and constantly moving creates room for both sides to do mistakes. Survivor got to far, resulting in free hit or killer misjudging distance resulting in free jump into the hatch. It would be actually exciting instead of who outafks who.

2. Hatch enter animation extended to 3/4 seconds. Results are simple, killer has enough time to grab survivor after a hit.

3. Hatch is closeable by killers. Once closed it can be opened (like a chest for example) and then jumped in as separate actions. When killer starts closing animation survivor can't jump in or interact with it at all untill killer finishes animation.

Every solution removes infinite hatch stand off and promotes doing gens when killer camps or finding hatch if killer patrols. 2-3 are killer insta win while 1 is still somewhat of a standoff but there is big room for mistakes for both sides. Why are all killer sided? Lets be honest, killers should be scary and if there is standoff happening survivors either fooked up completely as a whole, or this one was just greedy refusing going through gate.

Bming at gate. In my opinion it should not be possible as it is now. Doing it on pallets and windows is ok, if survivor is confident enough that he can afford loosing time then fine. But gate? I would like to see this: if survivor stays withing gate area for 15 seconds (same area which reveals survivors with bloodwarden) while killer is at most 24m away results in Entity blocking gate only for this survivor until survivor goes 32m away from this gate.

I think its very fair, because only people who actively bm get punished. You made it barely to the gate in last dramatic chase or just got here while killer is away? Fine, just go, you earned it. Oh you preffer to stay? Very well, enjoy.

Holding game hostage. Well it is kinda tricky. Survivors sometimes just have hard time doing objective when killer is patroling. I propose this: if at least one gate is opened and no chase, hit, hex totem break occurs for 5 minutes killer may leave without loosing points and beeing judged on already earned emblems. Now blocking in basement. If crow tombstone mori is implemented then there should be a specification that it can only happen in basement when hatch is withing 16m of basement itself. Now: if killer stays withing basement stairs for 5 minutes and survivors inside are last survivors in trial they may leave without loosing points and emblems, but not getting escape bonus. Also if last survivor in game and killer are directly touching (body block) but not moving for 5 minutes survivor might leave with same result. Why 5 minutes? Because sometimes its strategic move to hold someone (pig trap beeing one example) but longer than 5 mins is just beeing an icehole.


  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131


  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    This could be solved by adding a timer to the endgame once the exits are powered. Give them 3mins to open the gates and leave or go through the hatch. If they don't get out in this amount of time and they could have then that is their loss. It also stops killers from excessive game extension through bleed out.

  • p1ague
    p1ague Member Posts: 101

    And if they don't leave in that time *because they couldn't* that is still their loss, just undeserved. I agree 5 minutes with no one moving at all is excessive, but 3 minutes regardless of what anyone was doing in that time swings too far the other way.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited April 2019

    @ReikoMori I get where are you coming from, but i had rare ocassions of looping killers for minutes at the end, I don't think that survivors who actively try to escape should be penalized in any way.

    I agree with @p1ague on this one.