New Pip System is ridiculous

Straight to the point: The new pip system is FUBAR! I had games with 3 kills where I barely(!) black pipped and 2 kills where I depipped with only 4 points. It's not my fault if in some games survivors can't put up a fight!
I was rank 12 when the new system arrived and now I am 14 scraping on 15 because I didn't pip even when I clearly dominated the game!
Just to support what I am saying: Had another game like that just now.
"2% Survivor found"??? At 3 kills, I am only awarded 2%? 17% Survivors hit? What else am I to do, let them escape and catch them again just so I get the % to pip? The game is basically telling me, "You did what you needed to win, but that's not what I expect you to do. No cookie for you."
Post edited by Milkymalk on7 -
This new pipping system is bull sh it. im on PS4 and on the 4 communities that have over 50k players each in them 90% of the demands are kyf. no one is playing ranked anymore because Behavior royally ######### everyone. survivors AND killers with this new pipping system.
There are not enough resources for survivors to all Pip up. its no longer a fun experience to simple run from the killer or save someone. Now you HAVE to fight your fellow survivors to gain just a little bit which imo mutilates this game. I went back to playing Friday the 13th instead, at least that game has a lot more fair mechanics. ######### dbd for now
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I had an idea for a new system in wich the emblems don't have a maximum you can't pass. Let me explain, let's say you need to repair 2,5 gens for an iridescent (4 points in the current state). Maybe make a system that give you more point the more you do. If you do 4 gens, you get more point than the actual iridescent emblem (maybe something like 6 points). Same for the chase, if you manage to loop the killer for the whole duration but you haven't done any gens then you still can pip because you receive more points thzn the iridescent. The killer, he can get points the same way before the gatekeeper rework, you gain points for each gens still unfinished. Of course some emblems don't have the potential to be illimited like the sacrifice one or the gen repair but it would allow everybody to have a better chance to pip if they all play well. And with that system, we can keep the actual one that need you to have more points to pip the higher rank you are. Sorry if my english is a little broken.
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I have been waiting on a patch since a week ago. Since then I have been on a DC protest when I don't like the game as I get a chance to play. Been playing other games. Thank goodness I didn't drop 20 on the DLC I was thinking about.
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Try to play as surv. If you see a level 1..3 surv he/she must be the dev
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play legion, force player to mend, hook some, easy pip
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I'm just gonna quit playing until they change this system again Either go back to the previous one or find a better one. Killer isnt that hard if you just play with your prey. But as a survivor you have to fight with others for resources, thats if the killer doesnt tunnel you the whole time.
Basically, unless playing this game is your fulltime job, you wont level up again because there's no time.
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Im not sure how many games ive had where the team fixed all the gens within 4 mins, then we just had to go back and ######### around for 10 mins getting chased by the killer and risk dying and getting camped, just so we dont lose a pip. And i dont know how many times ive died doing that bc the killer had NOED. Fix yo ######### homies
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Trapper's power is pretty counter-productive to the chaser emblem requirements. If a survivor steps on a trap on their own, you're missing out on a chase. If you pull them out of the trap, you're now missing two chases. In one extreme case I had an entire team put themselves into the dying state outside of chases simultaneously. The one guy I did "chase" was on Borrowed Time and ran off to a corner of the map before falling over. On top of that I lost a rank of devout because nobody was available to unhook each other.
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The problem with the pip system is that support dc. If a surv see you camping, slugging or tunneling, he can dc so you depip, because he/she will depip anyway. That's why there are so many dc
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I agree.
I don't get how it's ok to be punished for either side playing really well or survivors rage-quitting.
If a survivor rages on hook #1 and goes into struggle to sacrifice you lose 2 hook options. But you have no control as a killer to prevent players from doing that. It also sucks to lose 2 hooks if the final survivor caught hadn't been hooked yet. That is usually the case in my 4K games since the final survivor usually played the best and was hard to catch.
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I was in rank 6 or 7 and LOL I'm now rank 9~10, it's impossible to pip up. They don't understand that no one liked this new rank system.
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The new emblem system just wrecked my motivation. I just stopped playing.
I think there should be at least something earned by achieving your goals (escaping or killing 3-4).
Anyway good for those who ranted "It's too ez to rank up for me!!!🤣🤣" another noob has left the game.
And now the top players are disconnecting to smurf and crying "I can't find games!!😭😭😭"
That's what they asked for by making it harder to pip. They deserve it.
Devs just listened to their "community" and "fixed" the game for those guys.
Pretty good job indeed.
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Did you camp and tunnel or something?
I only ask because Legacy Trapper, Rank 15 and only 16k points earned seems low af.
How long did that game last?
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totally, I completely lost the motivation to play these days cause of this new system, I have practically all the characters with a full set of perks and add ons, the only goal in the game was ranking up, but now is absurdly unfair, hope they change that, it's SO MUCH frustrating. TT
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I think the system is somewhat well balanced for killers (except for specific ones who tend to not chase/end chases quickly, such as Trapper or Hag)
But for Survs it's legit a mess. Just watch any high rank youtuber who plays well and still has to struggle to not depip. I was watching a video by Tru3 the other day and he sums it up pretty well. As the killer, all the requirements kinda complement each other, and in order to play a regular game you'll have to stall gens, injure and kill survivors and get into chases. As a surv, it's excruciatingly hard to get heals and unhooks + do two gens solo + get chased for a long time and still escape. You have to play sub optimally to do that, and it's a problem.
Survivors need more ways to get objective points imo. This game is in dire need of more objectives.
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literally this
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Ranking/pipping for killer is a mess!! Its too stressful for killers to care anymore; even by seeing the tweak for survivors with the new update it strikes upset that killers were not included.
People believe ranking for killer is easy, well its not. The people that say that are in the low ranks and not red. The amount you have to do to remain rank 1 is such a chore and penalises you for doing good. I just am losing a lot of faith in this game and come in a few days time when rank reset happens, well...I believe crap will hit the fan all over this forum.
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I totally agree the new ranking system is worse for survivors.
But me personally as a killer main the killer emblems is really bad not only in actual balance but the emotion when you get black or even d-pip when you get a 3 kill or more as a killer.
Like you walk out with a nice 4K feeling good and the game says "NO!! You Freaking Suck Noob !! PIP LOST!!!".
I think their should be like a guaranteed pip or a black pip when escaped as a survivor and killed 3-4 as a killer. Those are the whole objectives on each side or am I wrong?
No matter if you done your objective still being considered a failure doesn't feel fair at all.
The whole issue that I think as a killer is that the new system forces you a certain play style or even stops you playing certain killers like Trapper or Hag (as you pointed out) if you really wanted to "win".
In the current system it is way too severe like insta down killers real struggle to pip in red ranks cause their ability flaws the chaser emblem.
Even if the rank did not mean anything pips showing you if you won or lost or tied was still the motivation. at least for me.
Now it just seems how well you "properly" played the game and that's really not fun at all.
Punishments and rewards of play style should be payed in the form of BP or IS or something else IMO.
For Pros who really don't want noobs in their games I think their should be a additional rank where you do not drop till the rank reset over rank 1 with a high threshold to enter (like earn 10 pips in rank 1 without droping to rank2 or something? IDK).
Making this imbalance casual easy to play(compare to FG, FPS, MOBA etc.) PVP to reflect skills doesn't sound like a great idea at all to me. Cause I assume everyone knows the story with the real hardcore skill-based asymmetrical PvP game called Death Garden.
Anyway good for all survivors that the Devs finally started to get in the right direction and fixed your system even slightly but man it just sucks to be a killer.
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It is easy, you are just bad or you are playing Trapper/ Pig/ Leatherface
Play Legion, don't tunnel anyne, don't use moonwalk, you will get a pip easily even without killing 1 survivor, it's a fact
other killers like Billy, Nurse etc, if you are good killer you would have no issue pipping, the new system is hard for survivors, but not killers. if you are having trouble as killer you are a BAD killer
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Thats your problem, you played Trapper, who is one of the weakest killer in game that the devs refused to buff his base kits, its the same with Freddy, if you play those its very hard to pip. Also you killed them way too fast, meaning you dont have enough chase emblem
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You go around picking traps = Reduce Emblem Points = Depip
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And survivors go "We always face the same killers over and over! it's no fun!!"
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As you can see, I have -4% for proximity to hooked survs, so no, not really camping. I got looped a few times around the shack with someone on the hook next to it and two or three times someone ran from me straight to that hook. The Dwight on it was unhooked, ran for the window and stepped in my trap. This happened two times, after it was that exact trap that caught him in the first place and each time I re-set it in his plain sight. Dwight stuff.
The map was Red Forest, though I don't remember exactly which one as I can't tell them apart. It was the one with the shack in one far corner. I can't say the game was especially long or short.
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Yes. That's exactly what you should do. The fact that you have bronze in chaser tells me that you probably camped most of this match and some people probably died on their first hook because you didn't allow them to be saved.
It's really not that hard to get kills in this game. I play killer with no hex ruin and get 3ks in at least 70% of my matches. Killer is easy as hell right now
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Two points of evidence that I didn't camp:
- If you camp, your deduction from the Chaser score is much higher than 4%, and more importantly:
- Look at the aftergame chat. Nobody calls me a camper even though at least one of then stuck around - meaning he is probably in SWF with the last surviving player.
The fact that I have bronze in Chaser only shows that they stepped in my traps over and over.
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I don't really WANT to rank up, but look at it this way: Having a good match (or even a bad match) feels better if the game tells you "You did well". Imagine playing a game where you walk around, collect stuff and kill enemies, until you reach the exit to the next level. You did everything you could to leave nothing behind. Then you reach the exit and the tally screen says:
Enemies killed: 34/100 - D
Credits collected: 278/1000 - D
Secrets found: 6/20 - D
Time: 12:44 mins - D
Total: Rank D
The game itself basically tells you that you failed, or at best have a mediocre score.
Well you COULD stay in the level for hours and keep looking until you found absolutely everything. But in DBD, you are not alone. Four players actively work against you and you can't take your sweet time to farm up your score. But you have to intentionally prolong the game, to play worse than you can, in order to have a chance that the game tells you that you did well.
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Don't repair that not broken! Who actually asked for harder rank system? It's really frustrating, when you hook survivor, and he commit suicide! How should i hook them 9 times, if no one coming to rescue them? And i'm not even camping! I just can't progress because of opponent's inactivity! This is so wrong! Why should killer have penalty for things he doesn't control?
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Same thing happened to me. This game has become a joke!
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So many Necromancers surprising they all unlocked the secret Necromancer killer already.
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The ranking system was a horrible mistake from Day 1.
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I agree, for both killers and survivors the new system is trash
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This is actually a joke. Its somehow worse than the previous one.
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The pipping system is an absolute joke. You can do everything right but gatekeeper screws you over because you can't control that without certain perks!
Not to mention adept achievements based off of double pipping. At rank 3 it's much worse than what you've got right now.
Pipping should be based on the points you earn in game, if we even keep the pipping system. That way you can keep track of your progress and know if you did well.