Just going to DC

If you camp me I’m DCing, if you tunnel me the entire game and ignoring everyone else that u run past I’m DCing. I really don’t care. If you’re gonna prevent me from playing the game and earning points etc then I see 0 reason for me to stay in the game. Sorry for the other 3 but I’m not giving the killer the points for the kill. I know they get quitter points but oh well. This game is Garbo anyway so who cares. “Oh you get points for being chased” I literally don’t care it’s literally not even worth the small amount of points you get.
I did the same thing for a time. But there comes a time you realise that exactly these killers does not care either.
Atm when i get tunneled i give the trial lowest possible rating in the endscreen, but i guess this feature is not beeing used at all^^
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An example of why this game sucks is people DCing just because. It’s a vicious circle.
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I’m not DCing just because. I’m DCing because I’m literally not able to play the game. Getting camped. Cool all those gens I didn’t get to do. All those players I got to unhook. Getting tunneled? Wow all those gens I got to do all those players I got to save. Wow all those points. Nah sorry I’m not getting points for the match then I’m not staying in it.
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Uh huh... go play something offline then?
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Nah I shouldn’t have to stop playing a game because a killer wants to be toxic. Sorry but nah that’s not how that works
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When I play as the Spirit. If I get a quick hook, I stand as close to them as I can get, looking into their face for several seconds, then spirit walk away. It's a great way to make the first survivor think I am a camper. Sometimes you get a quick DC of it.
Best to punish campers and help your team by refusing to DC.
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Who’s more toxic... the killer trying to achieve one of their goals or you for negating the other 3 survivors a chance at winning?
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@ThatOneGuy Camping and tunneling is not toxic, its a tactic, if done properly, can lead to a 4k, that is like saying that decisive strike is toxic
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"Holding M1 on gens is boring!"
"OMG! He won't stop chasing me so I can do gens!"
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This game is garbage you say, but you still play it?
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I leave when survivors spawn on my totem or unhook seconds after I go somewhere
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I agree with those who say they could care less about ranking,In fact I have not been one to make massive BPs any way as my builds are usually stealth builds and the good BP boosters are so rare on the low tier bonus add-ons anyway so I too save up what few 100% bonuses I get and second someones comment on the load screen of death it crashes or takes forever and i get DC'd or have to restart DBD to move on and wow I still lose my offerings with nothing at all to gain but frustration and disappointment , I also agree that half or most of the team getting wiped in the 1st 3-4 minutes and usually everyone gets bent over and dead so early on is why DC;s are becoming the current trend and play style. Would be nice to have a good ,fun ,match that lasted as long or longer than the load and lobby wait times ,!!!!Quote from another post and addendum , those who proclaim others are whiners and complainers and F'ing up the game by DC'ing are precisely the reasons we do say F it and DC the game is supposed to be fun and entertaining not quick and pointless correct yourself before you blame others for not catering to your ego's and corrupted ways of playing for as many fast kills as your bloated ego's can allow get real its not supposed to be about how many how fast can i clear this trial with toxic death tactics. maybe you need to go to team fortress or some lame ego blower game like that think about it, Trials should last as long or longer than the lobbies and load screens nothing less .
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And this whole thread right here is exactly why survivors AREN'T OP , you could be doing great and one or two of your team mates decide it's not worth playing anymore because they tried to pick on the killer and it backfired or whatever reason and then they DC and leave the other survivors pretty much ######### with a slim to no chance of escaping almost guaranteed to be a hatch game at that point.
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Indeed. That’s the point.
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Please continue to play like that even after dedicated servers go live. I encourage it. With the harsher ban system coming after they go live, we'll finally be rid of DC'ing players like you.
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You should try out a game from the Sid Meier's Civilization series. Heard it's meant to be a pretty good set of games.
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DC is fun!
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If you’re getting camped the killer loses out on points because your teammates could be working on gens and getting them done while he wastes precious time looking at your lovely face on that hook. Sometimes they realize it isn’t worth it to camp and will leave you alone and maybe someone could rescue you.
By staying in game you would actually be helping to deprive the killer their points whereas disconnecting? All you’re doing is giving the killer 3 free easy kills, because those survivors, who did not viciously camp you? They still have to complete 5 gens.
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Thing about this game is you never know what is going to happen. I have escaped many times when it seemed all hope was lost.
Every time you disconnect you are making a killer smile and making his job a hell of a lot easier.
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I love how you think d/cing is sticking it to the killer when in reality killers love it because it means they get a kill on everyone else stress free. You even acknowledge that it gives them quitter points, ahahahah.
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You do realize that if a killer is camping or tunnelling, it means they want a survivor dead as quickly as possible. Your disconnecting actually makes it even faster for them than camping or tunnelling. Honestly, all you're doing is rewarding and encouraging the behavior you despise while screwing over the survivors and breaking the ToS.
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Good for you. Keep disconecting, it makes things easier. My objective is to not let any survivor escape alive, I don't care about rank. It would be nice to have more bloodpoints for the quitter bonus though.
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DC. Because you say you cant earn points. Then say chase points arent worth it. DC for 0, costs 3 people a game and REWARDS the killer fo YOU quitting a game.
Maybe just dont play? Seems like you dont care for the game, as unfortunate as it is you get camped or tunneled, that's the game. If you dont enjoy it, just dont play. No need to ruin everyone elses game by queuing up for what you know you'll DC.
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Killers that camp and tunnel that hard don't actually care about getting points. They're just there to kill people. You DC'ing does nothing to them.
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@Gorgonia most killers who hardcore tunnel and camp don't care about game goals, they are just being toxic. It is a real ######### play style that means nobody is going to pip in this current system.
That's the problem now. If you are a survivor and face a camping/tunneling killer, you can't just do gens and leave. If you do, you will likely depip. You need the interaction with the killer and altruistic deeds. The game is really messed up right now.
Killers depend on non-cry baby survivors who don't DC the first time they are downed, and survivors depend on a good killer who actu9plays the game and pressures the field. Completely insane.
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I really have zero sympathy for fellow survivors who announce they will disconnect because the killer is doing what they are supposed to do. Don't like camping and tunnelling? Well to a degree i sympathise, but they are actual intended mechanics, just as flashlights, looping, body blocking, gen rushing, swf, and the like are frustrating (for a killer) but intended mechanics.
Don't get me wrong, i find camping boring, but if I'm on a hook while being camped, i'll stay alive and do the wavey am dance to alert my team to do gens. Getting tunnelled? I'll do my best to string it out so again, my team has a bit more uninterrupted time to do gens.
I can sympathise with a genuine complaint such as against exploits and hacking, but attempting to punish the killer and your own team because you don't like a LEGITIMATE (albeit frustrating) play style....its once again people issuing made up rules as to what is 'appropriate' game play and its ridiculous.
Don't get me wrong, you are at perfect liberty to do as you wish in your own game if you don't find it fun, but from a personal perspective, I'd rather just take a bad game on the chin and learn from it rather than rage quit.
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Everyone who complains about tunneling is absolutely bad at playing survivor. Learn to juke, learn to loop, learn to combine meta perks. Git gud and you won't complain about tunneling anymore
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you DC = i get a sacrifice in a very short time without losing a hook
please continue your DCing streak.
i dont really care.
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run DS, MoM, an exhaustion perk (lithe is my favorite), bring an insta heal too. If you show the killer you're tough to catch, and heal in their face, many give up. This build can punish tunnelers hard even if you aren't the best looper.
Keeping a killer occupied for as long as possible is the most skillful thing a survivor can do, even if the points/pips fail to reflect it.
The trick is not to DC against tunnelers, the trick is to make tunnelers DC by being really, really hard to catch.
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The only times I ever dc is when the comnection is so bad that I cant even run in a straight line. I imagine other teammates have it the same as they just stand there and not attempt anything.
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Its the button mashing struggling phase that makes it inesxcusably annoying.
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The OP is actually the best stereotype and example for the pointless DC epidemic we currently have. DCing for no reason because you think the earth only rotates around you. Thus it's clear you don't wanna play the game, at least not by the rules, so simply play another and rather offline game or just stop playing video games.
Survivors have plenty of perks/tools against tunnelling and camping now and they still complain. Fkin hilarious. This game is not supposed to give you free points and wins every match, so dying and losing is always part of the experience. As long as those snowflakes don't understand that i think it's hopeless.
Btw, don't only blame survivors for that DC attitude, there are also enough killers who DC because they get no kills, no 4K or for whatever pointless reason.
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Maybe you should stop playing since you obviously hate the game so much, maybe try Civilization?
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entitled survivors expecring to play the game.
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Quit crying about someone utilizing the game mechanics offered to them. Not everyone is going to play your way.
Not only is DC'ing a pathetic attempt to "get back" at someone, but really you're just sacrificing all your points and making it easier for the killer. Way to pull one over on them lmao.
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it has nothing to do with retaliation. it means i have better things to do with my time. talk about "playground rules".
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Clearly not, if you'd rather DC than be sacrificed. You just lost all of the points you earned throughout that match. Sounds more like a waste of time to me.
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DS and the killer can’t tunnel. :) put on DH or SB with it.
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Then go do those things. Dont queue up and DC just because you dont like how it's going. Simply dont play.
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i got tunneled to death by a wraith last night while using mettle of man and dead hard. yes, i am that sick of tunneling that i used both. a very long chase but he never relented, nor did the 3 randies do more than one gen.
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being an adult, means thinking for myself. thanks though.
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Being an adult also means not being an ######### and throwing 4 other peoples game out the window because "you want to think for yourself".
That's just being childishly selfish.
Being an adult would mean you either sit for the time, or know it will be bad and dont queue up.
Thanks though hon. <3
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the process begins with the killer. they want to be a bad word....there are consequences.
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i will never change and i doubt you will either. enjoy.
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You mean they want to play the game as it has been given to them.
And you want to blame them? Not the survivors who "DC because it's a waste of my time"?
Your bias is showing.
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yes, expecting survivors to endure whatever malarkey is thrown at them is unbiased. far be it from a killer to not tolerate 4 aspiring noob3's.
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@pungent_stench then learn how to lose the killer.