General Discussions

General Discussions

Offerings: Make Your Own!

Member Posts: 8,243
edited April 2019 in General Discussions


-Make sure that your offering is not already existing in the game and don't copy other's ideas! If you wanna improve someone's offering, make sure to give credit where it's due!

-Vote up/awesome offering(s) ideas that you like and who ever has the most will be featured in my thread!

-Have fun and go CRAZY!


Greasy Oil Wrag:

Calls upon the Entity to slightly increase the distance between generators.

"This wrag once belonged to someone..."


Withered Planks:

Call upon the Entity to slightly increase the distance between pallets.

"This plank seemed like it was once apart of something..."

The quotes are optional 🙂



Common = (C), Uncommon = (UC), Rare = (R), Very Rare = (VR), Ultra Rare = (UR)

Killer Offerings:

Broken Crystal Ball(UC)/Cracked Crystal Ball(R)/Pristine Crystal Ball(VR)


Fog within 32m of you is Slightly/Moderately/Considerably more transparent during the trial.

"All that hides in the veil shall be revealed."

Moldy Corn Cob(UC)/Wormy Corn Cob(R)/Rancid Corn Cob(VR)

Calls upon the Entity to Moderately/Considerably/Tremendously (20/40/60%) reduce the height of all vegetation in the trial grounds.

"And behold I shall be a blight upon the land and everything I touch shall wither and die."

Rusty Nailed Plank (VR)

Calls upon the entity to close up to 3-6 windows in the trial grounds (Map dependent).

"In their efforts to stay fast the wolves without, they cut off all routs of escape from the wolves within."

Bloody Gold Tooth (VR)

Tremendously decreases survivors luck this trial.

"He said it gave him luck... that homeless mugger certainly felt lucky."

Iridescent Barbed Hook (UR)

Survivors hooked in the basement are sacrificed 25% faster this trial.


"Go On then! Struggle, Plead, Squeal or even Cry; It's all for naught... Death is swift, and pity's none."

Survivor Offerings:

Black Soil (R)

Calls upon the Entity to Slightly increase the height of all vegetation in the trial grounds.

"Good tilled earth produces the best harvest"

Broken Glass (R)

Calls upon the entity to open 1 window in the trial grounds.

"If there's no exit, make one!"

Used Bandages (UC)

Moderately increases the chances that chests will contain Med Kits

"As a med student, my most important lesson was to always make sure we were well stocked in supplies."

Broken Light Bulb (UC)

Moderately increases the chances that chests will contain Flashlights

"It's not much, but at least it'll keep the dark at bay."

Worn Down Pliers (UC)

Moderately increases the chances that chests will contain Toolboxes

"The right tool for the job is all you ever need."

Vintage Padlock (VR)

Moderately increases the chances that chests will contain Keys

"Locked up? Let me take a whack at it!"

Jar of Grease (R)


Moderately reduces your chances of triggering skill checks when repairing this trial.

"A Finely tuned and well lubricated machine purrs like a kitten."

Message in a Bottle (UR)


The killers Location is revealed to you for 6 seconds in the beginning of the trial.


"To whomever finds this..."



Adds 1 Totem to the map.


Ultra rare - Territory (Killer offering)

Two basements will be placed in the map.

This offering wouldn’t work on Haddon field. Due to the fact that there is only one place the basement can spawn in, unless they add a killer shack to this map

Post edited by NMCKE on

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Best Answers



  • Member Posts: 3,919
  • Member Posts: 1,154


    Clear path (UR)

    Reduces the amount of pallets by 3 for this trial.

    "Looks like somebody already took care of it..."


    Supportive wood (UR) (lol)

    Increase the amount of pallets by 3 for this trial. (Does not stack)

    "This time we're prepared for it!"

  • Member Posts: 122

    Broken picket fence piece (UC)

    Slightly increases the chance to NOT be sent to Haddonfield.

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    Contaminated Serum

    Insta-heals have been poisoned and will have the opposite effect, survivors will lose a health state instead of gaining one.

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    Somebody Escapes Death (SoED)

    Automatically Exinguishes NoEd after the first survivor is hit

    Everybody Escapes Death (EvED)

    Considerable increases the chances of NoEd not spawning at all when the gates are open

  • Member Posts: 1,154


    That's awesome! Is this for both Killer and Survivor? Sometimes I wish I could kill myself as Killer.

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    @PiiFree - Or get the survivors to lift you up and pop you on a hook. I don't know who would get the points for that though.

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    Window Blocker - Very Rare - Hidden Killer Offering - 3 Random windows are permanently blocked by the entity during the trial. Killer can still vault them.

    Generator Aura - Very Rare - Hidden Survivor Offering - Killers aura is revealed to survivors while they are standing within 12 meters of a completed generator.

    Blood Mori - Very Rare - Hidden Killer Offering - A single survivor may be killed by hand if they have bled out 35% of their dying meter.

    Survivor Mori Challenge - Uncommon - Semi-Hidden Survivor Offering (Visible to the survivor who used it and killer) - Once you have been rescued from a hook you may be killed by hand by the killer. Grants 200% bonus bloodpoints in all categories for the Survivor.

  • Member Posts: 3,154

    Offering name: Lit Bones.

    Rarity: Very Rare.

    Effect: Two dummy Hex totems spawn, those totems have no effect, the killer is not notified when those totems are cleansed.

  • Member Posts: 5,873
    edited April 2019

    Ultra rare offering- Thick mist.

    The mist is so thick, your terror radius and sounds are supressed by 8m. 
    The thick mist also decreases the sound of your breathing.

    @Poweas said in his head:

    Hi please gimme a vote up, I think it's a good idea for Legion and Myers, to mask their breathing.

  • Member Posts: 3,154


    Oh fuuuu

    I love it

  • Member Posts: 3,154



  • Member Posts: 2,336

    @TWiXT I love the idea but that sounds like something that could make due with just being part of the game without offerings. Incentives and what not to perform well you know.

  • Member Posts: 3,786
    edited April 2019

    Thorned Rose (secret)

    Survivors can't hear the heartbeat, but don't leave scratchmarks when running.

    "Gifts from the Entity always require a price"

    I think it should be an ultra rare since it would drastically change how the game is played.

  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited April 2019


    Dead Human Heart (VR)

    The Terror Radius Heartbeat no longer increases in rate the closer you are to survivors.


    "Be still my beating heart..."

    A Crows Feather (UC)/A Murders Feathers (R)

    Calls upon the entity to Moderately/Considerably increase the amount of Crows on the trial grounds.

    "They come to feed upon the dead, and harass the dying."


    Damaged Stethoscope (UR)


    The Terror Radius heartbeat is now Directional for you this trial.


    "It pounds like thunder, heralding the direction to the coming storm."

    Crows Feet (UC)

    Calls upon the Entity to slightly decrease the amount of crows in the trial grounds.

    "It's an old spell ingredient, but a goody."

  • Member Posts: 105

    I am loving these

  • Member Posts: 2,068

    Oh wow! Looks like somebody likes what we're doing, so Lets keep this rolling guys!

  • Member Posts: 1,809
    edited April 2019

    "Period blood" (UR). The panic of being obsessively observed does not let you perceive around you anymore, but in front of you.

    Survivor has a 1st person view obtaining an extra 30% of BPs in all categories

    Post edited by BACKSTABBER on
  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Really good ideas here but I do have feedback, if you don't mind try make the killer's offerings in strength of 2 or possibly 3 survivors using the counter offering!

    Survivors should get a counter offering that's 33% the strength of the killer's version of the offering.

    I just reread your comment and I seen that you already implemented my idea. You just read my mind!

  • Member Posts: 12,871
  • Member Posts: 1,457

    Ultra rare - Territory (Killer offering)

    Two basements will be placed in the map.

    This offering wouldn’t work on Haddon field. Due to the fact that there is only one place the basement can spawn in, unless they add a killer shack to this map

  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited April 2019

    Hadn't come up with counter offerings for any of the killer ones except the Windows one. I'll add 2 counter offerings for the corn cobs, and the Fog one.

    Edit: On 2nd thought, I'm removing the survivor counter offering for fog transparency. I figure the fog thickening reagents are already detrimental enough to the killer, and proposing that all Fog thickening reagents become survivor side offerings and all Fog reducing ones become killer sided.

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • Member Posts: 1,583

    Oh, yes, I have an archive full of offerings (and perks) to add in the game: :)

  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited April 2019

    Killer Offerings:

    Bottled Tears (VR)

    50% of skill checks survivors trigger no longer feature a Great chance Zone.

    "They weep sweet drops of pain while begging for leniency, and I whisper my reply... 'No'."

    Mud Clod (UC)

    Survivors footsteps are Moderately increased in volume this trial.

    "The desperate run with all they have, but the muck splashes loud and seals their fate."

    Survivor Offerings:

    Padded Slipper (R)

    Slightly reduces all survivors footstep volume for the trial.

    "We must be swift and silent as shadows."

    Shiny Watch (VR)

    Slightly reduces the rate the dial circles triggered skill check windows.

    "Time is on our side for once, best not waste it!"

  • Member Posts: 5,176

    Hm, how about, Entity Fragment. It's a killer offering. Decreases the timer moderately on a hooked survivor while not in the killers terror radius

  • Member Posts: 749
  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @Dustin "Survivor Mori Challenge - Once you have been rescued from a hook you may be killed by hand by the killer. Grants 200% bonus bloodpoints in all categories for the Survivor."

    I like this very much!

    In general, I don't think offerings that affect pallets or windows are a good idea. It's hard enough to find a good balance for maps; offerings would make finding a good spawn algorithm a lot more difficult.

  • Member Posts: 134

    Broken Mechanism: Rare Killer Offering

    -Increases chances of survivors receiving skill checks, increases the penalty for missed skill checks.

    ”Try fixing it now...”

    Silent Clockwork: Rare Killer Offering

    -Slightly increases time to repair generators, disables generator skill-checks.

    ”Silence, the darkness comes and the dreams follow”

    Cast Iron Hook: Rare Killer Offering

    -Considerably increases time to sabotage hooks, sabotage progress decays when not being worked on.

    “The tools of my grim trade, never to be broken again.”

    Fond Memory: Rare Killer and Survivor Offering

    -Tremendously increases the chances of being sent to the map associated with the killer (The Shape and Haddonfield, The Pig and the Game, etc.)

    ”There’s no place like home”

    Stolen Eyeball: Very Rare Killer Offering

    -Survivor Auras are further than 40 meters away are revealed for 3 seconds at the start of the trial. Secret

    ”You can run, and you can only run.

    Worn Out Shoes: Rare Killer or Survivor Offering.

    -Increases movement speed for all players this trial.

    ”Run, for the love of god, RUN!”

    Dead Silence: Rare Killer Offering

    -Reduces the noise made by ambiance during the trial.

    ”Don’t think I can’t hear you.”

    Bottled Madness: Rare Killer or Survivor Offering

    -Guarantees a safety pip at the end of the trial.”

    “Hold my beer.”

    Stolen Hope: Ultra Rare Killer Offering

    -Whenever the hatch would be opened, the entity blocks it for 1 minute. The killer can see the aura of the hatch during this time.

    ”There’s no escaping death.”

  • Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2019

    Edited repeated comment.

    Post edited by Steamtastic_Vagabond on
  • Member Posts: 1,809
    edited April 2019

    "'Love you" cake" (UR, during St Valentine's). Killer does a hug instead of a mori, obtaining x2 BPs in all categories with Cote's special greeting msg.

  • Member Posts: 250

    Killer Offerings:

    Golden Mori:

    Grants the ability to kill one dying survivor without hooking them.

    Once a Survivor is killed, a random generator is instantly completed.(Secret)

    "Please grant me the pleasure of killing this one, I will pay ANY PRICE."

    Shattered Gear:

    Allows you to regress one completed generator by 50% once per trial.(does not work once exit gates are powered)

    "So fragile, these generators are..."

    Burned out Bulb:

    Flashlight consumption increased by 30% for this trial.

    "Your over-reliance on these fragile items shall be your downfall!"


    The hatch does not automatically open when one survivor remains in the trial.(Can still be opened without a key when found.)(Secret)

    "You think you can get away from me that easily? THINK AGAIN!"

    Survivor offerings:

    Shattered Mori:

    Allows a survivor to escape being killed with a mori, heals them to the injured state, and stuns the killer for 5 seconds.(Secret)

    "It'll take more than that to put this old dog down!"

    Emergency Resuscitation Device:

    Allows you to revive one survivor who has been killed this trial. (Secret)

    The Survivor is revived to the dying state with 10 seconds remaining on their dying state bar.(Only works on survivors who have been killed by a Mori kill or bleed out in the dying state.)

    "Don't you give up on me! We're going to make it!"

  • Member Posts: 1,371

    "Go On then! Struggle, Plead, Squeal or even Cry; It's all for naught... Death is swift, and pity's none."

    Cool quote, may I use it? :-D

    Also, I would like an ultra rare killers offering that makes a survivor spawn next to you. It would be negated with the survivors offering that make them spawn far away from the killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,809

    I like resucitation idea, but killed surv should be reminded not to DC and watch match instead

  • Member Posts: 2,582

    I like the implication of the last one, that Bubba can saw you in two and then Dwight comes along, gives you mouth to mouth, wraps a little gauze around the wound and you're good to go

  • Member Posts: 4,172
    edited April 2019



    Forceful Stability (R)

    All survivors are forced to stay in the trail until everyone has escaped or died. Disconnecting becomes unavailable this trial.

    "You thought this was a game!? Let's see you laugh now!" - Unknown


    Reversal of Fortune (R)

    If you or a teammate is hooked AND face-camped during the trial the killer will become immobile for 2 minutes and forced to watch the remaining team members perform their "Butt dances".

    "You think you're tough? Let us show you who really runs this show!" - Theodore "Butt Dancer" Jenkins

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    Bowl of Custard (Common - Hidden)

    Anyone that DCs loses 1,000,000 bloodpoints

  • Member Posts: 177

    Friends Epitaph(UR) - Survivor

    You only leave scratch marks on the ground and they are less noticeable.

    "I have to be more careful this time.. I don't want to end up like he did..." - Unknown Survivor

    Demon Skull(UR) - Killer

    Your terror radius darkens and distorts the map for survivors who are inside it.

    "Where demons prowl there can be no light.." - Benedict Baker

  • Member Posts: 250

    Please try to contribute something worthwhile and not something based on your personal frustrations of mechanics in the game. They pinned this for a reason! It means the devs are more than likely WATCHING this thread!

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Last Stand (Survivor Very Rare):

    You'll be sacrificed upon your first hook but gain the ability to see the killer's aura for the entire trial.


    Construction Tape (Killer Very Rare):

    Start the trial with a generator already completed but 3 pallets and vaults will be removed from this trial.

  • Member Posts: 83
    edited April 2019

    Miracle hook: Ultra rare -One random hook in the game falls to the ground stunning the killer when he tries to use it.

  • Member Posts: 488

    I dont know the rarity or name because Im not creative but maybe something to carry a second item when exit gates open

    just cause it only takes 1 hand to hold each item so why not take something else with you

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