Exposed and Chainsaws

Member Posts: 2,582
Discovered the hard way tonight that being Exposed means you can be oneshot by chainsaws that have a speed limiter add-on. I know this is pretty situational, but I'm wondering if theres any other abilities that are uniquely affected by the Exposed effect.
Best Answer
I don't believe any other Killer powers are affected by the Exposed effect
Legions frenzy doesnt work as far as I've noticed.
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Probably leatherface with the speed limiter since you know, they are the same addon.
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That's... interesting.
I wonder why this power is the special boi to exposed.
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Exposed and chainsaws should be a "fast mori" in my opinion.
Unpopular opinion I'm well aware...just seems like a waste of an ability.
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Well speed limiter would peoably slow down a mori if anything