(IDEA) Clementine's Perks

Milo Member Posts: 7,383

Even tho she probably won't come to DBD i got bored and thought of some perks that are maybe cool and kinda fit her? Bear with me i'm not that good at making perks ._.


When someone is in danger your skill improves.

While someone is on the ground you gain 15/20/25% increased altruistic action speeds until they are rescued

While someone is on the hook you gain 30/40/50% increased altruistic action speeds until they are rescued

While someone is on the hook in struggle phase this effect doubles to 60/80/100%

*Only the strongest effect works*

Unique to Clementine until Level 30, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Survivors.

Great Memories

Memories of the past remind you why you're still going.

Your hook stage progression is reduced by 15/20/25% (so basically make the time from 60 to 69/72/75 seconds)

While in struggle phase this effect doubles (to 30/40/50% so 78/84/90 seconds)

Unique to Clementine until Level 35, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Survivors.

Still not Bitten

When the killer misses their attack (M1/Power) 5m/7m/10m away from your location this perks activates.

Your next pallet throw or vault speed are inceased by 50%. This effect activates as soon as you press the button. (so if the killer misses while you do the super vault/throw you can get it activated again)

Unique to Clementine until Level 40, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Survivors.


  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Yep, seems awesome and epic like she is. *.* But what killer would go with her? (Minerva crazed mode? She would be a low-tier though and has little motivation to continue killing)

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383


    Probably a standalone survivor

  • T0xicTyler
    T0xicTyler Member Posts: 504

    I would loveee Clem as a survivor! omg this is awesome!

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @T0xicTyler I saw some posts about Clem being a survivor so i made some perks. Tada

  • blackcat9001
    blackcat9001 Member Posts: 12

    I had an idea for a perk that would work with Clem.

    Serenity- Your natural grace is a great asset in dire situations. While this perk is active, your next skill check will be upgraded. A failed skill check is instead a good skill check, and a good skill check is instead a great skill check. 30/25/20 second cooldown.

    Your perks sound awesome though!

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,874

    Nice but the struggle ones are kinda OP. Base perk gives MORE than half the time in advance? 100%? Id say the max should be 50%

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @ASurvkillivorer Excuse me? Which one you mean.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,874

    Actually I misread that. I thought for a second it mean't the struggle phase would be increased by 60% and onward.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    Gah! You beat me to it.... and I was almost done too!

    Pretty fun-looking and balanced perks tho. Nice work!

  • DbDalol
    DbDalol Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2019

    I was thinking of doing this same thread xD Perks seems nice and thematic. Clem is after all a very altruistic character... if you choose to be that way. I thought that maybe doing a perk highlighting telltale's TwD choice mechanics could be interesting, so here is my shot at it to see if as Clem supporters (?) you guys like my idea to add it to the "possible Clem perks" pool:

    They'll remember that

    You've learned that the hardest decisions to make are the ones that must be taken when a life is at stake, so whatever you choose to do, better make it count. 

    When a survivor enters the dying state, you have 10 seconds to decide what action to take:

    • Move towards the downed survivor: gain 5% increased movement speed and 20/25/30% increased speed to unhook and heal the survivor. The unhooking auditory notification for the killer will be delayed by 5 seconds, but the visual one will still be triggered. These effects will last until the survivor is fully healed, you get separated for more than 30 meters after you unhook or start healing them or if somebody else unhooks the survivor.
    • Move to repair/sabotage/cleanse: gain 5/10/15% speed towards these actions for 50 seconds (repairing generators spend the timer twice as fast). The killer won't see visual notifications from failed skill checks or destroyed hooks and totems. Hex totems cleansed during this period will trigger their full notification effects to the killer 2 seconds after they are destroyed.
    • Move towards other survivors to unhook or heal them: gain 10/15/20% speed and bonus blood points for altruistic actions. The unhooking auditory notification for the killer will be delayed by 5 seconds, but the visual one will still be triggered. These effects last for 30 seconds and do not affect the downed survivor that triggered They’ll remember that.
    • Stay silent: If you do not choose an action to make, the cooldown period of this perk is reduced to 5 seconds.

    After the effects of this perk are finished, They’ll remember that enters a 60 second cooldown.

    “You want to know something I didn't tell you? I never had a plan. I never knew where we were going. I never knew anything. I just fought and fought and fought, and hoped you didn't notice. Hoped we'd find something before you did. Did I do a good job?” – Clementine.



    -         After a survivor is downed, four options depicting the four actions to choose from will appear at the top of the screen (maybe with pictures instead of text), with a timer under them that will start depleting. These icons could be the inspired in the TwD games in structure and aesthetics.

    -         To “make a choice” the survivor must move towards their desired target and/or keep line of sight with it (looking at auras still counts). They will know that they are “making a choice” when the icon depicting their selection starts illuminating while the others fade away and an auditory cue will emphasize the imminent triggering effect of the perk. The choice is made when the survivor spend 2 seconds moving or looking towards their target, if the timer runs out and they are looking at a valid target for the perk to activate or if they are already interacting with a valid target and they keep going for 2 seconds after this perk activates. Otherwise, the “stay silent” option is selected by default.

    -         In case you are in the middle of an interaction like unhooking a survivor or cleansing a totem and this perk activates, the choice will be taken before finishing the action to trigger the corresponding effects.

    -         In case two or more options are available because of proximity or one is in front of another (let’s say the hooked survivor is next to a generator or totem and there is a survivor very close healing itself in front of a potential target), the perk will display all the options available via the icons lighting up, but will wait till the user of the perk starts interacting with the desired target to apply the effects or draws a clearer line of sight with the choice that it wants.

    The numbers and effects can be changed, of course, but the idea is the thing that I want to know if you guys find fun and possible to do.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    Phew! Finally done: https://youtu.be/pwRNJHWl70E

  • p1ague
    p1ague Member Posts: 101

    Is there any indication that somebody might be considering the dual license clementine probably needs, or is this all basically fanfic for a someday unofficial mod?

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @p1ague For now it's just fanfic. (but it's getting a lot of people's attention)

  • Unknown
    edited April 2019
    This content has been removed.
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @TRGraybles can't tell if you're sarcastic or not

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