Overwhelming Presence rework

This perk is very outdated and nowadays sees no use (except from Adept Doctors) because it mostly works against flashlights (which have been seriously nerfed since the perk appeared in the game) since the other iteams are generally used far from the killer, and Franklin's Demise achieves the same goal but better, since it also counters insta-heals.
So, I thought of a possible rework for the perk:
Overwhelming Presence
Your presence alone instils great fear. Survivors in your terror suffer from reduced repair speed proprotional to how close they are, up to X% reduction.
Basically it would be a bit like Coulrophobia, but for gens, with the difference that the penalty scales inversely with distance. I added this condition because omega-heartbeat Doctor on The Game (or Iridescent Button Legion) exists.
I think this version of the perk could work well in high ranks, where survivors are not scared to repair a gen in the killer's face, and could combo well with Pop Goes The Wiesel / Overcharge to avoid the situation where the gen gets repaired just as you go in kick range (sadly common when I use PGTW). Thoughts?
The devs are probably just gonna add a new perk from a new killer that does this very thing given enough time.
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That wouldn't solve the fact that the current Overwhelming Presence has basically no reason to exist
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Have you seen half of the killer perks? Most are useless beyond belief. AKA Monstrous shrine.
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At least Monstrous Shrine doesn't have an equivalent that does the same but way better.
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Haha Distressing, Overcharge, Unnerving Presence, Overwhelming presence.
On a Doc.
Ohhhh dear good look bois, i like it :D
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It'd be too strong with other perks and it would be super annoying on Doc, I do think the perk needs to be changed, but not in this way.
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The idea behind the penalty being tied to distance and with a cap was thought right to avoid having this perk be too powerful on Doc. Basically it wouldn't be much relevant with a big terror radius, but would be equally useful on everyone (with a heartbeat).
An other possible way to avoid broken situations would be to make it active when not in a chase. Even a Doc on The Game has to chase people afterall.
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If the penalty is based on how close he is to you, then it is never going to be worth a great deal as if he's that close he's just going to shock you.
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doctors with calm will love that xD
i do like it though ^^
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This rework is meant to make the perk useful for everyone.