Getting hit through pallets needs to stop!

Before you say “just don’t get greedy for the stun” most of the time you have to drop the pallet at boom you get hit through the pallet. I have an idea on how to fix this, while dropping a pallet the survivor will be immune to damage this way you can’t get hurt through pallets.
I’ve played both sides and it is clear this isn’t just lag. I as a killer shouldn’t be hitting people through pallets which are supposed to be safe and as survivor I shouldn’t slam the killer with a pallet only to get hit/downed.
It's ping. Any ping over 100ms (pallet drop delay) will have this happen.
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@QwrtyMan213 that is every match on PS4 though.
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@TreemanXD the only way to fix it would be to add lag compensation, but that would be an entire buffet of worms for the devs to open.
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@QwrtyMan213 it’ll definitely be hard to fix and your idea would work better than mine since survivors would drop pallets on the wrong side to abuse the damage immunity.
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Its ping . Since we have p2p connection killer will always have advantage in time until dedicated servers arrives. What you see is that you getting chainsawed for example when you already jumped through a vault and is already going down to the ground and suddenly getting injured on the way down thats what you see on your side while on killers side you were just a bit slower that s why you got hit. Killer s ping is 0ms so literally he doesnt have any delay since he hosting a game while for you it s about 80ms( you move slower in other words) if not the worse lol
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You'll probably see improvement when the dedicated servers come but before that.. The killer's ping dictates over-the-pallet hits.
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Any hits
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Exactly. What I have been doing with good results in dropping them a little early and usually perfectly stuns them without me getting hit. Another issue is getting hit around corners. I have replayed some clips and it seems like the game lunges the Killer around a corner to hit you. Going thru windows is problematic too, you're clearly on the other side and the Killer hits air and you get struck.
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> I have an idea on how to fix this, while dropping a pallet the survivor will be immune to damage this way you can’t get hurt through pallets.
I have an even better idea, while hitting through a pallet the killer will be immune to damage this way you can’t get hurt through pallets.
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I almost never get a hit through a pallet unless I was already halfway in the pallet mid swing.
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Yeah, it also takes 5 years to throw pallets down when the killers respect them.
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Hey ! Dont respect pallets
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With Leatherface who I played recently, got into, you can just straight up cut people and down them then get pallet stunned, or even down them and the pallet at the same time.
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I feel like this is the same cause as many DBD issues, at least I experience personally. I can't get genuinely mad about a lot of things that go wrong in DBD because it just comes with playing online and being a delay, but I agree it can be incredibly frustrating. As of late I've been downed a lot attempting to toss a pallet that didn't register or something of the sort.
My biggest pet peeve in-game is attempting to leave a generator at the same time the game registers a skill check so the generator backfires (I frequently move between generators to keep the killer focusing elsewhere). I guess it could be a feature that the odds of backfire increase when walking away from a generator, but I always assumed it was ping and my device didn't register the skill check earlier so if the cause is my own fault I apologize for weighing in my complaint haha.
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That would be unfair. Sometimes the hits are legit when the pallet is pulled down.
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@chi I already said it would be abused in another comment.
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Remember when there was pallet-vacuum and this was never an issue? toxic times, my friends. toxic times...
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Yeah, it also takes 5 years to throw pallets down when the killers respect them.
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Start dropping them quicker then and stop going for that one extra loop. Everything in dbd has a risk too it and pallets are no different.
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They still gonna get hit through pallet drops even with dedicated cuz they drop them too late.
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Read the original post before commenting.
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@TheAcidProcess The issue with generators is that when you choose to stop repairing is their is a specific timing to which you have to let go if you want to avoid skill checks. It is better to not let go on a skill check if you have no real reason to as if you miss the timing by a fraction it will blow the gen. Also the way that the skill check prompt moves is affected by Vsync. If you have not turned that off its going to slide to a stop after you've hit space or let go. Turn off vsync to have it move closer to real time and that makes things better in general.
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Not only hits through pallets need to stay, pallets should be brought back to how they were before the dreaded 1.1.1 patch, with their hitbox significantly reduced to actually be on the model and the stun applied at the end of the drop. /thread
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You need to expand your vocabulary past “/thread”.
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Imagine threads without nonsense posts
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hit boxes are bad. What else can we say?
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Go play survivor for once
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I did, it's just another entitled survivor main who isn't dropping pallets fast enough to avoid the hit that normally registers first before the drop because the killer swung first, You even try too say survivors should be invincible during the pallet drop so you know you are not timing it correctly and just want too make pallets 100% safe which is not the devs intentions at all, they clearly made everything to be a risk, so don't post me like I did'nt read the post cuz it's clear you are biased on just wanting a guaranteed saftey at every pallet.
It's Entitlement at it's finest and yet your having an issue but many survivors can drop them without getting hit, including myself...hmmm...could it be they simply are better at ther timing?
And just so you know, this is gonna happen still even with dedicated servers, so either change your timing on pallet drops, or keep whining.
But hey, you go right ahead and try to explain why you should now have survivors be invincible during the drop and pallets be 100% safe at drops cuz...
I'll hear you out.
Post edited by AlexAnarchy on4 -
Most of us do, and most of us are aware your not supposed to be 100% safe at your precious pallets.
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Want to know what happens when they add immunity when dropping pallets? Pallet vacuums. Pallet vacuums gave immunity to damage, if you got hit that was latency. You could literally ignore a trap with pallet vacuums. Just go right through them. Also theres no such thing as hitting a survivor through a pallet as a killer, unless you play KYF and you're not the host. You'll hit the survivor in maybe a millisecond after they'll drop the pallet, making it seem like you hit through it but its all just done really quickly. On the survivor side, on your screen you threw down the pallet but on the killers, it didn't send that yet, so he'll get the hit then stunned. On the survivors it could be they get the stun and get hit at the same time, its all latency.
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I already said it would be abused.... If you read it then you’d know I said I play both sides and get unfair hits as killer.
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dedicated servers should get rid of it.
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If you know your idea is going to be abused and yet still say it should be done, then you purposefully looking too create a new problem.
Just because you play both sides does not mean you can't be Bias for one side over the other.
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@AlexAnarchy I said it was a bad idea. I just didn’t edit my post. I normally side with killers but it is very annoying getting hit through pallets.
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Same when a killer get hit by a pallet 2 meter away from him/her
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@DarkGGhost that is also stupid.
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Lucky survivor***
(At least 65% of my downs are from getting hit through pallets)
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you know whats the funny part its when the killer hits you while the pallets its down the hitbox needs to be fix i like the fix on huntress that time but meh now they change it back god help us all survivors
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Around corners! Younforgot to add that pallets dtrun killers around the corner lol
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What about the 30 ms games where this has happened to me while not camping pallets? Care to explain those? (Including as killer tbh)
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i managed to survive 3 hits through pallets. It felt so weird b/c when a killer swings through a pallet, it almost always hits. good ping ftw
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Killers has no latency at all. Killer s swing(not lunge) is faster than pallet drop animation.
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Its ping
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Exactly my point. Even as killer I've seen enough situations where it visibly should not have happened.
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...or just make it look better. Really, it's the visuals that everyone complains about. It looks like it shouldn't hit. I'd be all for a lunge into a pallet triggering a special grab animation if the survivor was in the process of dropping but couldn't drop it in time.
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It all depends on latency thats all hopefully dedicated servers fix that
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Some killers will wait out a lunge to see if they can get both the pallet and hit. Dont risk the pallet for something a killers likely going to hit anyways if they have been within lunge range for more then 1 second.
I always use billys hammer as the animation to keep in mind when a killer lunges since the pigs and freddys lunge can be misleading due to the knifes size.
I say this all the time but if we did make the hits look more consistent it would require removing the killers unique weapons and giving them the billy hammer.
Which would detract from the killers design or make it so each killer has different lunge distance and movement speed which just opens up a whole different can of worms.
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I think he is talking about the severe cases where you get hit through a pallet when it was dropped there are cases where you see the pallet drop the killer is on the complete other side of the pallet and on your screen it looks like he just hit the downed pallet instead then you hear the hit noise...
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Your hitbox does increase if you drop the pallet. So often its better to run straight through it. The killer will whiff his hit and you can get another loop. You really need to practise this though as it is easy to get greedy around the larger loops.