Ranking system
Quite often I find new myself being chased the entire match (tunneled!) and not by choice. At the end of these matches I have the lowest of the survivor points and I derank.
survivors shouldn’t be punished for something they have no control over. I can’t do other objectives if a killer won’t pull their nose out of my ass!
The entire ranking system honestly needs to be reworked. There should be end-of-season ranking rewards at the minimum.
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On the other end of the spectrum I can kill 3 survivors and still only get a silver devout emblem. The whole system is just weird.
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Can anything be done about the pip/score system because it's very inconsistent on PS4. I just played a game where killer was running around doing nothing, not trying to kill people so we couldn't get Altruism points. I did 2 generators, 2 totems, opened 2 chests, got some bold points, basement time, opened the gate, survived, had a total score of over 13,000 and the end result was - I lost a pip. Surely just surviving (which is the ultimate objective) should get you at least a black pip or so close to it that doing a single totem should be enough.
I've also played several games where I've been tunnelled, accomplished next to nothing and been killed and nearly double pipped.
I love the game, but it's difficult to know just how much you need to do to progress.