The pointlessness of Deep Wound.

With the upcomming Legion changes, the Deep Wound status wich was previouly allmost pointless, will become completly pointless.

What does Deep Wound do ? It put the survivor on a bleedout timer. If the timer run out, they go down.

Except how on hearth will the timer ever go down ?

It will no longer go down in the killer TR or while you mend and Feral Frenzy attacks won't affect it. So if you know its not safe to mend you don't have to worry about it and since mend is an automatic action requiring no skill check why would you not mend as soon as you are out of the TR ?

There is now absolutly nothing the Killer can do to affect either the Deep Wound timer or the Mending action. Reducing the timer with add-ons won't matter because it will never go down enough to be any kind of threat. And Mending not being a healing action and requiring no skill check mean it has 0 interaction or synergy with killer perks. This is my biggest problem with it. Its dull, uninteractive and completly toothless.

The only way a survivor can go down because of Deep Wound will be if they just forget to mend. Thats it. And to be fair, I've seen it happen to potato survivors who don't realize they have been unhooked with Borrowed Time. But is that all Deep Wound is meant to be ? A threat only to forgetfull survivors and a small waste of time to others ?

At that point why not just get rid of the timer alltogether and make Deep Wound apply some kind of debuff ? Not Broken, because thats Plague's thing. Not Hindered either that is the Clown's shtick. We need a new status. Something that imply a meaningfull choice for the survivors and interact with the killer's tools. Not just hold M1 for a few seconds when you are safe.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Legion's add-ons will be amazing and make Deep Wound matter. But based on the informations we've got so far it does not seem to be the case.


  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757


    Survivors cry until they get a killer given the Freddy treatment.

    Now we have a useless killer. If I knew this change was coming I wouldn't have purchased him, the fact that deep wounds was already not that great, but is going to be even worse...along with his frenzy nerfs. RIP Legion.

  • Jaarthan
    Jaarthan Member Posts: 47

    One of the biggest things killers complain about is how fast the game can go by. Deep wounds is just another way of slowing down the game. With Legion it won't be intentional to get downed by Deep Wounds, but does slow down the game even more. And since the Legion will be able to move at 115%, they'll be able to injure a survivor with their frenzy, then either put pressure on other survivors and making that first survivor unable to immediately get on a gen, or chase them with his new running speed. Some of the best killers in this game think Legion will become a very good killer as a result of this change. And if after all this and trying it you still don't like it, play something else. It's what happens in any video game that has constant development.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    The fact that so many people play Legion to get downs with deep wounds just shows how many people fail to grasp the core purpose behind him and his strategy.

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651


    Notice that I'm not talking about Legion being good or bad after the rework my only concern is about the completly uninteractive and risk free nature of Deep Wound and Mending.

    I personnaly think a shorter Mending time would be fine if it was a more interactive mechanic for both killer and survivors.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    I agree it's not interesting, but it's also not pointless. The purpose is to draw out the game and give the killer time to deal with things. Making it shorter just weakens it

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Survivors complained about the killer cheesing their ability. They've been given a rework so that they don't need to rely on their power (something people initially complained about, but all seem to like now?) and now killers are complaining about him getting the Freddy treatment without even giving the changes a chance.

    DW puts a timer on survivors they have to waste time to cleanse and it's an easy first hit. They're going to buff the time within FF, so hopefully people will feel less pressured to spam the attack button. It will also reward actually getting your hit and not just inevitably being something that happens 'cause they can stab without any repercussions. I'd prefer if it was just a slight stun or takes out a portion of the bar, but I need to see it in action to say for sure.

    DW can also be used to track people. That person hiding behind the tree is probably an easier target than the person who had been bolting towards a loop even before you went after them. Frank's Mix Tape will take off a portion of the bar, too. It just doesn't go down while you're staring at your feet, following the survivor anymore.

    From the looks of their Q&A, they're changing it so that it adds additional debuffs depending on your add-ons, too.

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651

    But what if it had skill checks ? What if it was a healing action ? This is what I mean by more interaction. Would it be fair to make it a bit shorter then ?

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    No it wouldn't. Skill checks make no difference (actually they make it faster) and the healing action just means Nurses Calling can see it. Which really isn't a huge deal. Especially when you can just stop mending when in the TR anyway.

  • Jaarthan
    Jaarthan Member Posts: 47

    Also healing will make sense with Legion now, so that's more of the game being slowed

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    Legion was created for Killers who wanted someone fun to play, who would also slow the game down a bit. Deep Wounds does exactly that. It's not terribly fun for Survivors having to stop what they're doing and Mend on top of any Healing they'd like to do, which effectively slows down progress.

    Healing has already been slowed, along with people who run Thana, Butcher, etc. it can take forever even with Botany Knowledge. The new changes mean that if a survivor escapes the chase, they still have to stop and Mend, otherwise they go down and you can see where they are. FF is supposed to last a lot longer now, so that you can either go after other survivors or continue to chase the one you found, not to mention it would only take a single hit at that point. With equal speed to other killers, it won't be hard to catch up.

    Also, the awesome new End Game changes have been announced, and those look great. I don't think the new Legion is going to be as bad as everyone thinks, and certainly not as problematic as they exist now, according to popular opinion.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    The fact that mending takes 10 seconds just shows that the developers that made Legion fail to understand the core purpose behind them and their strategy.