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Upcoming Legion Changes - My Thoughts

So the problem I have with the upcoming Legion changes is that while the Legion in their current state are DC-inducing level of frustration and unfun for both sides, the changes planned for the Legion don't so much solve the problems as they literally just gut the Legion completely and turn them into Man With Machete Mode - a strictly M1 Killer whose Power will be a less-good version of the Wraith's.

The Deep Wound timer pauses for survivors –regardless of whether they are in a chase or not. 

The Deep Wound timer pauses . 

The Killer does not see the –only the Deep Wound bar to know that Deep Wound has been applied. 

The  is no longer reduced by regular Feral Frenzy attacks. 

Combined with the gauge bar usage change, this means that the Legion's Power is something that can only be used once - actually, scratch that. It can only be used never, because why would you ever want to use that Power?

What is the point of using the Power?

Being able to vault a pallet or window to catch up with a Survivor on the other side means absolutely nothing when hitting the Survivor on the other side of that pallet does absolutely no damage if they've already been hit during a Frenzy.

Even if you're getting a fresh hit on an uninjured Survivor - great, you hit them, now what?

Now you're stuck in a state where hitting them again will do nothing (no extra damage, can't put them into Dying state upon next hit, the Mend bar will not go down for extra hits, etc).

Some people might say that this still means the Legion can still catch up with Survivors in what are otherwise teeth-gratingly safe spots and get "a free hit", but once you've gotten that hit you can no longer use your Power to deny that Survivor safety or catch them faster. You cannot even use your Power at all.

You might notice how this is extremely similar to the Wraith's Power the way it was back in late 2016, when it all did was essentially help you get "a free hit", maybe catching a Survivor off-guard away from safety - or the way Freddy can get a "first free hit" on you if he has a fast sleep time and you can't tell where exactly he is at the moment you enter the Dream World.

Once that "First Free" has been gotten, the Legion is essentially a Freddy, having put a Survivor into the Dream State. You now have to play Man With Machete - a strictly M1 Killer with absolutely no additional Power or advantages.

For the Survivor side, Mending will still be merely an annoyance, a time sink in which you are forced to hold M1 for a few seconds somewhere if you weren't tunnelled to death. That's it.

The changes are also bundled with completely unnecessary and unreasonable nerfs that have no right to be there if the Power is going to be so significantly changed anyway.

Honestly, I don't get what this is supposed to achieve.

Yes, very few people like the Legion where they are right now but the sad truth is that their Power as-is simply cannot be reworked to everyone's satisfaction - it cannot really be reworked at all, what it needs is a complete re-drafting, changed from the ground up.

Fundamentally changed. The whole thing.

I'm just sorry I don't have more helpful, constructive ideas about how to do it.


  • The Idea is that BHVR dont want the spam FF strategy is to be possible anymore, its hella fun for Legion, but bad for Survivors.

    But instead of removing the strategy, they should just make a lot weaker and unpractical unless you have addons. Removing fun behind a addon payment wal is a really bad strategy, especially because this is why so many have gravitated towards Legion.

  • Duty_Sucks
    Duty_Sucks Member Posts: 22

    Imo the spam Ff strat is, yes, a free down, but then again, you've wasted like 5 minutes trying to down a single survivor, if you do that you're bound to only have 2Ks for the rest of your game.

  • Yes, or if you are really smart you can use the Deep Wound to inflict devastating time wasting on the survivors. The problem is most Survivors don't know that spreading out away from each other is the goto strategy from a Frenzy Stabber Legion.

    I really hope BHVR considers us and keeps both strategies (not behind a addon payment wall) but balances them according instead.