Killers Camping Hooks



  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464
    edited April 2019

    "But Survivors liked being able to vacuum pallets, use infinites, get flashlight saves, but they nerfed all of those things because yes they were stupidly powerful"

    So we have established reasons as to why they were nerfed, you say it took skill, yet use of it was so widespread they had to nerf it, so did it really take skill, are that many players in this game THAT good?

    "Camping you just need half a functioning brain and a motive to kill and it's ggez"

    Actually no you don't camping should reward nothing, with the amount of gen rush, and second chance perks. it takes a really stupid team to get done in by a simple camper.

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    I'm honestly surprised at how many people actually defend this behaviour. I'm curious to know why? Why do you want Killers to camp hooks?

    Is it because you do it? Or is it because you prefer grinding points and would rather win easy without a Killer being present?

    It's so black and white for me, I think this would make it more enjoyable for everyone.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited April 2019

    It's more of a grey area honestly. Sometimes the killer camps because they know there are survivors nearby or because there's a gen nearly done near the hook.

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464
    edited April 2019


    Because 9/10 times the person is being disingenuous.

    They exaggerate, act as if every killer they face decides to just facecamp for nothing, been playing for 1 year now and been facecamped MAYBE half a dozen times.

    Most of the time it's because they hide right next to hooks then loop the killer around it and cry camper.

    Camping is a legit strat if the killer chooses to use it, no different to looping, hook blocking.

    It's not against ANY rules to do it.

    Is it scummy? sure but so is running infinities with a wealth of 2nd chance perks.

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    Clearly we need to agree to disagree because that's not what i'm experiencing. I've experienced being and witnessing Killers 'Facecamping' for literally no reason, when survivors aren't even close by. Generators have been getting repaired and the killers don't move. Just because you don't witness it, doesn't mean it's not happening. Even today i've had it happen twice already and i've only played 6 games. Sure that may not seem a lot but it's a daily occurrence. Maybe it's a PS4 thing?

    Sure it's not against the rules, but neither were all the perks they added to the game that they needed to nerf. They did it because fans were getting annoyed and found it unfair, which is exactly what most people think about camping hooks. This has nothing do with playing by the rules or not, it's based on players experience and feedback.

    If you agree it's scummy, why not try and find a better solution to it?

    I also disagree with your statement regarding looping. It's completely different. There are so many more factors that can impact looping - the map, perks, skill, pallet position etc. Camping a hook is just that, camping at a hook.

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    That comment is completely fair enough and I agree there are times where there are legitimate reasons too, but i'm trying to think of a solution that combats the ones that do it for no reason at all.

    Maybe if they adjust the ranking / matchmaking system it will help with this. My player level is devotion 1 level 60 so I would love to be paired with people around the same level as I would expect it to happen less.

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464
    edited April 2019


    "I also disagree with your statement regarding looping. It's completely different. There are so many more factors that can impact looping - the map, perks, skill, pallet position etc. Camping a hook is just that, camping at a hook"

    Not really no.

    Every map has one, one build works for all of them, MoM, Adrenaline, Balanced Landing and DS, some of the loops like Haddonfield houses and Abattoir loop doesn't even require pallets, the obstacles and multiple chances to drop LoS mean they can't even lust you.

    Anyone that is not a Billy or Nurse is not going to catch you unless you make a mistake.

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    I've caught loads of loopers using other killers, especially Doctor using shock therapy and Hunter with throwing axes.

    Bloodlust also helps massively with looping and so does choosing how to chase the survivors, preventing them from speed vaulting etc...

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    I'm on my stag do this weekend, but next week i'm going to spend the whole day camping hooks and will message the survivors asking if they enjoyed the game. I'll also see how many are saved successfully to see how much of a chance they have.

    I'll post my results to my YouTube channel.

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464
    edited April 2019


    I will do the same, i will message killers asking if they enjoyed being looped and ask if they enjoyed the game.

    Did you read what i put? Lust is not a factor on loops, loopers know how to break LoS there is no lust. The Disturbed Ward is a great example of this.

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    But again, there are so many perks that combat this, but nothing to combat camping hooks!

    If you block the hook survivors can't even unhook you! If you stay a further distance back you can immediately grab the survivor. What's not to get?!

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    If you think this is a common topic, clearly that shows this is an issue that needs to be addressed

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463



    "If you block the hook survivors can't even unhook you!"

    That's bs and you know it. Devs already fixed that issue years ago...

    "If you stay a further distance back you can immediately grab the survivor. "

    Why do you think there's the option to cancel the animation? Just cancel it and tank the hit while other survivor unhooks that guy. It's so simple to deal with campers, seriously it's not that hard...

  • SamuraiPipotchi
    SamuraiPipotchi Member Posts: 100

    Thousands of people agreed that slavery, the holocaust, war, etc. were a good idea. Based on your logic, that means they were right?

    I'm not against your opinion - camping is a problem.

    But stating that people agree with you doesn't mean that you're right or that the idea is good.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Maybe the Legion should also give you a lolipop?

  • SamuraiPipotchi
    SamuraiPipotchi Member Posts: 100

    Actually, what you're describing is a written fundamental of good games design. The emblem system and even the end game collapse that's just been unveiled are examples of this.

    It's on the devs to design the game in such a way that it conforms with the playstyles that they want to see. They can do this either by rewarding good play and encouraging it to happen more often or by punishing and disabling bad play, encouraging people to avoid bad play in future. It can be tricky, because you don't want to strip too much freedom from players, but when a negative opinion is as unanimous as "Camping is bad", steps should be taken to combat the cause of that issue. If that seems unfair, replace the word "camping" for "murder". Not everyone should be given the freedom to do as they please.

    Btw, in CoD you can kill the campers.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    The thing you trying to combat is an issue that the devs have already addressed multiple times, but still ultimately decided that it is an acceptable strategy even if the person getting camped is not having fun dealing with it. What do you want me to say other than just move on? I've played the game on and off for nearly 3 years while watching them add then remove things to deal with camping. Usually when they go with a harder solution survivors find weird and interesting ways to abuse it to their advantage. Point loss is one of the few things that have the least amount of abuse issues.

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    How dare you, what a sick and twisted thing to say. How can you even compare this to slavery and the holocaust? How disrespectful. Have some respect and grow up.

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    I appreciate your comment but this shows that there's enough people who have an issue with it. Just because the devs haven't found a solution they've stopped trying?

    Instead of everyone debating whether or not it's a good idea, why not brainstorm some ideas that could fix this issue and make it fun for everyone?

    Even the people disagreeing with me have said they think hook camping is 'scummy'.

  • Duty_Sucks
    Duty_Sucks Member Posts: 22
    1. That would break insidous
    2. Failure should be punished
    3. The killer is already punished by wasting a whole bunch of time just watching you die
    4. The killer will very likely de-pip allowing you to never see them again
    5. Borrowed time and 2 people at once is the easiest way to counteract that

    I get your frustration, but you're not helping at all.

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    With respect this game has more reworks then any other I know. They change perks and killers so often which always impacts other factors of the game resulting in more changes to perks and killers. This is no different, they just need to sit and brainstorm some ideas to resolve this as multiple players are complaining. Google it and just look at the amount of posts.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited April 2019

    So far all my games killers camp me alot probably cuz im ash main or maybe i loop them until the gates are open killdrs to camp just to secure the killer its just sad but what were gonna do

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    horrible idea.

    maybe you should rethink your playstyle if your always the one getting camped?

    but why would i need to improve and get better at the game, when i can also just have the devs make everything so easy, that i cant lose anymore, right?

    camping exists. and it will keep existing, so learn to deal with it.

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44
    edited April 2019

    Instead of posting anything constructive anyone who disagrees with me just act like I made this post because I suck at this game. Not that I have anything to prove, but I don't. I've got a platinum trophy, achieved Killer Rank 1, I play with all the killers and my player level is close to devotion 2. The reality is people defending camping hooks are the players that need to improve at the game if that's the only way you can kill survivors.

    In regards to improving and getting better, no players can practice or improve their skill to prevent killers camping hooks if that's what they decide to do. Killers are in full control.

    Either way i'm done with debating with little boys on the internet who get so offended and butt hurt because some has a different opinion about a video game lol.

    I'm signing off and won't be checking back here, seeing how often some of you post on this forum gave me a bit of a wake up call, I'd recommend you all get outside more.

  • Cali
    Cali Member Posts: 108

    I know this is sarcastic but there are people who actually think like this.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    the reson why we are not posting anything constructive here has nothing to do with you. the problem is, that there your post is just one out of literally a hundred posts asking for the same thing. and the answer is always the same: no. camping is fine the way it is, there is lots of ways to prevent being the one thats camped and if the killer achieved more than one kill with hard camping, you and / or your team needs to improve.

    since i, and all the others aswell, have already pretty much copy pasted the same answer with feedback on the idea in majority of those threats, we simply dont rly care about them anymore. so instead of posting a long text message, like we used to, we simply say no, state the main problem and leave. and believe me: in 99% of the cases its just a salty survivor who just got hard camped, so we tell them to improve and try not to be the one who is getting camped next game. camping has been nerfed hard in the past, multiple times aswell. if a killer wins with camping, that puts the survivors in a bad light and makes them seem unskilled.

    also your later statements dont make you seem like the experienced player you are trying to portray yourself here. just sayin, the killer doesnt really have that much control over the game... the survivor screwed up the stealth game first and then the chase twice. AFTER that the killer has the control, IF there is no other survivor with BT or an insta heal.

    also also, we both know you will come back to this forum eventually. eigther logged out or logged into a different account (cuz i doubt you'd look back into this with the account that you announced to stay away with...). or your really gonna switch to reddit or the steam forums, somewhere where the people agree with your oppinion more.

    so if you decide to read all of this, here is a little heads up: by starting to insult the others, you dont make yourself look to mature, so that one backfired. i mean... you're calling me "buthurt because someone has a different oppinion", but in the same sentence you announce to quit the forum, since the people here dont support your oppinion...

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    If they really wanted to stop camping they could have redesigned the gameplay so that it isn't possible or worthwhile to camp. Every action they have taken has been punitive towards the people who play killer. The puts it in the heads of all players on both sides that it is the player whose to blame for camping, but I like to hand out blame in equal measure. I have believed for a long time that the way we go about the game is flawed at its base.

    Hooking survivors is the only way killers have to deal with survivors. Then there is mori kills, but they are just as contentious and carry stipulations which makes most of them inefficient. Survivors can't fight the killer so they use the game's awkward flaws to handle that for them. Killers respond with camping which is an abuse of flawed design. This could have been ended if survivors were given more agency and hooks were done away with in favor of just trying to suppress the survivors from doing an objective. If the game was designed to press both sides to have to constantly interact and more objective oriented on both sides camping would simply disappear. It couldn't work, you'd never get anything out of it and there would be no reason to attempt to do it.

    The devs as far as we know are not willing to do a large change to core gameplay like that. So instead we get punitive measures taken against killers in-game. While they verbally tell us in streams and posts that camping is an acceptable strategy. That's a huge mind screw. "Its ok if you do it, but when you do it you're getting punished."

    They take the same approach with bannable exploits as well. You push a hotfix to disable items that are causing massive issues, but instead you'll just say we'll ban you if you do the exploit rather than taking the exploit of the table.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Imagine posting this discussion in 2019.

    Look, kiddo. The punishment is already there. You camp, you both depip AND gain no bloodpoints whatsoever, unless the survivors are particularly bad at diving hooks and keep giving you downs.

    Until there are ranked rewards, that's not gonna change. If the killer for some reason wants to secure one kill no matter what, you either accept your fate and watch your teammates steamroll the guy or hope they dive the hook (which is not hard at all to do if 2 or 3 people come around.

    There is no solution to that mechanic-wise. Every possible solution would be abusable as #########. As soon as ranks matter, this will happen less.

    Oh, and you're not entitled to an escape because you "played well", whatever that means. You're entitled to an escape as soon as you step out the gate. Before that, the game has other ways of rewarding you for objectives and surviving chases. Escaping is another part of the game.

  • Cheesesticks1
    Cheesesticks1 Member Posts: 13

    In my eyes, camping a hook is admitting defeat.

    It's the killer saying "I'm not good enough to catch anyone else so I'm going to ruin the game for that person."

    Because it is ruining the game for that person.

    It seems the people who get camped, or tunneled the most are often newer players so they don't understand that nuance of this being the killer saying that they lost.

    And it sucks to be the one stuck on the hook, and then die on your first hook. But I've started taking it as a victory, sure I have to sit there for like 3 minutes waiting to die, but at least I see the gens pop in the distance and know my time isn't wasted.