Anyone else just DONE playing killer?



  • Taelance
    Taelance Member Posts: 100

    MoM gets you nowhere. WOW one hit but you need to take 3.

    If that gives someone a free escape then you just have not been chasing enough.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Like any game with a competitve community ya gotta assume theres always better players. Sometimes its down to poor map rng sometimes its down to the other team having superior resources.

    Dont let a loss dissuade you from having fun. Look up guides and practise different tricks to improve on your chase play for bp gain and dont obsses over 4king.

    Ill take a 0 k anyday if i can get them sweet huntress long range shots or threading the needle and landing a shot through some very difficult loops.

  • UltimateHit47
    UltimateHit47 Member Posts: 45

    I'm not playing as killer because gen rushing is too big of an issue. When a game is supposed to last around 15 minutes but is over in 5-10, you know you have an issue. I'm honestly just sick to death with the gen rushing and there's nothing I can do about it. I have recently started playing The Plague and I'm trying to get her Adept but it's impossible to get kills without anti-gen rush perks. And level 1 Corrupt Intervention just isn't doing it for me. Can anyone help me?

    I'm also sick of the attitudes of half of the survivors that play this game. Do NOT teabag and taunt a killer who has been respectful all game, it's very rude and EXTREMELY annoying. I'm sure it doesn't bother people but when I don't camp or tunnel all game only to have the only injured person bodyblocked to the exit gates then have all 4 survivors disrespect me, it just bloody annoys me.

    I don't see why the devs REFUSE to slow down the gens. Sure, they're doing this whole "Endgame Collapse", but that's not going to fix the actual problems like unbalance and gen rushing.

    At the end of the day, Killers aren't powerful anymore. It's that simple.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    At least with the collapse we can just force the gate open so they don't waste 20mins of our lives doing dumb stuff and farming their emblems. If you didn't get your evader points then sucks to be you. I'm going to my basement and I having a cold one.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 2,002

    What Survivor Buffs???? Name 3 besides MoM because I can give you about 10 killer buffs in the past 3 months XD

  • UltimateHit47
    UltimateHit47 Member Posts: 45

    I'm not talking about recently, I'm talking about overall. Since release, survivors have slowly became stronger until recently. Those little buffs don't add up because they are targeted at different problems and none of them actually resolve those problems other than the DS nerf. Survivors shouldn't be stronger than the killer, the killer is an undead monster like ######### lmao.

  • Unknown
    edited April 2019
    This content has been removed.
  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    @SunderMun wrong. They lowered the range that it detected crows by 12 meters also. So they made it be unable to track direction with the countdown, AND they nerfed the distance. That's a major nerf to a not that great perk.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612
    edited April 2019

    @Taelance MoM isnt a "free escape" it's a massive time waster on the killers part. One free hit after taking 3 hits. That's a 20 second MINIMUM to catch the survivor again and down them after that free hit, and that's only if the survivor sucks. Most survivors can run for at least a minute per health state. So an extra 2 to 4 minutes of life for survivors in a game that can end in 5 minutes.... You're right. That gets the killer nowhere.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    Except the problem isn't that there are people better than me. The problem is that the game is so unbalanced that I either get a 4k, or a 0k. The game is either unfun because it's too easy, or unfun because the survivors are ######### teabagging, body blocking, and clicking.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    It worked better as a tracking perk when there was no CD. Its back to trash tier now again. Why would anyone complain that the perk was actually good because of "spam" ? That means its doing what its supposed to do. If you can't hunt people down amid tons notifications you aren't that good at killer.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    @PigMainBigBrain they nerfed the distance too. It used to be 48 meters, now it's 32.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited April 2019

    Honestly I'm not even 100% certain what happened. Sure MoM came out but I'm not really sure why it feels so much worse than usual to play Killer. Maybe its just a combo of the recent rank changes and the chapter releases and patch. Including the Pallet spawn changes.


  • MistressChara
    MistressChara Member Posts: 112

    You tend to hit a brick wall playing as killer where you're good enough to realize how bad you may or may not be doing but not experienced enough to reliably counter things. It often leaves you feeling frustrated especially when the survivors teabag you because it fills you with a sense of maddening self-doubt.

    Maybe I'm projecting, but I've seen a lot of killers go through it at varying degree's of hours regardless of the games balance and I hit mine right about where you are.

    Back when the game was a lot worse for killers I got the same feeling and overcame it with time and improved a lot. All I can tell you is that it will grade on your patience for awhile but eventually you'll cross over the wall and get back to improving and killing at a steady pace again.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    Gens pop ridiculously fast. Your first chase can often determine the outcome of the game. Seriously, the margin for error as a killer is so thin. Oops, sorry, you picked Clown and got Yamaoka estate. Also, Ruin got cleansed before you could even walk over to it. GG.

    Meanwhile, survivors get free hits with MoM, potentially multiple survivors in the same game. Playing Spirit and outplay the survivor by predicting the window vault to land a sick phase hit? Lol free hit.

    The perk grind is worse than most monthly subscription based MMORPGs.

    The balance changes have become so circular and destructive. Low skill survivors complain about killers being overpowered, so survivors get perks like MoM. Generators get done so fast if survivors actually focus on them, but they're balanced around the immersed new players who crouch in corners. The best counter to perks like MoM and gen rushing is to hard tunnel, camp, use NOED on low tier killers, or become really good with Nurse or Billy, which are all things survivors understandably hate. Most killers aren't tunneling to troll. I've had to become quite a bit more ruthless to succeed as a killer as of late. I hate that I feel like I have to play that way, but there just too many safe loops to let the person on death hook go when I have the choice.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    I 100% get what you mean, I know I've hit this wall as I know WHAT I need to be doing but I just don't know HOW to do it. I'm also pretty bad at reading Survivors and knowing where they are and what they are doing.

    Its just really frustrating that this wall is so hard and large for Killers when compared to Survivors. You hit them every so often as Survivor but It never seems to be that hard to learn what you need to change and how to get better.

    Not only that but if the Killer is on another Survivor you basically 100% are going to finish the Gen you are working on because they get done so goddamn quickly especially if you are good enough to consistently hit Great Skill checks and/or have a toolbox equipped.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    @GodDamn_Angela Speaking for myself, I had the epiphany this weekend that I need to slug a bit more to get momentum back. A slug plus a chase occupies a minimum of 3 survivors unless they're gen rushing the hell out of the game. Point being, you'll eventually have that A HA moment and start racking up 4k games again. For tracking, it just takes time to develop a feel for it. Survivors tend to favor certain gens over others on each map.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I put killer play behind me and dumped the stress of time management. The best aspect of killer is leisurely mind gaming survivors for a down, but I can take all the time I want and do the reverse to killer. Only complaints I have now are the over abundance of free information to avoid the killer, like I can't be trusted to be aware of my surroundings. I am at the point of endgame baiting for the killer provided emblems.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    I try slugging but I'm really bad at tracking downed Survivors without Deerstalker. I'm not sure if its PS4, or my TV, or what but I find the sounds of Survivors really hard to track.

    Like, I love using the Spirit but I can't for the life of me track a nonrunning injured Survivor while ghosting. And Stridor doesn't really seem to help lol.

    The time management needed to play Killer effectively just stresses me out. Hopefully I'll get better at it soon. 😑

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    @GodDamn_Angela Are you using headphones? Audio is rough with Spirit right now, but headphones will definitely help if you don't use them. Nurses Calling is god tier on Spirit for tracking.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    I do not. Mainly because I am constantly chatting with my boyfriend and we both play and talk about the game.

    I've actually been aiming to unlock a Nurse's Calling on the Spirit. lol

    Thanks for the tips!

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    @GodDamn_Angela I main spirit, and in MY opinion, Nurse's Calling is useless on Spirit, since you cannot see their auras while you're phasing. The good tracking perks on her are the gen tracking perks. Discordance and Surveillance. My Spirit build is Ruin, BBQ, Discordance, and Whispers - because I don't have surveillance on her yet. Also you 100% NEED to wear headphones to track people while you're phasing. A good set of headphones too. Not having their injured sounds be directional is very detrimental on your chases.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Oh. I didn't know that Nurse's Calling didn't work while phasing.

    I have been working towards Surveillance as well, since it is my favourite Killer perk.

    But I guess I should just drop her since I don't use a headset. 🤣