What is your Dead by Daylight Unpopular Opinion?

What is your Dead by Daylight Unpopular Opinion? Something that goes against the social norm. Do you think nurse is the worst character in the game? Do you think that clown ISNT a gassy boi? Leave your opinion below!
I'll start: I personally think that Legion was a better addition than Clown or Spirit.
Decisive Strike was not nearly as OP as many claimed.
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nea is not the ugliest female survivor. feng min is
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I think Hag, Myers and Huntress are overrated.
Seriously, Myers doesnt have anything to combat looping, just his increased vault speed, which makes him a Billy without his speed/mobility.
Huntress is just soooo easy to loop due to her 110%ms + even slower speed when charging her hatches.
And Hag has little to no lunge when she teleports that it's too easy to just run in the other direction and avoid her hits, + you can cancel her power with a flashlight.
Also, I think Pig is the best licensed killer.
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Freddy's actually a solid upper-mid tier, it's simply that his power is less intuitive than others, and comes with unexplained mechanics. Combine that with the fact that he has an overly steep learning curve for the payoff and you have the consensus that Freddy is bad.
Clown is also super overrated. His power is nowhere near strong enough in the chase to warrant not having some sort of stall or mobility.
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Legion was not overpowered or annoying to play against.
I enjoyed that the games with them could last a little longer and put more pressure on survivors. Called for better teamwork and strategy.
I was glad to see a killer viable without ruin.
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Crouch tunneling is okay.
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Scratchmarks OP
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That players should be forced to play both sides.
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I disagree about Myers and DEFINITELY HAG, but It's your opinion. To show you my side, I'll just leave this @tt_ivi_99
Hag can spread pain when the survivors are across the map quicker than any other killer in the game, not even Nurse can. She is way better than Billy in chase. She can dominate with Thanatophobia, she can control 1/2 of the map without addons 3/4 with her green range addon alone. She is ridiculously mobile with her traps, joint with Billy. Her map pressure is off the chart and she's everywhere. With STBFL, she's unstoppable. She can control 5 gens at once. That's massive considering Doctor is limited to 3 or maybe 4. She's unpredictable. If you're good enough with Hag, you can even take on SWF, as I do, and still win (Yes I'm that good with her). She's unloopable and amazing at mindgames. She can snowball WAYYY better than any other killer, even better than Billy. I don't need to expand on that, it's common knowledge how good she is at snowballing. She can injure 3 survivors and down 1 in the space of 20 seconds, and with STBFL, maybe even 14 seconds. She can pressure survivors into healing and gets a major advantage if they do. She can sometimes bring the game to a crawl, if they are pressured into healing.
My side of it anyway, prewrote on my page.
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My unpopular opinion, is that Billy is incomparable to Hag and Spirit because of the reasons I listed above.
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SWF actually brings a level of balance to the game not present in solo queue.
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Perks like old ds and MoM shouldn't exist and were/are op.
Anything that doesn't require any skill to pull off but rewards too much shouldn't exist in this game.
Also moris, insta heals, insta hatchets, but that's not so of an unpopular opinion.
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This game is fun
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Rather than some 5 year plan, Iโd rather them scrap Dead by Daylight entirely.
The perk, item, and add-on systems were a mistake. They present nothing but a grind and too many variables to balance.
Start fresh with a sequel, and create a much better foundation this time.
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Legion never was the most annoying killer to deal with, Doc is, people just jumped on Legion because he was the most "recent fuckup" of the devs.
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Survivors who die are almost always worse than the killer who killed them.
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I do not see the appeal of what makes Billy so fun and meta. Maybe itโs because I have issues with high speed action, but both Billy and Legion are uncomfortable and disorientating to use.
NEW ds should be buffed to work on second and third hooks. It should pause when killer is on attack cool down and missed checks shouldnโt disable it.
Freddy only needs buffs, then heโd be solid. He is actually pretty good and does not need a rework.
Lightweight and stake out are best survivor perks.
Swf should have 1 perk taken away for every member and killers should gain a 50/75/100% bonus bp stack for dealing with them. Killers should also gain a perk for every member. You want to gloat and wave your e-p around? Donโt be afraid of a little challenge.
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I consider SWF who are using 3th party programs to communicate as cheating and ruining my fun of the game on both sides.
It removes the horror of isolation on the survivor side and sometimes SWFs screw you over on purpose.
On killer side I dislike SWFs because they dictate how I have to play the game because by having access to voice the make some perks absolutely useless and throw the entire in game rules and usual tactical plays out of the window. I cannot isolate and misdirected a survivor because 1-3 other survivors are helping the victim out.
They are either extremely over altruistic and throwing the game or coordinated and screw you over by accessing additional information not intended or implemented in the regular game.
I think this is especially appalled that right now we have the ban banner that literally state that there are "exploits that could potentially be abused to ruin the enjoyment of others."
This would be my definition of SWFs using voice to ruin the enjoyment of other survivors and the killer.
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Self care is not op.
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Self-Care is a waste of a perk slot and far too many survivors crutch on it. Seriously, try running without it and use Iron Will or something in its place.
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This game is closer to being balanced then people think.
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Self care is one of the worst survivor perks to use, takes way too much time to heal with it ๐
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Devour Hope is a fun Perk.
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The perk variety is HUGE. Especially as a survivor.
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My unpopular opinion?
Stealth is actually fun. Which is why when i play, I don't play chase perks, but information perks that let me decipher where my friends and the killer is. I prefer to be a ghost than the guy who stands in the killer's face.
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Iron will, plunderer's, small game, and balanced landing is the perfect build. I love it. And every game plays differently, depending on what I yoink from a chest, which is fun.
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I don't care about pipping or my rank.
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Rank is irrelevant and is detrimental to enjoyment of the game.
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This content has been removed.
Civ V is a bad game.
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Would love to have urban evasion removed. Hate seeing it as survivor and killer.
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The devs refuse to nerf nurse's basic kit (ie the speed of short range blinks that in very skilled hands make her unbeatable even by the best survivors) because they themselves are unskilled with her and cannot see the problem. Also they refuse to see how poor Wraith and freddy are getting bullied because they can win with them at rank 15.
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Killers should be rewarding to play. Base Nurse is perfectly fine as she is.
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Trapper is a horribly underrated killer.
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Billy doesn't take skill
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Dude this is the unpopular Opinion Mr. 9k posts forum troll and nurse apologist.
This is where my opinion belongs because it is unpopular (with you obviously) so please shove off. I didn't respond to your initial opinion even though I disagreed with it.
I think Huntress is super rewarding to play, Billy too, Nurse just seems overtuned like Insta-hatchet huntress was before they reworked tinkerer.
My next unpopular opinion: People who defend top killers (or legion) so much on the forums mainly do so because they worry they do not have the skill to win if these killers are adjusted to being balanced. (Nurse, Prayerbeads spirit, Instasaw billy, Irrihead huntress, Franks mix tape legion). People that dont think low tier killers should be buffed (freddy doc wraith, pig clown) dont have the experience to realize how much they get wrecked by good survivors with voice comms.
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Your win condition as the killer isn't all based on the survivors mistakes, most of it is based on your skill as the killer.
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You don't need Ruin to get a 4k consistently.
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Spirit is easy.
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I dont know man, maybe it's because I havent faced a good Hag yet but I feel like her traps are not strong at all, she gets decreased ms and decreased lunge range and I've never really had a problem dealing with that killer...
Some people think it's a nightmare to face a Hag but I personally find Trapper way scarier tbh, the fact that he can place traps that actually injure you and leave you completely vulnerable makes me think twice when I try to loop somewhere near grass...
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You mean she'll sleep with anybody? ๐
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Well, i think it's your opinion but playing immersed it's not better than agressive.
But it's your opinion so i'll respect it.
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@tt_ivi_99 add me on steam, and I'll show you what I mean if I get the time to play.
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@tt_ivi_99 that's your problem, there's not much good console Hags. Viet was a god tier one, I was a god tier Hag.
I don't know about others though. I dominate on PC though.
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Trapper is more daddy than Myers.
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Be nice to poor spirit, Ren deserves hugs not more abuse PepeHands.
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I so agree with this. It should be called selfish care for survivors wasting time with it not doing objectives
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Killer is infinitely more fun to play as than survivor right now.
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Legion was fine to play and fight, the only change needed was the terror radius reliant timer on deep wound to remove moonwalking.