On a scale of 1-10, how do YOU think The Legion rework will be received?
Imagine actually talking about Legion in this thread instead of all of your (multiple 'your' ) personal vendettas and definitions that normal, non-egocentric people could not give two toots about.
Where's John Lennon when we need him?
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I agree with Dwight_Fairfield, I've got nothing against you Orion, you even went back calm things down whereas Bogyman went to further agitate Plu even more.
All that aside, there were two offensive comments: Plu acknowledged both, criticised the second, refused to criticise the first. Both people used their words to be an ass, only one was called out on it, that is bias.
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If you own up to what you do, you're more likely to grow as a person. It's childish to go "well, someone else did something" and never apologize or adjust your behavior. Children do that, which is what we were highlighting. You got upset at them because you felt someone who already apologized, adjusted what they said, and explained themselves should be ridiculed more for some reason. This is contrasting with someone who's doubling down on people being "brainless" if they disagree with him because someone else said something they felt was mean.
And before you say it, the first thing I said regarding this issue was that Orion shouldn't have said people were a troll. Bogey also shouldn't have said people were brainless. People are different and have different perspectives. If you're going to go hard on Orion for something they apologized for, you should go twice as hard on the person who can't be bothered to apologize insulting people and owning up to their actions.
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"Stop using others actions as an excuse to be an ass yourself." He cares what Bogey did because what he said offended him. "Troll" didn't bother him, but being called "Brainless" did.
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I have not ignored your answer. Your answer simply does not excuse what you said and contradicts the evidence of your postings. This is your original post on this whole issue;
Your issue had nothing to do with Bogeyman using Orion's bad behavior as an excuse to make his insulting post. You didn't even find that out until afterwards.Your original issue based on that post there was Bogeyman calling others stupid because the change isn't even live yet.
If you were not biased, you'd have said don't be like Orion and Bogeyman for calling people trolls and stupid when the change isn't even live yet. But your bias shone through from the get-go when you name shamed the person who made the critical Legion post. Everything you have said since has just added to that.
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If by "putting words in my mouth" you mean "He's quoting my previous posts" then yes, he is.
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And that is the very definition of bias. He chose to persecute what bothered him personally, instead of both posts which are blatantly offensive.
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Troll is used for literally everything. It's lost its buzz. And this is coming from someone who DID call out Orion for what was said. You're overreacting.
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To bring the original subject back, I personally think this """rework""" is gonna end up being a 4 at best and a straight up 0 at worst since it seems his add-ons will remain the same with some numerical downgrades rather than complete overhauls.
Hopefully the changes will bring him into a more balancable state though.
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I feel like there will be less DCs against Legion now; but at the same time..There is no fun in playing him now based off what the patch notes said. I feel like he got two nerfs instead of one.
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I feel like there will be less DCs against Legion now; but at the same time..There is no fun in playing him now based off what the patch notes said. I feel like he got two nerfs instead of one.
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I don't care if its frequently used. There's plenty of insulting labels commonly used. Why does that make them ok? That's not excusable. That doesn't negate the fact its an insult. You can think I'm overreacting if you like. You're entitled to your opinion. But both of those posts were equally bad, and it was shameless bias that only one was called out over the other.
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Unless you're suggesting the word "Troll" has literally no negative connotations whatsoever, then Dwights point still stands.
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Maybe i have overlooked something but i have not seen any apologize from Orion, only excuses. And that's not the same.
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Thank you.
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Like you're doing right now?
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No. Can you please explain why you would even suggest that.
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I've already explained it to death. If you choose not to listen, I'll choose not to explain.
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I have listened. Nothing you've said can explain why you've asked that. I've not taken sides of either of the offensive posts made. Neither should have been done, and both were in the wrong.
But only one was called out. This is fact, not opinion. That is the issue being called out here. So please explain why you would suggest I am being biased. Biased towards whom or what exactly?
If anything would it not be more logical to ask you this question since you've been going to great lengths to try and excuse Plu's bias on the basis that a common insult word is somehow ok?
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Then I apologize instead of coming with excuses.
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Explaining why something happened is not "coming up with excuses".
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When you start explaining why and not apologizing. Then it becomes an excuse.
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I already admitted I made a mistake, I don't know what your problem is.
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I've tried to explain this countless of times. You wouldn't treat someone who murdered someone the same as someone who stole an item. Things scale and to act as if they don't is silly. It isn't bias as you had initially stated. What was first claimed was that he was only reacting to one because he was a Legion, right? It wasn't that he personally didn't like the word and personally didn't care about someone referring to people as "trolls."
Why would you expect him to call out everything that could possibly be considered as offensive to someone if you're not even doing that yourself? I can understand that being bias, but it's also bias to only go hard and call out the two people who may or may not lean more towards killer, while basically leaving the person who agrees with you alone since you were the one who suggested only Legions to dislike the changes, right? One of them backtracked and adjusted what they said, while the other one didn't bother. "Mom, he hit me first" is a valid excuse now?
Once again, I scolded both. I just don't see an issue with Plu personally finding one more offensive than the other and scolding them. "Troll" doesn't mean anything to some people. People are different and it isn't his job to scold someone for something you find offensive, but he doesn't.
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You don't have to verbally say "I'm sorry" to apologize. Admitting to a mistake also works. Not everyone talks the same as you @pushkina
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Indeed. Usually I do throw in an "I'm sorry", and I could've sworn I did it in this case as well, but when I realized I hadn't, I figured saying "I ######### up" (paraphrasing) would have the same effect.
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No its not the same. You can admit to a mistake and not be sorry.
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If you say "I messed up," acknowledge what you did, adjust what you say so it isn't saying the same things; how does that not express being sorry? I got that he was sorry without him literally saying the words. People express things differently, dude. Not everyone uses the same words. He said he was human and made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. No one's perfect. He was just explaining himself so that people understood where he was coming from. That isn't making excuses.
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2 for sure
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He started by making excuses first, before he admitted his mistake. Or am I blind and overlooked something? If so, I apologize
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The first comment I made addressing the issue literally starts with me admitting I made a mistake ("I didn't explain myself properly"), followed by the explanation of why it'd happened (what you bizarrely refer to as "excuses").
Apology accepted.
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That depends.. if the change will be exaclty as they described i give it a 1/10.
They need to re-think and have some balance and common sense, or legion won't be the same in any way. And that's not a good thing, because yes he needs some adjustments but that dosn't mean nerf him to trash tier and making him a boring m1 killer.
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-0 for me
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About a 2. The rework lacks any real identity. It's like half a power.
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When he reaches the live build I say 5-6. I think they might tweak some things before he reaches console.
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5 since some of us will be happy and some others won’t be. I’m also predicting some buffs before the change hits live, making mending trigger nurses calling was a good step in the right direction and I’m hoping they add this back on snap out of it.(yes I’m aware the devs made snap out of it not trigger nurses calling)
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Just to ask you to please try to stay on topic and not let this thread get totally sidetracked with personal arguments.
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I prefer getting sidetracked by IMpersonal arguments
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Around a 3/10 I would guess. It does address problems that Legion has, but strips out what I think Killers see as his core vision and usefulness of his power while also removing UI elements from the killer's view and making us count again like against old Borrowed Time. What is the point of that?
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Your explanation has no merit. For a start your comparison is ridiculous because comparing theft to murder is a silly analogy. The level of severity between the two crimes is light years apart. In this case you're talking about two insulting terms; trolling and brainless. Which is basically the equivalent of being called an a-hole and stupid. Both are equally insulting, with no more severity of one over the other.
Second, this had nothing to do with what word Plu found offensive. That's something you conjured up in the mental gymnastics of trying to defend his bias. This was all bias against the person who was critical of the Legion. Here is the evidence, the first post made on this whole issue;
As you can very clearly see the issue raised wasn't that anyone was being called stupid. It was because they were being called stupid when nobody had had a chance to try these changes because they were not live yet. Yet Orion, who called people who embraced this Legion change as trolls, was doing the exact same thing. But he was not called out because he was dissing the people who are happy with the Legion change.
Then to add further evidence to the blatant bias, when Plu was rightfully called out on this he/she made comically bad excuses why he didn't call out Orion such as because he's not his mother, and therefore does not care what he said.
You fluffybunny are the person who brought up this whole who finds which insult more offensive in a weak attempt to defend this bias. But the posts don't support your theories, no more than they support Plu's false claims that there is any bias on his part. It is blatantly there from the get-go.
Unless you have another wild theory on why he would take issue with the Legion critic being insulting when the update has not come out yet, but not with the pro-Legion poster insulting the opposing side under the exact same circumstances.
EDIT; Just saw Mandytalk's post. Apologies.
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