Face camped toxic swf player

Haven't been playing the game for more than a few weeks less than 100 hours console. I'm not that great of killer or survivor due to lack of experience I don't expect to kill everyone every match or kill anyone some matches which is what makes the game interesting to me it doesn't get boring because the outcome is never the same.
But..... I've been able to pick up on what groups are 4 man SWF and which are at least 2 man. I started lobby dodging the 4 man groups because it's just not fun when your terror radius is shared among 4 survivors and it's down to the last generator. 3 gens in close proximity. 2 are being done and they are telling each other " he's leaving to come to your Gen hide you don't have to run and leave scratch marks or hide close by because I've warned you well ahead of his terror radius". match is over gates are open I manage to kill one of them because they were trolling T bagging for a sprint burst out the gate and didn't bother to do totems and because I'm a trash killer I used NOED. I could have used him for bait to try to down someone else but I wanted him to die on hook and I wanted the match to just be over so I face camped. If you can tbag in front of me when the gate is open waiting for me to chase after you then don't cry of you end up getting camped on a hook when you could have just left and got your bonus. SWF groups are toxic they message you after the match win or lose to tell you how trash you are. I know I'm trash I just started playing odds are I'm not going to do well against a 4 man with headsets. Why do these people feel like they are so elite and entitled when they are in a SWF group /end rant.
The rank system works well as far as I can tell until you factor in SWF.
I mean, it's their fault that they didn't just leave and camping is, well not justified, but it's not frowned upon when the gates are open to ensure at least one kill (sometimes it can even turn into 4k because of overaltruistic survivors).
However, just take 4 man SWFs as a challenge, you're definitely going to improve and while it may be frustrating, just find something positive about it, don't take it too serious and don't let the toxicity get to you (I know it's hard). Some people just want to play with friends, some people are horrible and want other people to feel bad (both sides to be fair) and there is nothing we can do about it other then not be toxic ourselves.
If you're fighting fire with fire, there is always going to be that lovely salt.
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Honestly when I was starting out 4 mans were a plague but once you really "get good" and get the neccessary teachables it's not too bad but you will have to camp people and things a lot, ignoring A-holes who spam their flashlight at you while you're guarding a gen is a good skill to have. When you know you got a 4 man, the first dude you hook you camp the ######### outta him, not face camp though, lurk around from a small distance and wait for when you think they will go for the unhook and either rehook the guy or get his friend. Keep making them trade otherwise you will lose, remember while you do this not to get carried away chasing someone because that is what they want, chase for a few seconds and then immediately go back because if they got impatient they might've made their move already. The vast majority of 4 mans will not be keen on letting one of them get camped to death at the beginning of the game so this usually always works unless that guy is "not important" lol. Either way it's much easier to win with 3 people alive rather than 4. Sure what I do can be considered annoying but do you wanna know what else is annoying? 4 mans, getting juggled, body blocked, and then taunted is some bs and I got tired of it quick so I got over being toxic myself when neccessary. Do be warned though once you do kill someone like that the even if you get another guy hooked they probably won't go after him like they did the first guy so you usually wont wanna camp him at all, gen patrol against 3 people is much easier than 4.
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Only way to counter SWF is to dodge or use an ebony. I feel happy when I play against solos and they manage to escape from me. Only then was I really outplayed.
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Exactly, I was playing Legion a while back and I got obliterated by a dude using No Mither, ended up getting everyone else but him and when I finally did I was camping the last guy I hooked, and immediately carried him over to hatch lol.
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I love SWF groups, really gives testament to my experience, some survivors are boring and obvious. I play TONS of Killer games and even then, a lot of Michael, Leatherface and Legion. I learned how to fight the 360's and the lot, when to hit and when to not, locations, SWF groups are a challenge and lobby dodging shows no gain from learning. Just make a perk build that fights against SWF.
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If you lobby dodge, you are teaching yourself to avoid the issue rather than get better.
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In most of my games groups were very synchronized with their actions... because of this they always had flashlight saves and other shenanigans ready and in fights i find it extremally powerful to just slug the first person and start a chase with another one, try to force him to close a distanse with a slug and change the target, usually there will be 2 people healing him, if you have sloppy butcher try to hit them all, i will force the off the gens completly because squads dont often run selfcare.
Also, when you are facing the squads, dont chase the first survivor that will show up, its usually the best looper in their group.
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I used to say the same thing and was a great defender of that mindset. Give yourself a few hundred rank 1 matches. You will see the light.
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@DenimChicken You are not trash for doing what must be done to secure at least one sacrifice, what are you talking about? That's just survivor's speach getting to you. You are a KILLER! They should be fearful of you. They have to quiver and shiver at the though that if you catch them, they could get camped and or tunneled inmediatly. Keep at it but know you can't win them all. Enjoy the victories you get.
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So, what is this post all about.
You camp someone because you are mad at these tbaging SWF groups.
They are mad because they get facecamped/tunneled.
A blind man can see, where is leads to. If you hate getting bashed/blamed/tbaged by Survivor, i can recommand you only this:
Brake the Circle. Even they come up with ######### behaviour, show them respect, and no matter how the game ends, you are winning.
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@ShrekIsHot While I do agree that SWF can be a chance to better yourself as an experienced killer, it's not fun for anyone to get stomped by a SWF hit squad while learning a killer or playing casually. It can be very stressful at a low hour/experience bracket and it can be really demotivating to suffer such a horrible loss for some people who play killer for fun. I personally just move to the next match, not my fault if they depip or make stupid mistakes and all get sacrificed because of it, it can vary between no kills and 2-4 kills, they're unpredictable because not all SWF are the same. But in general they are not very fun matches especially as say a trapper (last killer I played against a SWF to my knowledge and I only played for daily) where there's no point placing traps bc blendettes just snap them for fun... at least not until I get to your level of needing a new challenge.
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I would like to correct some facts here.
Firstly, you are not crap for running NOED. NOED counters SWF who gen rush. If they aren't going to cleanse totems it is their fault.
Secondly, when you get to end phase all you can really do is camp that dude on hook. You don't have a lot of momentum without a lot of perks and if they were SWF they would have saved etc.
You are not bad. If they were good and sniped all 5 totems one of them wouldn't have died and they would have got away free.
Good job. Face camp and nod buddy.
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Use perks like Franklin's Demise, Nurse's Calling, NOED, Barbecue and Chili, Bamboozle, Knockout, Sloppy Butcher, Surveillance, Hex: Ruin, Enduring, Hex: Haunted Ground, Infectious Fright, Overcharge and Unnerving Presence. Any of these perks help with SWF.
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@ShrekIsHot Any good perk will help with swf except perks like knockout which hides auras...
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appreciate the advice and feedback I'm slowly getting teachables leveling up other killers.
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It's not teabagging, it's crouch spamming.
Teabagging is when you do it over another persons face.
There is no reason to get upset over an in game action of a guy/girl pressing ctrl on there keyboard, or whatever button you use on console.
They don't think that they think they are elite or entitled. I do this to killers all the time because it can cause the killer to make mistakes. I know this, because i play killer too.
At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what you do in end game, the match is already over.
Once you have played enough hours, you will learn to ignore it.