Penalties For Killers Who Camp Hooks

ACESMONEY Member Posts: 23
edited April 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Can you do something about killers who camp hooks? Maybe there could be a zero bloodpoints penalty or a penalty where the killer cannot hit survivors for a minute or a speed penalty if the camp. Another idea is to make it so the killer has health. If they camp too long the die... Maybe?! A faster wiggle for all survivors if there's a camping killer would be great too. Whatever the penalty is, it must be severe enough to make even the the biggest DBD troll not want to do it. Please make it steep! Also, if a survivor gets camped while on the hook and dies there the survivor should not lose their item or offering. I'm getting so sick of losing items because I get camped. Implementing a gauge for the killer that fills over a short time telling the killer that they are camping might be useful for people that play the game properly. A gauge for the hooked survivor would be useful as well. It would let them know that they will not lose their item. Having said that, maybe having the survivor gauge hidden might be a better idea since it might give an unfair advantage to the survivor. Just have it so the survivor gets an in-game notification saying that at this point you will not lose your items or offering. If that survivor gets off the hook and survives sor a certain amount of time then that message goes away and the game resumes as normal weather they die or escape. If they don't get camped again of course. In closing, I know it's hard to balance campers. Sometimes a survivor is hooked and the killer is chasing another would be rescuing survivor around the same hook. Maybe cancel the anti camping penalty in that situation. Anyway, something must be done. I beg you PLEASE! 😥

(EDIT) As for the killer dying part. The killer would respawn instantly elsewhere away from other survivors. This might be a bad idea but it's an idea I'm putting out there anyway. I see people talking about survivors looping the hook to slow the entity progression and abusing it. There should be a way to deal with this as well. Maybe damage over time. The survivor would take damage starting after 15 - 20 seconds of looping. The survivor would take 3 damage. On the third time they would go into the injured state. After an additional 15 - 20 seconde the survivor goes into a bleedout state which they could recover from automatically after leaving the area. The injured state would still be applied until manually healed. In any case, weather the killer is camping or a rescuing survivor is looping, the radius around the hook should be small. However, the killer's anti camping radius the the survivor looping radius should be different sizes. Which one should be bigger? Personally, I say the killer's radius should be bigger. Thoughts!

Post edited by ACESMONEY on
