
You....are....welcome (?????)
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@Andreyu44 Hey... Don't make Kermie write more letters...
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You destroyed two killers . Only 13 to go now.
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@redcum Well then...
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All you see is a new game phase and two nerfed killers... oh yippie!
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@BoxingRouge no no no...
"Dear Miss. Piggy;
Are the little piglets playing together yet?
P.S. When am I gonna get that wet snout?
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Don't worry they have been taking their time dismantling freddy
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You destroyed two killers, didn't reworked them good... Are u guys serious right now btw?
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Nuclear Burrito has been very vocal about their dislike of Legion and wanted to see Legion nerfed as much as possible. Players at all levels are starting to roll out their thoughts on the PTB and they are not good. Legion's just worse off than he started in just about every possible way except base movement speed.
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Actually I have been vocal about wanting him sidegraded/buffed and gave proposals to that end.
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I get the impression that OP is a pig main gone completely insane...
And so it begins
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Leave Peanits alone.. My Thanks to BHVR was all this excitement for today.
You guys do realize you should focus on having fun right?.. Although I may not be funny to any of you.. I come here to have some fun.. a bit at your expense... but I feel that is what this game is about.
I like everything so far that has been provided and done by BHVR.. not trying to blow smoke up their ass, cause I've had my salty moments too.
But... Just have some fun and relax.. take it all in stride and enjoy the ride.
And this is a forum troll tell you that.. come on!
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That's the problem, you're trying to have fun at someone else's expense. That's not cool.
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@ReikoMori yeah by trolling some people who can't handle some changes in a video game.
You are having fun at survivors expense when you play killer and kill them all... Are you not?.. I imagine some survivors didn't have fun.
Where is your outrage there?
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I don't get the nerfs to the Pig. What is wrong with asking the survivors to go find the key? At the end game there are more jigsaw boxes than 3 generators to get to that point. Especially if you are going to stop the trap within terror radius. It's like Behavior doesn't really want the survivors to interact with the killer's power unless that power puts them into the dying state. Why?
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I need to defend Peanits here. He has probably 0 control about these decision of BHVR, so with "you guys" you should better reference to the leadership of BHVR.
Peanits is a good and smart guy, his balance ideas were always good and he should take control about the balancing in dbd imo
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I reference this to the devs.
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@Sairek LOL
So... survivors and killers don't DC in this game?.. Are you telling me everyone is having fun?... I guess the only DCs were are seeing are a result of crashes only then. ?
I don't care if people can have fun since I didn't say people weren't. However this game really is made around having fun at the otherside's expense. Even for survivors having fun at other survivors expense. Sounds odd.. but it happens.
Also, you may not consider this.. but I do. The forums and the in-game chat are another aspect of this game we call Dead By Daylight.
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This isn't about how the game. This is you being a jerk to people outside of it. On the forum. That is what isn't cool. You don't have to like people's opinions or even care that they have a issue with the way things are being handled in the game. You do need to try and treat other people like human beings that have feelings. If you can't do that then why are you here?
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nooooo she is legit my failsafe if spirit gets nerfed or any other killers that I semi-main get nerfed they wouldn't dare destroy nurse too...I hope.
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Nurse is at least getting her add ons reworked, Mclean confirmed that.
While I agree that nurse is a problem, If they nerf nurse without acknowledging SWF that's going to be a painful patch to witness.
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@ReikoMori ... That reminds me of a song..."Feelings... Nothing more than Feelings..."
Do you see some posts on here (the forums) and notice something?.. The OP sits there and offers up their opinion on it.. constructive feedback... they aren't mad.. they are just providing feedback..
Then do you see some posts on here (the forums) and notice somethings?.. The OP sits there and doesn't offer up any opinion other than their disdain for the Devs and act like they've been personally assaulted.
Then do you see some posts on here (the forums) and notice somethings?.. The OP sits there and acts like the nerfs and buffs in this game are a one off per side, meaning if you buff the other side you need to buff "their" side aswell... or else all hell breaks lose.
Big difference to me..
People can cry if they want... However people should NOT expect others to stroke them and tell them it will be alright. In fact I think it is important to point out to some of them, it is only a video game and not to take it too serious by offering up some light humour, at their expense.
Some people can reflect and understand, while others can not. I have no sympathy for those who can't look at themselves and say.. yeah maybe I was being a bit of a tool there.
TL;DR; This game is made to pit one vs the other... And there will be some people that are attracted to that type of game. We aren't playing a kids game here, so I'm not going to treat you like a kid. If you don't like it, than don't participate in it. You will not get your participation award from me here.
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1) Unnecessary nerf pig and remember me BECAUSE of your new end game
2) Survivors still can farm and toy killer even with your new end game because 3 minutes are too long but even MORE longer when someone downed/hooked
3) Also the end game lava floor nerf all killers for confusing scratch marks
4) But Also you make gate open 15 minutes because of your new game although the timer ONLY start when someone finally open the gate or killer close hatch
5) MoM still exist and make most killer main play HillBilly and Nurse even more
Legion? I don't play him/her so i don't care in my opinion1 -
@Sairek I don't want to write a novel but.. before you go over analyzing things what I'm talking about is on a match per match basis, and only talking about DBD.
I have learned that you should not assume everyone in the match, you are playing, is having fun. You may want them too, but that isn't always the reality.
I'm not gonna debate why they aren't or should be having fun. I'm also not here to debate the reasons as why a player wishes to play this game either.
I hope that clears that up for you.
Yee.. I do enjoy trolling some people on these forums... for attention.. yeah a bit cause I like seeing those vote ups and awesomes.. LUL... That makes me laugh. So I can't be the only one. :P
Do I find enjoyment in it... Yes.
Am I an ######### for enjoying it? Yes. I am.
Do I care. No. I don't.
I don't understand where you thought anyone here is trying to dictate how you should play the game? Maybe me saying they should just have some fun was too offensive?
Ahh... the whole point is justify yourself in calling people an #########... I see.
The good old argument of... "Don't tell me how I should play!" Which no one was really.
You went off on some sort of weird tangent which is ok.... but lets bring it back to DBD.
So lets get back to this now shall we...
Those that want to whine and cry and act like a child on the forums.. then don't be surprised some will talk to them like a child. Will they care if they hurt their feelings? Most likely not.
Lets us take the prime example of this thread... I said thanks to the Devs, which was because I had fun trolling whiners all day. Peanits, unknown as to why I was saying thanks, simply asked... "What did we do?"
Then look at the trash that came in.
Sorry.... but I don't give two shits about hurting someone feelings for posting garbage like that.
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@Sairek I can generalize... In fact that is exactly what I'm doing. I'm not trying to over complicate it.
I'm only talking about DBD here.... And when I'm talking about someone DCing.. I'm writing in the specific match per match basis and not the overall complicated story of that player's life.
Just as easy it is to say, someone can DC cause they ordered a pizza and it arrived, so they left to go have dinner, a player can ragequit in a match because they didn't have fun.
I'm not talking about anything more than that. I'm not bringing in a persons overall attitude in their lives... or how they go about conducting their lives. Someone's post on here, doesn't reflect how about they go on in their daily lives. So I am not referring to anything like that. Not their gender... not their age... Just the moment of time in a match.. and the moment in time they make a post in the forums.
I'm not trying to figure out the complexities of how someone goes about making any decisions they are acting on in the game or their life.
My thanks.. was/is to the Devs for providing me the ammunition for trolling some people who at that given time of their post, posted with an attitude of a child.
If someone doesn't like that... Too bad for them, then maybe next time think they should think harder about what they want to convey.
That is all.. I don't care how they play the game.. I don't care if they even have fun at it. However, they should try to and not get so emotionally involved where they need to make childish posts.
Are my posts childish aswell?.. Yes.. I don't deny that. I will continue to make those childish posts to those who decide to use the attitude of a child when making their post.
I personally like to think there is more too this game than what is loaded when you start the game. I see many people on these forums in the game.... I want them to remember me... and if they play against me... Then things get more enjoyable.
See you in the Fog.... GGs
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You guys act like Peanits nerfed the killers and caused havoc.