Noob two weeks in gives game feedback (updated with 4 month feed back).

Really amazing game in so many ways. Super addictive but I’m going to focus on some key reasons I may not continue. I mean this as helpful. I imagine first impressions and feed back from them get rare for a game three years old.
Also, though I’m a noob to this game I’m a reasonable intelligent person. Wife, three kids, a job, two masters degrees. I’ve been gaming my whole life. Perhaps most important to verify myself is that I’ve now gotten to survival rank 10 in those two weeks and that with a season reset in the middle school f it. Of course, I know most who read this will be far beyond me, I only hope it proves that this feedback is not coming from a shallow place but a sincere look at the game from somebody of reasonable competence as a human.
- The learning curve is horrifically brutal. You can not function well without learning the powers of the killers. I can not imagine how hard it would be for a person who didn’t bother reading the killers set up post match in order to learn.
- Please for the love of god give us a better way to stop other survivors from healing us. I can not number the times I knew the killer was coming but I was being heal raped by a player with good intentions. I fight them off with various maneuvers only to have them reinitiate the heal until the killer arrives. It ends poorly.
- chili and beans. Wait...hear me out from a new player perspective. I understand that there is counter play. Lockers hide your aura, no locker then wait four seconds and move. I get it, and it works more than half the time. Valid counter play. Let’s even ignore the insanity of combining it with wraith stealth and hillbilly speed. The real brokenness is that everybody must know and execute the counter play. If they don’t it becomes a constant rhyme of hook and reveal. And after six hooks, sooner or later you will be in a bad position to where you either can’t find a locker, or the killer is too close by the time 4 seconds is up. “Ok, so everybody needs to straighten up and play smart.” Enter the real problem, as a new player who am I being grouped with? The portion of players most likely to have no clue what is happening and how to counter it. 60% of the matches for new players are simply a chili and beans massacre. This above all else I am tired of playing. I can only dodge it so many times when there is a hook every 90 seconds. Developers you know this ability is broken when 70% of killers slot it. And it is ten times more game breaking on NEW players. Ignore that at your own risk.
but the game really is awesome.
The only thing I will suggest is about point 2...Hold your shift key. Running will break you out of a heal.. holding shift will stop them from healing you.
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Oh, I almost forgot. Your community is horrifically toxic. Despite what I consider a successful two weeks I have gotten more harassing messages then anywhere in my life. I got one today simply for not dying on the hook fast enough when the other survivor knew where the hatch was.
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I am sorry at least your still in the this game is awesome phase soon it will be the why did I buy this unfun game and why am I still playing it?
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(Not trying to make fun of you, this made my day. Glad to hear you're enjoying this game so far. As for toxicity, try to laugh it off and use that report button liberally. Also as pointed out, holding shift will break a heal. With BBQ, try running clockwise for four seconds to fake your direction, then walking counterclockwise and hiding, or vice versa. If the killer goes for you, they'll try to cut you off in the direction they think you went.)
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To reiterate TheBean's comment, Shift will stop them from healing you, although sometimes, depending on the killer's play style, you can get away with a heal.
Yes the community is toxic, this is something we've all had to get used to. However there is no definite fix for this, so for the unforeseeable future you'll just either have to deal with it, ignore it, or block it by never leaving the end game chat over.
Rank 10 is much more different to Purple-Red ranks, but I congratulate you on soldiering your way through the brown ranks all the way to Rank 10, shows that you don't give up.
BBQ I think is easy to deal with if you're far away enough. Most killers won't be able to get to the survivors before they've flown the coop as it were. Locating and memorizing the pallet and loop locations in this game will win you matches a lot, and if you know the killer is gonna come to you straight away then use them against them. Stealth is also a very good option imo with perks like Urban Evasion. However, whether that rewards plays as much as a chase is still discussed today.
On the killers, at the beginning you're put with Ranks 20s, as you too are a rank 20, so this should give you enough time to become *comfortable* in your chosen Killer's skin. This does raise the issue with playing as one killer to Rank 1, then playing as Freddy then crying for a week straight, which is why a lot of people are for the Rank-Connected-To-Killers idea. I recommend finding the Killers you like and *not changing* because the sheer amount of killers makes it almost impossible with a player with less than 1000 hours. However keep in mind that there are some great builds that work across multiple killers (watch streamers and youtubers for these builds)
To end my rant, I shall welcome you to the fog, and remember
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Thanks for the welcome. I think I’ve come a long ways since that first horrific match where I discovered the tutorial didn’t teach me to sprint and, wasn’t the button that sprints in most games.
But as for BBQ perk or whatever its proper title, I definitely understand the counter play. And I can usually pull it off. But in new player groups I’m usually with people who don’t have a clue. The end result is hook after hook after hook. And I am spending most of the match maneuvering to avoid the aura reveals, and can’t even consider generators, because my team doesn’t know the counter play. I’ve no doubt the purple and red teams of survivors handle it better. But I think the developers better realize how a NEW player is experiencing it. It is overwhelmingly game breaking. Even if I manage to play perfectly, and I sometimes do, I end up four minutes in as one of two remaining players and five generators to go. And I could do nothing about it. I can’t make my team understand what is happening and I can’t get a generator amidst constant hooks revealing my aura. There needs to be limits placed on it.
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Well, I think everybody else already covered your problems, I'll just put in my two cents. You came at the right time! With the End Game Collapse update the hatch will spawn when you're the last player no matter how many generators are done! So, you came at the right time. Though, enjoy it while you can. In my opinion, this game is getting worse and worse with every update.
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Happy to say that 4 months and 2 days after first stepping into the fog I achieved rank 3. I announce this rather than the initial red rank because gaining a second one tells me I actually belong there. So yay!
ok, so feedback. There is much I could say, but one single piece of feedback is so huge I want it to be my only comment so nothing else distracts from it.
Developers, from playing like crazy for four months I can say one thing, almost every single disconnect that ever happens is intentional. When you are playing it is OBVIOUS. Here is what I want more than anything...
- I want to hear the developers say that they realize this.
- I want them to take extremely decisive action against. It RUINS games. If anything is going to ruin what you have created it will be people feeling like there is no point in playing because of how often matches are ruined. I am very concerned about the developers discussing a “time out.” If that time out is 48 hours, then great. If it’s a ten minute wait then that doesn’t match the problem.
I personally recommend an automatic loss of 3 or 4 pips MORE than any the match would have already cost them. This penalty needs to decisively deal with the problem.
I change my mind, one more feedback point. Endgame is awesome. It has however had one terrible influence on game developers play.
Because the last survivor now ALWAYS has a chance to get to the hatch, killers stop after two sacrifices and the downs one of the last two games survivors and refuses to hook them. They just leave them as bait in order not risk the hatch opening.
Now this is completely legitimate. I don’t blame killers for it. But it’s a horribly boring ending to the match that can drag on for quite some time. This when you intended a more exciting ending. You need to think of some way to change the game from pressing the killer into this behavior.
After grinding it out to the red ranks in just 4 months, these are the only two aspects of the game that make me say, “why do I play this?”
So that’s a pretty good job with only two complaints.
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Regarding your point about EGC I kind of agree (2.5k hours, rank 1 surv/killer BTW). It is a lame ending to a game where the killer dominates yet still refuses to hook and drags out the game for a long time. It's not their fault, just the way of things, but there should be some sort of incentive to hook and let EGC trigger.
I would say let killers see the Exit Gate auras at all times, not just when they power. This would let them make more tactical decisions in this situation where they would be inclined to take the hook and look for hatch knowing ahead of time where they need to go to stop the survivor on the gates.