The Dev philosophy and the PTB.

SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
edited April 2019 in General Discussions

Since the PTB came out, I've been hitting it hard with my high ranked friends in KYF, with me as the red ranked killer, and them as 4 red ranked survivors. And this is what I've found. It will be long, sorry.

The Dev Philosophy: Killers shouldn't Kill

People are going to jump on me for this. Either cause they want to White Knight for the company they love, or because they're a survivor main with a biased opinion. But what I'm going to state here comes from playtesting with red rank survivor mains.

I should start with the pig, since that's where you can see this philosophy that killers shouldn't kill in action. When the EGC (End Game Collapse) was announced, buzz around the Pig Player Community was that our girl was finally going to be DECENT AT RANK 1. Not OP, by any strech, but she was going to have a strong endgame, something no other killer has without perks. Which would give our girl a unique playstyle, which would make her more fun. At no point did we think she was going to be OP. Why?

1: Once gates are open it becomes MUCH harder to put a survivor down and RBT them. Why? Because they can run out the gate if they are somewhat near it. And if they have people to body for them, escape is almost guaranteed, thanks to the auto aim.

2: RBT timers are long, but shorter then the current extended EGC timer of 4 mins. It also does not take long to get a RBT off. So they would have counter play.

But we didn't expect the Dev philosophy. Not only did they make her traps useless endgame (even more then they were, since the hatch was always a free escape for the trapped person so it made them kinda pointless endgame on the current live patch), they took the pressure off removing traps during the game. If they were just adjusting for the EGC they would have left out the TR extending the time, since that wouldn't help much during their EGC, which kills them if they stay to long.


The Legion lost their leg.

I will state that I liked the legion before/ in the live patch. He wasn't my favorite (hag is) but I found him fun to play, and since I play him, I knew how to beat him as a survivor. Wasn't hard, bait into pallet, or bait feral frenzy into my Lithe perk. Free escape most of the time, and if he stayed on me, he was losing gens cause the Legion needs to spread dmg and flush gens, which is hard since most maps were to big for him.

Anyways, beside the point. The changes to Legion is pretty much what they did to Freddy. A killer was really good in lower ranks, but bad in higher ranks. People complained he wasn't fun to play against, and BHVR neutered them so people don't use them as much. His Cool Down build is the only really viable thing to run, which was kinda the case to begin with. So they took away all forms of tracking your target from his power, and even blind you when you come out of the power. Not that his CD build would have even been that strong with his current stats, his speed boost is still very loopable, and still super easy to punish if you understand the basics of pathing. Killers shouldn't Kill.

kewl Legion Idea cuz why not:

I mean, they could have allowed him to 'legion out' of his body, and reappear at a gen of his choice as a different member of the group, which would have given him a cool map pressure power that could be used kinda mindgamey. (Ok, he's behind me.. No #########, there was a gen in this loop and he cut me off)

There's a ton more I could go into, but this post is already to long. My playtesting group pretty much all agreed. DBD is back to survivors being the power role. They always were in a way. But now even more then before they dictate the flow of the game, and the points the Killer gets.


  • KaoMinerva
    KaoMinerva Member Posts: 451

    I agree with you. They refuse to address it or gen tapping.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
    edited April 2019

    All they would have to do to stop genrushing is have each generator require a part to be found and placed in it before starting the timer. I've playtested that in KYF, and it works out well.

    Heck, that could give "Brand New Part" a whole different, slightly less op, use.

    I also want to point out something I forgot to mention. When I was testing the pig with my friends. we found that when I was chasing the distraction, the person with a RBT on could do gens. This is because my TR would pass over them during the chase, stopping their timer. Even if my TR only touched them for a few seconds here and there, those pauses added up to finished gens and no stress on the survivor.

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    Glad I'm not the only one noticing this on the stream.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Yeah. They have said as much in some of their videos as well. They don't aim for Killers to be a certain power level (like they don't aim for new killers to be equal to x killer in strength) and instead try to make them fun to play.

    Which is questionable. They should aim for both tbh.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
    edited April 2019


    live on the dev stream, twice.

    They explained that killers that put in work to get certain scenarios to happen, shouldn't have those scenarios pay off. (like trapping someone durting egc, with 2 open doors, or stacking remember me all game)

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796
    edited April 2019

    Yep, got to nerf Remember Me because of the cornercase scenario where the killer has managed to kill all the other Survivors and stacked up tokens AND got to the hatch first.

    It's like saying a Survivor who has done all the gens and opened a gate can't escape . They did everything correctly to get to that point and so must be punished.

  • night_with_you
    night_with_you Member Posts: 21

    I would not totally agree with you. Your situation is that you are against a 4 men SWF plus they are all your friends who may be familiar with your play style. So these two factors can make them counter play you super easily. Just saying that dev dont let killer to kill is a quite biased views.

    It should be "devs would not let killer to kill the SWF" and it not only happens in this PTB but, sadly, is always true for all past year's updates.

    Here is the circle of DBD: Killers got bullied by SWF, so they begin to dodge the SWF to bully the solo survivors, desperate solo survivors then begin to join SWF so they can bully Killers. Result: we get more and more SWF and more and more billy and nurse.

    Devs just never know how to balance SWF against solo rather than killer against survivor

  • Lemming
    Lemming Member Posts: 103

    Can't say that is even accomplished half the time. The Plague for example feels slow and clunky with needless down time in between uses of power.

  • The_Bogeyman
    The_Bogeyman Member Posts: 269

    Sweet. Sounds like an awesome Q&A. You done good devs. Keep it up.

  • KaoMinerva
    KaoMinerva Member Posts: 451

    I didn't even watch the Q&A, but knew the outcome. They ignored all the tough questions as usual.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    well they answered some with some variation of "Killer's shouldn't kill" but yeah, they ignored a chunk of pressing issues.