Coulrophobia slightly change

Hey Devs,

i really like the new Perk Coulrophobia, but i think it should be affect the "snap out of it" from Doc Madness 3.
Nurse calling does it to, so why not Coulrophobia? Maybe it's a personal opinion but i really like to chase the survivors instead doing the 3 Gen strategy. It would make the Doc stronger in chases. He's nio the very best at it. ;)

But it could be my personal opinion. :)


  • Tiyr
    Tiyr Member Posts: 52

    Imo Doc is fine slowing down Snap out of it doesn't need to happen , he already has an add on for this

  • cro0w
    cro0w Member Posts: 27
    edited July 2018

    Totally agree with you, Snap Out Of It is considered healing, i think the devs missed it when they were doing the perk interactions.