A True Legion Rework

I would like to see a complete overhaul of The Legion, one that doesn't necessarily trash feral frenzy, but one that actually brings the uniqueness of the fact that he is multiple killers in one. I kinda played with the idea of bringing all four of them to the table with my fantasy post https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/60034/the-legion-rework-fantasy#latest
And thats it... i don't feel to dabble on further, I would just like to see Team Legion instead of a switcharoo.
#########, I don't want Legion to be completely changed. I like him the way he is now; even with his nerf.
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I enjoy The Legion too <3 Though i have admit to have only prestiged them once, and am only halfway to my second. I only wanted to voice my fantasy of a playstyle in the wake of a nerf that I still have my doubts for. I'm sure i'll stick kick butt with Susie tho >u>
And worry not I think my vision is too ambitious and way out there to implement effectively xD
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@TripleTailSlap I'm sure new Legion will be fine; especially with his Feral Frenzy duration being extended. This'll allow Legion to injure everyone more effectively. Plus, his base speed has been buffed, so he's lookin' pretty good so far.
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I agree I am sure it will be fine. They will definitely be better at catching more of the group, and it is good the tunneling is being discouraged. I just can't help but feel though that it would be nice to have a more exotic play-style beyond just getting a brief sprint, and applying a deepwound status effect while yes wastes time, but is also not strong wasting time just extends to match if it isn't capitalized properly which means ultimately you end up relying on normal attacks. I don't feel the "frenzy" of the feral frenzy as well especially since it is becoming a test of accuracy, 1 miss and its back to a long catch up until you can try again.
I am probably diving way to deeply into this xD i bought the legion because i fell in love with their Lore and their cosmetics. Their gameplay was chill enough, but not flashy or exciting. Honestly the thing I loved the most when The Legion arrived was their ability to vault, it made me die laughing, given that I had joked with my girlfriend about how interesting it would be if the killers could vault pallets and BOOM Legion delivers.
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Legion sucks, he's been gutted, if you think new Legion is ok, I don't know what to tell you. If no one heals, your power is worthless. Guess what the current meta is? Don't heal, rush into Adrenaline. He has tons of downsides, for a single hit, and after that his power gets turned off. You DS yourself for using your power.
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I just think its weird for the player to have to decide on one person of the Legion when they should be presesnted as a group. Because thats what they are.
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The Legion... is honestly just another lost soul, like all the other survivors. We must embrace them.
The upcoming rebalance will be difficult to adjust too. I could only bare witness to videos. I do not have The Legion on my PC Edition, so I must wait for the patch to go live on PSN to truly judge. I will probably be sad, but I will not give up on them! I will make the weak prosperous!
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He's just gonna keep getting nerfed. It'll never be enough for people who didn't like him, and they do not care whether or not even legit Legion players who didn't moonwalk or roll Frank's every match have fun.
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My friends and I understand that most gameplay rebalances are more Survivor Biased so i definitely feel where you are coming from. I am crossing my fingers that the upcoming Freddy update does a better job to cater to both sides, because I do agree that this nerf is because too many survivors were unhappy, so they need to make the killers a little unhappy to "balance" the community.
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I can't wait for them to gut Freddy. :^) Also, killers have been unhappy for years, we're just masochists.
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YUUUSSSSS >w< someone who understands my fustrations! <3
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Masochists xD purrfect way to describe our killer existence lmao
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Agreed. Or still make them choose one member to play as but at least bring the Legion's "group-ness" into the gameplay SOMEHOW. It's like creating "The Wraith" and giving them no invisibility power but rather instead a set of traps they can put on your head. Or creating "The Plague" and have no infection mechanic, they just happen to have cool illness cosmetics but their power is teleportation. It's THE LEGION, his WHOLE GIMMICK IS THAT THEY'RE A TEAM OF KILLERS... and yet, in game, their entire powerset is... be a single killer who can temporarily run slightly faster and be able to sense individual survivors after hitting one?
It doesn't have to be much or a massive rework. Fine, keep the same basic power, but add something that's distinctive to the concept. Have the other 3 members of the legion lurking at various random points on the map as stationary hazards/alerts, like a special type of crow. Have illusions of the rest of the group appear during Feral Frenzy with certain add-ons. SOMETHING.
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Exactly. Like maybe with some add ons they appear on parts of the map and carry the killers terror radius to make survivors paranoid. And as long as you're in it's terror radius the killee gets an alert. And this can be used t9 prevent survivors from gen rushing.
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I had no idea we already had a rebel leading a similar charge. I bow to your epicness >w<
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@TripleTailSlap I had shared a similar view as you. But I know that an idea like mine would not be implemented due to the sheer coding it would need.
Know that you are not alone
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Nurse is the same exact way yet you have to aim to take your shot, Nurse requires skill and guess, Legion is now more skilled and even still successful at landing a shot, Nurse can warp anywhere, take a stun and is slow in general. Legion? Fast and quick to hit Survivors.