Lithe Buff

Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,124
edited April 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

So every exhaustion perk that isn't Sprint Burst has some sort of special addition, Balanced Landing reduces your land time, Dead Hard helps you avoid damage at the cost of speed & distance, Head On (even though it's very situational and buggy) allows you to stun the killer and hopefully get away. Lithe however has none of these factors, it's just Sprint Burst that you have to fast vault something in order to use it. I'm not claiming it can't be useful, but it's bare-bones for a perk that requires a prerequisite. Seeing as Sprint Burst can be used anytime, it makes sense why it doesn't have a special secondary effect; but I'm not sure why Lithe doesn't have one. The buff idea I have isn't a really big one, but Lithe would give survivors running it a 5% vaulting speed buff (all tiers), regardless if they're exhausted or not. This could also make it easier to use the perk seeing as you'll have slightly less of a chance to get hit while vaulting an object. Tell me what you guys think, I personally would like to see Lithe get a secondary ability of some sort, but there could be a better idea I'm not thinking of.


  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,124

    So you'd have it just speed up medium vaults and not the fast ones?

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    I'd like to see how it would worked stacked with Resilience. Though, I imagine they wouldn't stack it if it would make it OP.

  • Petraaahh
    Petraaahh Member Posts: 208

    The perks in a great spot it is a Sprint burst that can practically be used on command without having to crawl around the map like Sprint burst. It also has excellent pairings like dance with me and quick and quite.

  • doitagain_
    doitagain_ Member Posts: 723

    Lithe just got a buff when the chase requirement was removed last patch. I think it's in a good spot.

    Btw, none of the exhaustion perks you listed have a "secondary ability" other than Balanced Landing.

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,124

    Sorry, bad wording on my part, I mean that they provide something other than just a sprint, e.i. stagger reduction, a stun, or I frames. Yes not all of them have a secondary ability like BL but Lithe is similar to BL in that they both require a prerequisite in order to get the sprint. The other two perks (DH & HO) also require a prerequisite in order to use them, but they provide an arguably better ability than a speed boost to compensate for their counters (although HO is very inconsistent and under-powered, but that's a different topic). Lithe doesn't have something like this, which is why I think it'd be cool to have use even if a survivor is exhausted. In regards to Lithe's "buff" I preferred it when it could only be used in a chase because I could Q&Q vault with it without wasting Lithe and having to walk for 40 seconds. Sure that's just my opinion but I find this "buff" to be more inconvenient than anything seeing as I only use it in cases anyways.

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,124
    edited April 2019

    But you can just run with SB when the exhaustion bar is almost refilled, sure it's a little more inconvenient, but it works just fine and you can just stop running for a second to use SB if you need it. Lithe doesn't have that, you need to find an object to vault and you need to be able to play around it so that you can't get downed; which is why I think it'd be nice to have a 5% faster object vault speed. I do agree with you on the Q&Q and DWM combo with Lithe, but I don't always want to run those three perks because they can get boring quickly; and now that you don't have to be in chase to use Lithe, I can't even use two of the perks out of chase anymore because I'd waste Lithe. Not to mention that using 2 other perk slots just to make 1 perk more viable isn't something that should have to be done; a perk should be able to hold its own (without being overpowered of course). Plus adding on a 5% vault speed wouldn't change that combo much, seeing as it'd still have the same effect, but you could at least get use out of Lithe if you're exhausted.

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,124

    But you can already stack Resilience with Spine Chill and it isn't OP (plus SC has 6% at tier 3 so it wouldn't be that much faster if Lithe did grant a 5% vault bonus).

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,446

    I thought about this a while ago and came up with the idea that it could possibly widen the range that a fast vault can be achieved from (not by much or shack would be even more of a nightmare)

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    I like the idea of making a fast vault more likely from a medium vault, as it stands it got a buff just doing a rushed vault and it needed that with chase conditions being very unreliable. However, unless you plan on just flat out sprinting away without looking back, that speed bonus is usually wasted as you need to see what the killer is going to do. Probably shines best after you have to drop an unsafe pallet and get away fast making it more situational assuming you didn't have to vault a window earlier in the chase.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Lithe is already quite powerful after the chase requirement was removed. The only exhaustion perk with a bonus is Balanced Landing, which is heavily map-dependant and kinda situational.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @Luigifan64 yes. If you could do a medium vault at almost (but not quite) fast vault speeds then that would make you much more difficult to corner giving a comparable advantage to BL's secondary effect.

  • frikerf
    frikerf Member Posts: 7

    It doesn’t need this, If anything it’s better than sprint burst because you either crouch around the map to not use it or run around and hope your exhaustion goes away by the time the killer finds you. With lithe you just need to vault something.