Looping Needs To Go



  • Dwight_Main
    Dwight_Main Member Posts: 69

    while were on that. lets also remove the survivor's ability to run or hide in a locker, also the killer's M1 should instantly down a survivor

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @Acromio while I know people misuse the term, Mindgames are a real thing and are more than playing the odds.

    Take my example of 3 possible routes from earlier. Yes you have a base chance of 1/3 of picking the right path. However you can increase those odds through psychological factors. For example by default most people aren't going to go towards the dead end. And if someone has went to the jungle gym then they are more likely to go do the juke location next time to mix things up.

    Read this for more info:

    Social deduction games are actually one of the best examples of mindgames. Considering that mindgames and psychological manipulation are literally the entire game sometimes.

    The key to a good mindgame situation is where there is a mathematically "best option" no matter what, but using it constantly makes you predictable enough to make you lose every time. In the context of a DBD chase that means if the Killer knows how the Survivor is going to run a loop then he should be able to down that Survivor very quickly. And more importantly by the time both the Survivor and Killer can see which route the other has chosen to take it must be too late to change back.

    That last part is key. As a Killer you can see how they will run a loop and move to cut them off. However they can just see you doing this and take a different route on reaction. Yes there are SOME loops where this isn't the case, and the entirety of the Spirit negates this (ignoring the bug for a second) but in general these are not Mindgame opportunity's.

    Basically. If you can program an AI to do it perfectly then it isn't a Mindgame. (baring the insanely advanced neural network AI's that make up prediction algorithms).