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General Discussions

Possible D/C Fix

Member Posts: 483
edited April 2019 in General Discussions

I had this Idea for fixing the amount of d/cs that happen

Have any of you ever played Identity V and or Rainbow Six Seige? Because they have a similar system

If you press the "Leave Match" button sure you will leave the game but also give you a small ban on going into a match again (doesn't apply on going into Kill your friends obviously) and if you were to quit the game entirely (Alt+F4/Dashboarding or whatever console you are using) your character model will stay in place and if you try going into the game again you have the option of returning to the game you were just in or leaving the match adding the penalty

To avoid confusion about inactive players when you are playing the game so you don't make pointless saves their can be a little text above or below the player saying INACTIVE

This is just a rough idea and could definitely be tweaked a little bit so tell me if you think this would be a nice addition to the game to stop the "D/C apocalypse"

EDIT: Thank you @Heroiq for the idea to make this non exploitable (Killer trapping you in corner or basement stairs) make it so if the killer is not moving for a couple of seconds then collision is disabled allowing you to run through the killer and removing the obvious ability of holding the game hostage also for basement make the stairs wider so killer cannot body-block the basement

One more thing that came to mind that I completely blanked on was other survivors trolling you another simple fix just disable collision after a certain amount of time

Post edited by legion_main on

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  • Member Posts: 483


    Actually that's a nice idea good on you for thinking of that

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Once the Collapse goes live, the killer will not be able to hold anyone hostage in the basement.

  • Dev Posts: 7,555

    The former is something we would like to do in the future, although nothing is set in stone just yet. We'll share more on this as soon as we can. The latter is a little trickier since it would require dedicated servers in order to work properly. If the Killer closes the game, for example, the match will end currently since the Killer is the host. With dedicated servers, it would be possible to keep them "in the game", but right now it's not an option.

    Regarding holding the game hostage and banning: We do already act on these reports, however, there's not always somebody watching around the clock. I'm not crazy about the idea of someone being held hostage and either having to leave and be timed out or stay and hope someone is around at that exact moment. This would go double since the person who's holding the game hostage could close the game and go do something else while continuing to grief.

  • Member Posts: 483


    The Idea where if a killer is not moving for a certain amount of time and then disabling collision with the killer might be a better solution for holding the game hostage and with the basement maybe make the staircase a little wider so killers can't just body block it

  • Member Posts: 158

    Possible D/C fix? Public shaming of the D/C'ers - save & share the video, posting the platform you were playing on and their user name. If their profile brags about being toxic share a screen grab of that, too.

    Of course we know this won't work (or fly), but it could be entertaining.

  • Member Posts: 280

    So, since literally everyone has DC'd at some point, we'll assume you're going to lead by example and post your info then? No? Then why would you suggest it about someone else?

  • Member Posts: 158

    Unintentional disconnecting (meaning not in the hands of the user) and pulling the plug because the game "isn't going my way" are two different situations. A video of a team mate getting downed and then instantly disconnecting, that's worth a share. The gens getting done, hexes getting broken and no one getting caught, killer disconnecting, worth a share.

  • Member Posts: 21

    Intentional disconnecting needs to have some sort of punishment beyond simply removing pips, in the grand scheme of things to the majority of the community; rank doesn't matter.

  • Member Posts: 942

    I had an idea to make it so when players dc, they would instead be sacrificed. If you're interested in the details, here is my post:

  • Member Posts: 474


    "Regarding holding the game hostage and banning: We do already act on these reports, however, there's not always somebody watching around the clock".

    Making declarative statements? I, too, like to live dangerously.

    Just asking for a little clarification.

    3 survivors in the basement, 1 killer blocking the stairs, 1 survivor free to do whatever, current live server. This situation is a bannable offense? You said, "act", not "ban".

    Same situation, current PTB status including EGC?

    2 remaining survivors, both in the basement, killer blocking stairs. What course of "action" would this result? This one I can understand, as there is no other option to end the game.

    However, last 2 survivors, EGC started, killer blocks the stairs...should not warrant an "action" as the game will progress and end.

    I'm not trying to be glib, I promise. I'm not even trying to be argumentative. I'm asking you to confirm that "as long as the game can continue" there is no valid report.

    3 survivors in the basement, 1 running around, killer blocks stairs, no EGC....until the moment the single survivor escapes...the killer is not holding the game hostage. However, as soon as that sole survivor powers all the generators, opens the gates, and second past that (again, without EGC) the killer is now holding the game hostage. Is that bannable?

  • Member Posts: 326

    I like the idea and definitely think a timeout would be reasonable if the player had the opportunity to rejoin the match.

    There is one fix that I think would be super easy to implement and would at least decrease disconnects a little.

    REMOVE the Leave Game button.

    Why is it even there if disconnecting is frowned upon and if done enough a bannable offense? Just get rid of it. Don't give players the option to leave the match if you don't want people leaving matches.

    Without the button I think the amount of current disconnects would decrease a lot. I don't think the majority of people disconnecting currently would be willing to alt+f4 their game and relaunch it just to quit out of a match.

  • Member Posts: 443

    The solution to fixing DC/s is better if they look at a way to reward/benefit people who don't DC vs punishing people who do. For instance, if I get incredibly angry and want to disconnect, having a 5 minute timer isn't going to dissuade me from disconnecting. It's just going to make me wait longer to play or make me not play at all. It would also hurt queue times even more than they are now because people would either not be playing or they would be waiting to queue because of the punishment. Instead, give people more of a reason to not disconnect. If I'm in a game where I'm having zero fun, my teammates are playing like absolute monkeys, and I'm not going to get any meaningful bloodpoints, I gain zero by staying in the game. The only thing that I lose is the xp for account level which on one cares about. A good place to start would be making account levels actually mean something. Currently they are pointless and don't really have a purpose (aside from shards which could just as easily be added to post game like they previously were) Attach cosmetic and decently sized BP rewards to account leveling and reward people for staying in game. I would be a lot less incline to disconnect if I was working on unlocking a new cosmetic or two from account leveling. Punishing the disconnecting players with timeouts is just going to further along the queue and is a lazy solution imo. Games like LoL can get away with these kinds of timeouts because they have drastically more players to fill the gaps. DBD can't afford to do anything that lengthens the already annoying queue times.

  • Member Posts: 443

    People can just alt tab out and force close from task manager. Removing the leave game button would do nothing. And yes many people would still disconnect. And instead of leaving and playing the game more, they might just force quit and decide to not open the game again. This would drop the player base a decent amount and just result in longer queue times. Terrible idea

  • Member Posts: 443

    Also, even if you manage to force people to stay in games where they would want to DC, it's just going to increase the toxicity within the game. It's going to likely result in a lot of those players not trying to play the game out/ immediately just suiciding to the killer. Either that or they are going to be incredibly toxic in game by sandbagging/popping gens/other toxic things. These people aren't going to suddenly become great teammate because they are forced to stay in the game.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @Vlieger The button is there because sometimes you have to turn off the game due to real-life stuff. I'm not going to stay in the game if there's a gas leak in my building (which has happened). Hell, I won't even keep my computer on, just to be safe.

  • Member Posts: 406

    DEVS DOOO SOMETHING! whatever!!!!

    i Got DC in every match! (surv or killer no matter)

    quit the option to leave the match. Punish DC!!!! please!!!!

  • Member Posts: 483


    It sounds good on paper but once you put it in you realize how bad of a effect it can have on the game

    I don´t support people dcing but sometimes people have legitimate reasons to leave the match such as trolling/sandbagging/someone working with the killer

    Obviously no system can be perfect but maybe with dedicated servers this can decrease the amount of d/cs that happen

  • Member Posts: 626

    The easiest way is make survs and killers start with 10.000 BP. Now if you DC you have nothing to lose.

  • Member Posts: 326


    As others have pointed out there are other ways of closing the game if that is really what you need to do. If you had to close the game for a real life emergency it would be easier to close it in one of these fashions anyways. If you use the leave game button you then have to continue to click back through the lobby and main menu screens to finally quit the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,142
    edited April 2019

    @Vlieger But that is also a point. Removing Leave Match won't solve any part of the issue. If a player wants to leave for any reason, they can simply Task Manager end the game process (or whatever console people do), or unplug the internet for a few seconds.

    It takes no time at all to relaunch the game.

    People who want to quit a match will still very easily do so. I fail to see where removing Leave Match does anything.

  • Member Posts: 326

    @Kilmeran If you read my original post I say " I think the amount of current disconnects would decrease a lot. I don't think the majority of people disconnecting currently would be willing to alt+f4 their game and relaunch it just to quit out of a match."

    I'm not saying it will stop people from relaunching their game, but I doubt everyone currently disconnecting would continue to do so and start this new practice.

    Removing the button is a fast thing to do which, in my opinion, would LESSEN the amount of d/cs. It would in no way solve the issue, but with how long changes take to implement this is merely an action BHVR could take to bandaid an issue that is becoming a very big problem.

  • Member Posts: 3,142
    edited April 2019

    @Vlieger To be honest, I don't think the current DC epidemic will continue too long after Dedicated Servers, when Behavior can monitor things more closely and act accordingly.

    And considering they've said several times over the past month that pretty much every reaction they're considering will come along with Dedicated Servers, we're pretty much boned on DCs until then anyway.

  • Member Posts: 483


    That´s another big issue all BHVR does is bandaid issues we need perm solutions not temporary ones removing the leave match button will most likely drive people away from the game if they are forced to stay in and have to do some run around to get back in

  • Member Posts: 326


    I agree, dedicated servers will be when BHVR can finally make a change or take action to solve the issue completely. But dedicated servers won't even be launching till summer (so at minimum 2 more months?), and how long after that will BHVR take to gather data and implement a solution.

    A band-aid solution is needed until a permanent solution can be implemented.


    so you are saying you support people disconnecting from matches and if they didn't have that choice they would quit playing the game entirely?

  • Member Posts: 483


    Not at all like I said previously people have legitimate reasons to leave whether it be real life or just the pure toxicity in the game they are playing I wouldn´t want to stay in a game where the killer or the survivors are trolling me instead of playing the game as intended

  • Member Posts: 326


    So what kind of solution would you propose then? How do you determine if a person is leaving a match cause of "legitimate reasons"

    From the sound of it, that is the system in place now, and it is being abused to the point that it is ruining the majority of games for other people.

  • Member Posts: 483


    That´s where the ban system would come in like I said it´s not perfected but then again what system is?

  • Member Posts: 326


    No system is perfect, and no system will work for everyone, but it is evident that the current system is not working and is visibly hurting the game and community.

    The change I suggested is easy to implement and removes temptation. Persistent people will still d/c, but this solution creates a buffer to the disconnects.

    Another solution in the current system could be to adjust the % of disconnects a player needs before getting a ban, but actually completely preventing a player from playing your game would also have very negative effects since the playerbase will drop.

    Something needs to change in the current system. Dedicated servers are still too far away to just sweep the issue under the rug until those are in place.

    I personally have not played in a couple of weeks at this point due to more then half the time on the game I was getting 3v1 games, or people are disconnecting from 4v1 games resulting in the same thing. It sucks for both killers and survivors.

  • Member Posts: 483

    ima just bump this up....

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