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General Discussions

Remove the ability for the Killer to see the Survivors with items.



  • Member Posts: 2,789

    Exactly. They're doing it because Moris, like keys etc, add to the toxicity of the game and they want to avoid it at all cost. That shouldn't be punished unless they leave mid-game (including right after the loading screen)

    The survivors should be able to choose to dodge it without it ruining a game, just as killers can and do.

  • Member Posts: 194

    I understand where you’re coming from but basically what you’re saying is survivors aren’t allowed to wear certain outfits despite the fact they paid for them. Imagine dodging a killer because they spawned in wearing Legacy or p3 items.

    I’d be in agreement with killers not being able to see items if it didn’t effect their gameplay so much. The ones that rely on Franklin’s when they see items would be forced to equip it every match. You couldn’t choose to run certain perks based on what you see in survs hands at the campfire. And I don’t feel there is anything wrong with giving a killer that slight advantage of knowing what they’re facing.

    4 purple toolboxes or 4 flashlights etc is a bit too much. But both survivors and killers have their tryhard loadouts. Doesn’t mean they’ll actually be any good lol. I would t be adverse to there being a pre-lobby lobby for survivors where they had to equip perks/items before joining a killer and their perks/items are locked so no 6 sec change. I also would t be adverse to limiting the amount of each item that could be brought into a match but I have no idea how you would implement that.

    The problem, for me, comes in when they decide to dodge for cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 69

    what a load of bullshit. if thats what we get i also demand that we also know what kind of killer a player is using.

    the killer not being able to see survivor's items is fair

  • Member Posts: 2,582

    Just last minute switch like everyone else does

  • Member Posts: 625
    edited April 2019

    Dodging hurts console players. A 15 minute queue time just to be dodged?

    You're kidding right?

  • Member Posts: 1,089
    edited April 2019

    Dumb idea.

    Instead they need to work on the main objective of the survivors (the gens) and make them more dynamic and interesting. That way chase extenders like insta-meds, and mom and strong lunch box combos aren't op. (commodius with instructions and a wire spool can do about 3 gens by itself)

    dont treat symptoms or you just make the problem worse.

  • Member Posts: 3,278

    Franklin's Demise, Thanatophobia, Barbecue and Chili and Nurse's Calling on any OP killer with good ad ons, easy win.

  • Member Posts: 125

    I really don't care what the survivors are carrying. Sometimes if all 4 have something though I will throw on Franklins.

  • Member Posts: 234

    I'm bumping this cuz @Mochan brings up a good point.

    Killers should not see the Survivors at the campfire... They should see beams of light like the marker on map items.

    Very good point. Killers are single handedly ruining this game.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    That may have been true in 2016 as the design intent, but the balance has changed a lot now.

    I don't see why this particular design dinosaur needs to stay, when it's clearly detrimental to the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    Not single-handedly, Survivors have a hand in it too, but the lobby serves nobody.

    Killers should not be able to see survivors, and survivors should not have a chat (not that anybody actually uses it). Just plop everyone into the trial once everyone's confirmed the ping, and that's that.

  • Member Posts: 2,886
    edited May 2019

    No. We should remove both, to be fair. No survivor chat, no killer prep. Fair is fair.

    It's a major source of DC'ing/dodging and really should not be in the game. I would also remove the Offering Screen to be honest. Survivors do not need a heads up that there's a Mori coming to town.

  • Member Posts: 2,886
    edited May 2019

    This is why secondary objectives are required. The gas can idea that someone posted wasn't half bad. It removes the power from the toolboxes and gives survivors other, better and more exciting things to do rather than just toolbox away at the gens.

    Also, if Toolboxes are such a problem, you should just pack Franklin's every match. If you really think items are so powerful, why take the chance? Use Franklin's every time.

    Survivors are used to having to deal with meta perks that are always on. We have learned to adjust our behaviors in game so that we don't get caught by BBQ or Nurse's Calling. Even if the killer doesn't have these perks we always play as if they do. To do otherwise courts disaster.

    Maybe killers can try always playing with Franklin's for a change to see how it feels to be forced to play certain ways by things you haveno control over.

  • Member Posts: 37

    I agree.

    In addition to obscuring Ranks, please remove the items the Survivor is bringing into the trial from BOTH the Killer and other Survivors.

  • Member Posts: 749

    Have you tried not bringing an item that speeds up an already too fast objective and see if you still get dodged?

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    Well then, ######### me if I am playing hag or trapper

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Did a necromancer esk killer just release?

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    I agree. Flashlights and med kits don't bother me. Toolboxes however, yeah if I'm going against an swf with toolboxes then it's mori time.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    Kinda rude to not let the old thread rest 😔

    But even if we ignore the strength of items there's a lot of things in the game that sorta depend on the killer being able to prepare. There's several perks specifically intended to be brought out in certain situations that are brought up by items. If the survivors really want to they can just last second switch anyway.

    Seeing profiles is completely pointless anyway if making any assumptions about totally/partially private profiles is involved. A lot of people have their profiles on "Friends Only" for all sorts of legitimate reasons, it might even be the default setting nowadays but I'm not 100% sure on that one.

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