Penalties For Killers Who Camp Hooks
Can you do something about killers who camp hooks? Maybe there could be a zero bloodpoints penalty or a penalty where the killer cannot hit survivors for a minute or a speed penalty if the camp. Another idea is to make it so the killer has health. If they camp too long the die... Maybe?! A faster wiggle for all survivors if there's a camping killer would be great too. Whatever the penalty is, it must be severe enough to make even the the biggest DBD troll not want to do it. Please make it steep! Also, if a survivor gets camped while on the hook and dies there the survivor should not lose their item or offering. I'm getting so sick of losing items because I get camped. Implementing a gauge for the killer that fills over a short time telling the killer that they are camping might be useful for people that play the game properly. A gauge for the hooked survivor would be useful as well. It would let them know that they will not lose their item. Having said that, maybe having the survivor gauge hidden might be a better idea since it might give an unfair advantage to the survivor. Just have it so the survivor gets an in-game notification saying that at this point you will not lose your items or offering. If that survivor gets off the hook and survives sor a certain amount of time then that message goes away and the game resumes as normal weather they die or escape. If they don't get camped again of course. In closing, I know it's hard to balance campers. Sometimes a survivor is hooked and the killer is chasing another would be rescuing survivor around the same hook. Maybe cancel the anti camping penalty in that situation. Anyway, something must be done. I beg you PLEASE! 😥
(EDIT) As for the killer dying part. The killer would respawn instantly elsewhere away from other survivors. This might be a bad idea but it's an idea I'm putting out there anyway. I see people talking about survivors looping the hook to slow the entity progression and abusing it. There should be a way to deal with this as well. Maybe damage over time. The survivor would take damage starting after 15 - 20 seconds of looping. The survivor would take 3 damage. On the third time they would go into the injured state. After an additional 15 - 20 seconde the survivor goes into a bleedout state which they could recover from automatically after leaving the area. The injured state would still be applied until manually healed. In any case, weather the killer is camping or a rescuing survivor is looping, the radius around the hook should be small. However, the killer's anti camping radius the the survivor looping radius should be different sizes. Which one should be bigger? Personally, I say the killer's radius should be bigger. Thoughts!
There's already an Emblem penalty, as long as survivors aren't also nearby and the killer isn't in a chase. So get to work on those generators and punish campers.
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Yeah ok and if a survivor loops a pallet they take damage. If they crouch too fast and too often the entity will mori them.
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It doesn't go far enough though. I've had many games where the killer camps until I die basically ruining the game for everyone.
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Not for everyone, only for you and for themself. Three other survivors get a free escape.
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Define camping in terms that can be mathematically proven
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I'm pretty sure the devs have already said camping is a legit tactic
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If they face camp you for the entire hook and your team is working gens then at least 3 gens can get done if they just work the gens and ignore you (since you are being camped).
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What I'm experiencing as survivor quite a lot lately is that the killer has no option but to camp or tunnel. I don't agree with all situations of camping, but in most I do agree with it. Plus the survivors have the chance to push the generators fast.
They should make changes (such as increasing generator repair time) so that killers don't have to camp or tunnel someone but have the time to go for someone else without regretting and losing their match.
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Hex: Ruins... Just to slow a game just a little bit.
Also... whats the point of tunneling? Just use memento mori.
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Hex ruin should have a time period for which it works in order for it to be fair to newbies/average players.
Pro players know how to efficiently find and destroy a hex totem quickly. And they understand the importance of it, having had huge experience playing the game.
As for hook camping, the simple solution would be slower entity progression the closer the killer to the hook is.
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In certain ranks people can work through ruin really well and still get the generators done fast. Tunneling gives the killer more pressure, especially when the person is on death hook. It's a unfun way for survivors but sometimes crucial to get people sacrificed.
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If you're going to be toxic then please leave the forum. My self and others are trying to make DBD better.
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Good idea!
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Are you saying the survivors will start repairing gens faster if the killer camps? That would good!
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Can you direct me to where they said this? If they did then that is.... interesting. 😐️
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As i said... whats the point of tunneling someone throught 3 hooks, when you can just hook him once and then mori him?
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If they are somewhat using their brain, yes.
Not every killer brings a mori. You cannot always tell that you're going against stronger survivors in lobbies.
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From a simple Google search I found this; In video gaming, camping is a controversial and much-hated tactic where a player obtains a static strategic position of advantage. ... Among many players, camping is considered very similar to cheating, especially in deathmatch-type first-person shooter games.
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What part of "can be mathematically proven" did you not understand? They asked for a formal definition of camping that could be used to create a detection algorithm. Your definition is just words.
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They already have a bloodpoint penalty for camping hooks, and people still do it anyways. Sorry to tell you this, but camping will be around forever. People can't help themselves. It's easier to stand in one spot than to learn how to actually play the game.
Post edited by Saint_Ukraine on1 -
Everyone across the gaming world knows and the Devs should know that camping in any game is looked down upon. This is why DBD will never be as great as it could be. The survivor should at least have a better chance to get themselves of the hook when being camped or a slower entity progression as mentioned by someone else on this post. As for the face camping bit, "With new killers, there will always be camping, because they need to learn what does and does not pay off." Why should I die, lose items and have my experience ruined at the expense of a new player or someone that can't play the game well? A new player playing as a survivor might now come back to the game because of camping. Like I said before, everyone across the gaming world knows that camping in any game is looked down upon. Yes! The killer should have an advantage but not so much so that they can ruin the experience especially for new players. I've seen far too often people being toxic in DBD because someone got pi$$ed off because of camping. I've had it directed at me and I've seen it on Twitch. I'm not holding the Devs responsible for people's bad behaviour or the person doing the camping but I gotta say that the environment doesn't help curve the toxicity. If the Devs want people to camp then what are we going to do about it?
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Are you a game dev? Neither am I.
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The penalty is that three survivors have 25 seconds to do gens.
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120, actually.
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OP is even shown information directly from the devs about how camping was intended and still pithces a fit about WAHHHHHH I Hate having something that is not against the rules used to kill me!!!! Get rid of it DEVS!!!
That is some incredible new level of salt and entitlement from a player who clearly either needs to take a break from the game or uninstall if they are gonna baby rage that much about playstyles that exist in every online game that camping can be done in.
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If survivors do 3 gens and you only get your first hook, why wouldn't you tunnel and camp? I rarely play killer, but it should be mentioned that if a killer has a bad game, I completely understand why they'd camp the one kill they might get.
If you play this game, you have to accept that you will lose games, you will have extremely short games sometimes. I've noticed that in lower ranks killers tend to camp much more and survivors don't do gens, this isn't as much of a problem higher up.
You as the survivor can punish the killer for that kind of play-style by not going to unhook the survivor and doing gens, that is the counter-play to a camping killer. If you happen to be the one being camped, stay on hook, give your team time to get out and make the killer see how unfruitful this method of play is.
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I agree. Maybe the person could die slower if the killer is right next to the Survivor on the hook?
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Already tried and abused by survivors. Try thinking of rewarding the killer for not camping instead of punishing the killer for securing a kill.
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Devs already tried this and survivors abused it in the PTB.
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Survivors camp hooked survivors, hex totems, the exit gate when there is 1 gen to go, Trapper when he is setting traps and Hag when she is laying eggs
So if I want to camp a survivor because I've already lost, because they were being cocky, because its Ash, because Laurie ran me round 3 generators and I knew I should have given up but I was so close to downing her so I carried on. Thats fine.
Be a good team mate, punish me for camping and hold on for as long as you can.
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Slowing the progression or outright stopping it has already been done survivors abused the hell out of it by looping around the area.
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Hex Ruin is...Unreliable. If you put time into protecting it then it may be worthwhile. Yet killers can't really control where the hex will be so if could easily do its LOS check on spawn and decide next to a gen or out in the open, but not directly in front of the survivor is fine enough. You don't want to use moris because the game doesn't weight them the same as a hook and sacrifice. You could mori the whole team and still run the risk of depipping if you didn't get enough hits or they did most of the gens within the first 9mins of the game.
So survivors are worth more to killers alive than dead and the game can only be slowed down "Just a Little Bit". If the survivors are top notch players then you're simply not slowing the game down.
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And thats why B&C have a bloodpoints increase.
@ReikoMori Usually a green mori is enough.
Also ruin always takes a few seconds for a survivors, 1 they look for it, then one person is cleaning it.
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Check out the solution I just posted. I think its pretty good and would love some feed back
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Congrats, this solution has been proposed for the 1000th time after it was tested in beta tests and it didn't work.
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Killers can camp. They can sit there face camping the hook swinging at you.
Their Blood Points will suffer and they will likely not pip very well. Not only that, it will smear the name they are using.
It will probably happen less when you rank out of whichever spot you're in. Also you can just off yourself and move onto the next game if it bothers you so much.
[Edited because the K word is bad apparently]
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This is definitely needed, the pip penalty isn't enough to stop them from doing it. A lot of people get salty when you loop them so they just face camp you :T
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It's something they have said time and time again that players can do it. Do what every other survivor tells killers to do and "Adapt".
Post edited by ReikoMori on3 -
> Everyone across the gaming world knows and the Devs should know that camping in any game is looked down upon.
Are you one of those people that call defending the objective camping?
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Just respawn these guys 30 secs later in a random location within the map.
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If he kills you by camping, then he gots a reason most of the time. He gets an emblem penalty anyways. Survs complain about it, but it's still part of the game. And please, you should never forget that "camping" is kinda wanted if you look at perks like Insidious. THis game is becoming more and more complaining instead of playing.
Never forget one thing: The killers objective is to kill the survivors, no matter how! He gets a penalty anyways. He doesn't need to care if he ruins the game for the survivors cause this is his job in the end. If you all escape, then you've ruined the game for the Killer. We can't all be winners at the end!
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"The killers objective is to kill the survivors, no matter how!"
You're wrong. The killer objective is the same as survs: Have fun.
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There's a reason why people are complaining. Just saying!
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I'm wrong? I think most of the community disagrees with you. Keep your eyes on the forum.
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Camping a survivor down is already punished enough. You usually dont pip, you dont get BP and you just get one kill, if the survivors don't play like potatoes.
Man, these post really suck. "Why cant we just beat him up, ban him, delete his steam account, crash his console and tell everybody what a ######### up person he is, if he camps."
In my opionion, I would just delete each and every post that asks for punishing campers. The already get nothing if they camp, and you still are asking for "punishments".
How about rewarding, if they dont camp ?!?!?!? Huhh ????
Oh, sorry, I see: Killers just deserve punishment and nerfs .... they dont need to have fun in this game, cause they are generally bad persons.
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I definitely disagree. Ofcourse is the killers objective to kill all survivors, while the survivors objective is to escape. That's simply the game, and it simply can be frustrating to loose. But that doesn't mean that it's not fun, just because you lost.
That all depends on .... the survivors and how toxic they are in the endgame chat. ;-P
Ofcourse you can have some players, that take fun from this game by doing something else but killing everyone. You also can have players that love camping and have fun by doing that...
But saying "this is all about fun and not killing and winning" is like saying "Counter Strike is not about eleminating the other team. It's about fun" ... duh.
"Soccer is not about scoring goals ... it's 'bout fun" ... duh.
It's competitve and players here want basically to compete with each other by the given rules. If you dont want competition but more a fun game for everybody caring about each other, you might be better of with a co-operative game, maybe?
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I can see a Lot of campers around this forum . LoL.I dont know whats up with you guys. If you are a good Killer you dont need to camp or tunnel, Just Go sweeping The players Little By Little , having Fun and letting everyone have Fun and be The protagonist. I know I am gonna have a Lot of vote down here but that's because we r Full of toxic players around . There's no excuse to camp (maybe at The end ok) , you complain About loopings and tea Bags but that does not affect the game , Just learn How to be a Killer that you won't bother with those staff. Campers are bad players , they Just dont know that yet and think they r good.
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Not everyone has fun the same way you do and most players aren't campers. The issue is that this sort of thread gets thrown up everyday and it is always the exact same. The game isn't going to have an even dispersal of 'fun'. Some players have fun dominating other players, others have fun increasing their skill, others have fun just watching the world burn. Camping is going to happen at some point and the game already gives out massive penalties for it. At some point you just start to learn as others have that penalties aren't going to stop the people who make it a habit to camp.
Yet, the game being designed in such a way that it can even have a camping situation is something that can be addressed if everyone who made these threads to complain about campers started to instead ask the devs to change who the base game functions. Killers are reliant on hooks, it is their sole objective. That in an of itself is a problem. Survivors are reliant on doing gens and that is their sole objective and it is a problem. The game needs more mechanical incentive to make players not engage in loops, camping, etc. If there were more things to do in game that required both sides attention then we'd have these issues less. Killers specifically need other basic gameplay mechanics that can constitute them winning the game. Using the hooks should be an option, but no longer the only way.
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Can you be less obvious? ofc survivors complain about camping...cuz they don't like even being downed anymore half the time...