Killer's with weaker powers need less downsides/plz buff

Not a long post, this is for discussion hopefully.

Here are Examples: Legion (PTB)- now stuns 4 seconds instead of 3, he also can't see scratches OR blood, he also is slower in FF than previously, he also must wait for his bar to fully charge again, and loses all that if he accidentally misses (which is sorta fine counter play, but why not make him drain FF for vaulting pallet/window? The missed attack cooldown was a unique piece of him.

Leatherface- Will Tantrum if he hits something rather than a normal stun, the tantrum almost never downs unless survivors are peak potatoes. Slows down even MORE than Billy when revving up.

Clown- There's not a lot but his power is countered by camping pallets and having your friends do those gens, he slows down when throwing bottles (but very miniscule slow)

Freddy- Well I don't think Freddy is AS bad as others say he is. The 7 seconds is a free hit/mindgame, but why on earth is he cucked so hard by self care?

These are my 3 examples of some of the weaker killers who the devs slapped odd downsides to for who knows why. No tantrum/billy speed rev and LF would still be weak.


  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    The Plague is essentially any M1 115% killer when you run no mither, you waste your time puking on others when non-potato survivors won't cleanse and just keep going.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    Clown does not slow down when throwing bottles. He used to in his PTB but got buffed before release and doesn't slow down anymore.

  • No1TheLarch
    No1TheLarch Member Posts: 221

    But then again they have no mither so if you run SF and enduring youll smash them. Plague is fine. Doctor needs buff, Leatherface needs buff, clown, Freddy, Wraith a slight cloaked move speed buff. New legion needs not to lose frenzy bar when stunned in normal chase, revert the frenzy speed nerf then will be fine. Nurse needs slight blink movement speed nerf at short ranges. MoM needs a rework as it hurts week killers but does nothing to strong ones.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    "New legion needs not to lose frenzy bar when stunned in normal chase" You should just respect the pallets, you can vault them anyway.

    Nurse doesent need nerf to her abbility, she needs a rework of her addons. Like c'mon, blink range addons doesen't reduce her accuracy like they are said to do.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Just make Legion not have worse vision during fatigue than Nurse PLEASE.

    I'll be happy

  • frikerf
    frikerf Member Posts: 7

    Legion could do with a couple buffs. I think a 28m tr would be better since the deep wound pauses in his tr, give him a slightly a smaller one to compensate.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    @frikerf There is a problem with your idea, legion needs also big terror radius for his killer's instinct to find more survivors during one ff because of this monitor & abuse is perfect for him.