Defencive Strike is to weak now, you cant even use it properly anymore.

Its about the Defensive Strike... why did you had to make it that way that it only activates for 60 seconds (on level 3) after getting unhooked? i mean it got so weak now, it was an one time use already and the killers could easily get up to you again. at least make it that way that it is only useable after getting unhooked if it is on level 1 and 2, on the last level it should be useable without the hooking. (like before the patch), it was the only good perk for laurie which is now screwed. it would be nice if you could change it again...
(sorry for my bad english it's not my main language)
It used to be completely broken. I do think it needs another look at, but not the way it was before. Good survivors abused the crap out of it.
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no 2nd chance 4 u
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It's an anti-tunnel perk now.
Basically, if a killer is gonna tunnel someone who just got unhooked or within a few seconds. It's a second chance to get away from the tunneling.
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I love defensive strike
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No its useless now. as evidenced by good killers who use Enduring, even at lvl 1 . here is evidence
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Huge issue with the old way ds worked was that the game starts in the survivors favor, and begins to migrate towards the killers favor.
the way ds used to work, the game would swing back into the survivors favor just as it should have started going into the killers.
i could write a dissertation on how ds affected gameplay the way it was, but the short story is that most people think of how survivor perks affect them, and now how their perks affect and benefit their entire team, and DS broke the symmetry of the games balance by giving the extra time you as the user are awarded to the rest of your team to do generators.
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Not if the killer has Enduring it isn’t. It makes absolutely no sense. I agree that ds needed a change, and I liked the fact it was being reworked to where only killers who did something “bad” would be on the receiving end. But the fact that any killer who just slaps on Enduring completely gets around it is honestly one of the stupidest things I’ve seen them do. It is not an anti tunnel perk for this reason. I think how the clock works is questionable, but at the very least get rid of the Enduring affect. It’s common sense.
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For being "so weak" I have seen it used very effectively multiple times tonight. Just have to except its not a chase deterrent or safety net anymore.
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@DemonDaddyYeah it’s accepted as a perk to help with tunneling. And it doesn’t work at all if the tunneling killer has Enduring. Don’t you see the problem with this? Why rework it into a perk that’s supposed to be healthy for the game, only for a tunneler to able to crush it and carry on with tunneling with zero deterrent? Doesn’t make sense does it.
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sorry guys but it was decisive or defensive? I am confused now..
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Makes perfect sense, your picking the perk in hope that it will pay off. Killer is spending a perk just to minimize potential stuns. You can make enduring fell just as useless depending how you spend pallets.
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Just because you dont get to "use" it. It's still forcing the killer to go somewhere else, and maybe it being out of the meta is just a good thing? It really had no place being in the game to begin with.
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It was good the way it was.
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i like defensive better than decisive.
It's not what it was, definitely weaker but it's fantastic for people who hate getting tunneled. Awesome anti tunneling perk. Finally I didn't feel so helpless when 6 people so far pulled me off right in front of the killer and they decided to go for me.
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I think the stun should be longer and enduring shouldn't affect it, but reverting it is too much.
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Survivors abused the crap out of it? Ight lets not talk about noed, tunneling, face camping, or broken hit boxes. But yea, using a 1 time ability is "abuse".
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I disagree. It saved me even better than before if I am tunelled since it activates immediately. And when I play killer and come back to pick up someone after chasing others it can still hit me. One minute can be quite long considering some games end really fast.
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Use MoM then
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Noed is aq destroyable perk that had had way more taken out of that DS, but lets set that aside cause forget beating that dead horse. DS was extremely meta and extremely powerful even with the use of Enduring. Now you have a perk that is balanced in the best way it could be while still being what it is. You even got it so that Enduring doesn't counter it. The only real change is that instead of punishing a killer for just playing the game and doing what they are supposed to now it punishes the killer for being overly obsessed with going after a survivor's who fresh off the hook.
You know, that thing you complain about everyday.
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enduring makes it hella useless like, by the time you stun them and get 4ft away they're already back on you.
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I agree that enduring shouldn't work on DS but I disagree with the opinion that it's useless now. I'm very satisfied with it right now. It helps me against tunneling (without Enduring) and it doesn't need any changes.
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I wouldn't go so far as to say that it was broken but it was by far the most powerful perk in the game in the hands of capable Survivors who could run the Killer for a long time only to get a free escape and run them again.
Personally, I think DS is in the best place it could be at the moment and it makes for some fun tank builds with Deliverance in addition to working very well as an anti-tunneling perk. I honestly think it could stand a couple of small buffs.
- Make it able to be used more than once. This would remove incentive to continue tunneling the Survivor and go after other people.
- Don't make Enduring affect the stun.
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Naaaaah it's great I run it alot and have made some great plays with it. it's not weak just not a god perk any more, which is fine by me.
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For an so-called anti-tunnel perk its way to situational. It may gives you an escape during endgame but you probably get tunneld down before that happens and theres no use in DS in this state where tunneling is really an issue.
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Run DS with Unbreakable, if they don't pick you up, you get up, if they do, you get up.
Problem solved, Killer main here to tell you that DS is not okay, not eveyone runs Enduring since you can't tell who the obsession is until the game starts, Enduring is only used on pallet destruction and vaulting builds. I had almost every game I played where I got Decisive Strike'd 4 times, no matter what, no way to stop it, I would get my kills prevented, no "git gud" comment because I had no way around it. Picking them up was death to you, so I usually brought a tunneling build, Sloppy Butcher so they died.
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If 3 seconds is not enough time for you to find a pallet or begin looping and routing the killer thats not a problem with the perk thats you as a survivour failing to capitalise off of it. Dead hard nets you what the same amount of if not less distance and that perk is run by the best players.
Firstly a specific perk is required to mitigate an otherwise 5 second stun. It no longer can be countered by juggling. If the killer plays around the 60 seconds then you had time to get picked up. If the killer just waits thats more times on gens.
Ds isnt suppose to guarrante you an immediate get away that would be ridiclously broken its suppose to buy time. You know that invaluable element that wins your team games if the killer chased you off hook.
You need to start realising this game isnt a 1 v 1 its a 1 v 4 if the killer wants you dead then making it so you could 1 v 1 the killer would completely break the balance of the game