Which side is easier for you?

GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

Keep in mind this is based on your experience and not how things go for most people.

I have an easier time as killer. (Rank 9 survivor and Rank 8 killer.)


  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I find survivor easier.

    I'm low rank.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    Rank 1 killer, rank 7-6 survivor.

    I have an easier time playing survivor. If I want to win as killer I have to play competitive and I like to be competitive but after a while I get tired and just switch to survivor to get a chill time.

  • benzos
    benzos Member Posts: 178
    edited May 2019

    rank 1 killer and survivor. i put them the same unless i get into a group with survivors that know what theyre doing. even then, you get a good killer with a mori and it can go either way depending on rng.

    its more frustrating than hard bc of the limitation of your role..... and q times.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Survivor. This side is less frustrating.

  • Keene_Kills
    Keene_Kills Member Posts: 649

    Definitely survivor. Not even remotely as stressful as killer. A little map knowledge goes a long way. Even when paired with some pretty gnarly goobers, can still usually get out without much of a problem. And even if I don't, I can generally laugh it off and get on with the next game. Getting slung around 4-fold on killer for a full game by those well-coordinated groups when ya' get 'em can build up on the psyche after a while. BP is meh in comparison, but matches come a whole helluva' lot quicker, so it tends to balance out a bit. If I need a nice, easy night of actual relaxed fun, I choose survivor every time.

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    Killer - Rank 10/5

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Killer. I rarely play Survivor, so I am flat-terriblr as one.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Though I play 98% survivor, KILLER. They have it easier, while on a laptop, I can;t move my screen and check my back around so I can properly loop ;.;

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Playing survivor is like having a nice summer vacation. It's chill and relaxing.

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    Depends on what you would consider winning. In most games the killer kills on average 2 survivors. That's my average anyway and it seems to be the average of most games I play as a survivor. My odds of escaping the killer as a survivor are around 50%. The thing is though that most people who play killer tend to think that they "lose" if just one survivor escapes. Since killers tend to think that they need to kill all four to win that makes playing killer seem harder. Even though it's prpbably just as hard for all four survivors to escape as it is to kill all four.

  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371

    I don't know, I find both sides equally challenging and rewarding in their own ways.

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 781

    Killer. I get some ######### games, but the vast majority go well.

    I enjoy survivor a lot more though.

  • Drazen
    Drazen Member Posts: 400

    Killer is fun for me but too stressful and Idk but I dont like to play survivor much though its really relaxing and u dont have to go tryhard to win

  • Sackgassenkind
    Sackgassenkind Member Posts: 2

    Playing both sides, maining Killer.

    In my opinion Survivor is much more relaxing/easier most of the games.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    killer: way to easy

    survivor: as a solo survivor its kinda difficult since some ppl arent too good

  • mutabletiger4
    mutabletiger4 Member Posts: 185

    I find killer easier, less room for error but I've had a ton more practice. Survivor for me is a struggle, I have fun either way though.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    I play both, but killer is easier and more relaxed. You're the one in control, and aren't subject to bad teammates / camping or tunnelling killers

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616


    It's why i don't play them anymore.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 2,002

    I play 95% survivor and Killer is much easier for me. I rarely have a game where I get less than 2 kills. Probably 1 out of every 10 IF that. Majority of my games end in 3 or 4 kills with NO Ruin (except Trapper because it's a must).

    Survivor, I have to actually put in some effort and have a team that isn't useless to survive.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    SWF is the easiest for me, then killer, then solo survivor

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    I find Killer more fun but as for easier to play It's no doubt survivor. While I enjoy killer so much It does get pretty stressful sometimes where as when i play survivor I'm never stressed one bit.

    Ultimately it'll depend on the game and your teammates so SWF would probably be the easiest but generally as a survivor if you're not running the killer or saving you're usually just holing M1 but when you play killer you have to micromanage so many different things like gens, hooks, totems as well as the survivors, Killers by default have so much more to do than survivors in terms of gameplay.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Survivor is easier for me. I have to do way less work and have way less stress. The biggest threat to my enjoyment as a survivor usually came from SWFs who wanted to be jerks. No matter who the killer is the game is usually just much easier to deal with since survivors aren't really forced to interact with the killer unless they just want to double pip. You could avoid the killer while doing gens and heals to get your single pip.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    Survivor is less stressful. It doesn't mean that I am not trying my best, it is just that I don't need to rush anything. I can take my sweet ass time as a survivor.

    I am pretty sure I have so much better win rate as a killer though.

    So I don't know what is the true answer for me. Survivor or killer?

    I will go with survivor because even though sometimes I win as a killer, the experience is really not pleasant at all.