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First hook is last hook for last survivor. & Wiggle speed increase and decisive revert

NeonWildSurge Member Posts: 34
edited April 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

I understand that yea it ends the game quickly for the last survivor and we all can move on to the next game, But can we at-least have the escape attempts for the last survivor? It kind of makes using Slippery Meat, And luck offerings kind of useless as the last survivor. (I just played against a Freddy who thought it would be funny and rub the salt in hooking me next to hatch.)

Also. The wiggle bar is kind of useless. It takes way to long to fill up or even to get half way with, Without being in a SWF to have your team-mates take hits, You don't have a chance to wiggle off. (Which is why old Decisive was a must) Sure flip-flip and unbreakable is good. Just not good to run in the current meta.


  • NeonWildSurge
    NeonWildSurge Member Posts: 34

    No, It's should at least give us a small chance to get off, Like a last attempt at surviving. But seriously Orion, Why should we have to *accept the lost* when there's offerings and perks just for the reason to be able to try and attempt? It's kind of asinine to look at it with your view. (personal thought here about you, You seem like the type to always complain about how OP survs are and need nerfs.) With the wiggle, It's simply to slow. Like maybe increase it just a small tad so that way the survivors can have a change to actually wiggle off.

  • NeonWildSurge
    NeonWildSurge Member Posts: 34

    We shouldn't have to accept that, There are perks and offerings to help with escape attempts and succeeding the escape. Along with with wiggle speed, It just needs a small increase so that way survivors have a chance to wiggle off. (Also, Not trying to sound rude or mean here Orion, But you seem like the type that always wants buffs to killers and nerf the survivors.)

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    Not if youre running D strike, which I usually do when I run deliverance.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    If you are the last survivor then your job is to play as hard as possible. If you spent the entire game avoiding being hooked then you've played a solid game. Though if you're the last survivor and get hooked the game is over. Quite simply the game isn't meant to allow a continuous 1v1 of cat and mouse. If they were to do as you suggest people would simply do the things that survivors already hate. People would get tunneled and face camped just to make sure nothing can help you. Or the game would simply just up and damn die cause dedicated killers would be gone.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183
    edited May 2019

    The only thing is that, it would be nice if the last survivor got a certain amount bp based on which his hook it is.

    Like: 3k bp if it is his first hook, 2k bp if it is his 2nd hook, no bp if it is his last/3rd hook... Depending in how it will go it can be a stage based system or which hook it is.

    Also it would be nice if survivors were getting passive bp/bp gain incrase based on how many people are dead, to encourage not leaving when 2 people already died due to the suicide on the hook.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    No - If you didnt get caught entire game either good job or were hiding in a corner (it could give you bp for struggle time that you could've had tho)

    No - It's not useless. (although i still want a buff to Boil Over >:c)

    aaaand No - Community waited 2 years for a ds rework. And now it's an anti-tunneling perk.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    Well, they at least should give you more points for playing stealthy... you get almost none for avoiding the chases, while 1 pallet stun gives you 1k point, you get 200 for escaping a chase, which can happen multiple times during one chase and you get a huge amount of points for chase itself... While for being stealthy you get... 5/10 points for each killer encounter.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    That is not the intended use of Decisive Strike. DS is intended to punish tunnellers, however, in such a situation, you cannot not "tunnel" as Killer, there is literally no other Survivor around to go for. With your proposal, that would be a completely risk-free hatch escape since you'd be practically untouchable for 60 seconds.

  • holywhitetrash
    holywhitetrash Member Posts: 289

    why? when you were being stealthy you weren't doing anything, and if you were actually doing something in the killer's terror radius then you get boldness points

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    1) that is a very stupid decision unless the Killing hook you alright by hatch there's no way you would be able to escape even if you did manage to get the lucky chance of getting off Hook mainly because the killer would just be waiting to immediately put you back on hook.

    2) The wiggle bar is to prevent Killers from having complete and utter control over where they put you. For example a killer taking you to basement or taking you halfway across the map to their 3 gen strat. Getting picked up is meant to result in being hooked nine times out of ten without a perk build or teammates to save you. If they make it too easy to go out then they're going to have to compensate by increasing the hook density and then you'll start complaining that there's too many hooks.

    3) no the perk is actually a lot more balanced it's not a get out of jail free card that allows survivors to make stupid moves or be incredibly toxic because they know they can get away with it.

  • NeonWildSurge
    NeonWildSurge Member Posts: 34

    I can agree with you on that @Aari_Piggy66 No perk is meant to be a (Get out of Jail free card) But the attempts would at least be nice. For the wiggling, Now that you mentioned hook density and I've been thinking about it. Yea, It seems like a dumb idea but like maybe 1% faster since you know..... Solo playing survivor is rough when you can't communicate and coordinate a game plan. ( I know a lot of people ######### and moan about swf but you're meant to work as a team to escape). Yes there's killer's who like to put you next to hatch just to rub the salt in and be a douche.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @DocOctober cuz if the Hatch is right next to the Hook then the Killer is also right next to the Hatch.

    Thus he would just close the hatch every time

  • NeonWildSurge
    NeonWildSurge Member Posts: 34

    @NuclearBurrito Oh yea, EndGame collapse is coming. Which also leaves the possibility open for survivors to free themselves and have Mettle up to run to a exit gate, If they can make it before the timer is gone.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @DocOctober The soonest this change could plausibly be made is in the midchapter. Since that is the same time as the EGC any changes being made would need to take that into account and that includes this one.

    So even if you aren't talking about the EGC you still need to keep in mind it's existence

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230
    edited May 2019

    Nevertheless, even if it weren't a free hatch escape anymore, it's simply wasting the Killer's time. The last Survivor has always been insta-death for that reason.

    I understand OP's frustration with Deliverance to an extent, but I run that Perk too and don't complain if I don't get to use it.

    Equipping a Perk with activation requirements is no guarantee of getting to use it.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    To me the last Survivor get instant dead even though hooked for the 1st time. Bring in 'no selfish' game play. I mean when other 3 survivors constantly get hits and hooked for 9 times (3 hook x 3 survivors) while you avoid Killer the whole time, you deserved to get instant dead when get hooked. You should share taking hit for other survivors.

    Get hooked once may save another survivor from getting 3rd time hook => 1 more survivor = 25% chance to win.

  • NeonWildSurge
    NeonWildSurge Member Posts: 34
    edited May 2019

    Also, I've been thinking. Another reason the Old Decisive Strike was good is for 2 things. 1: Deny a BBQ stack. and Second Deny the hook to avoid the mori. I get it upsets the killer's because "It's unfair" "There should be no get out of jail free card" Well, Where's the fairness for the survivors? We shouldn't have to play immersed or hide. There's no fun in being stealthy and there's a lot of killer abilities and or perks that constantly reveal us to the killer. I do agree with how there shouldn't be a "Get out of jail free card" But survivors do need some other ways to deny the mori's. Which is why I brought up the wiggle adjustment. (Personal note here: I'm so tired of having these killer mains constantly bitching and moaning on here that the survivors need nerfs or perks are over powered, I'm talking about those killer mains that haven't shared the survivors point of view)

  • Navydivea
    Navydivea Member Posts: 114

    This. I suck in the chase and use perks to keep me out of it because I'm pretty good at stealth. You know. That thing that's supposed to keep us out of a chase in the first place?