Let's fix DbD's greatest issue; Infinite Matchtime

Finally; with the adding of EGC the devs seem to realize a need of a timelimit to pressure survivors and aid killers... but why the hell they do it on the most unneccessary phase...

The Phase EGC triggers is either where the match is nearly over anyway or it not happens at all, or if it has no impact... it's just a 'now get out of here' call but not aid killers in most cases.

Or to specify the same situation killers complain about if survivors not willing to leave is the same if the killer killed 2 survivors and remaining 2 just stealth around hoping for the other one to get found so they get the unrewarded hatch... isn't it the same issue?

So here's my suggestion of a timelimit mechanic; once the trial starts after the intro a 'Save Phase' starts with a 3min timelimit, once it runs out the fog becomes vicious putting every survivor in the wounded-broken status and have their aura revealed to the killer during this time. Each time a generator gets completed, 2min will be added or restored to the 'Save Phase'.

That way survivors only have 13min of 'Save Phase' per match; if it runs out or get interrupted by whatever reasons, the killer should get the oppurtinity to unleash his presence on the exposed survivors. Some may ask why wounded-broken and not exposed status but i'd say if u let the timer run out u still should be punished after restoring it.

So let's discuss if my suggestion of this timelimit mechanic should be implemented or u got other ideas/own suggestions? It should be clear however that there shouldn't be a discussion if such a timelimit mechanic is necessary because IT IS! DbD is not a MOBA with scaling/buffs/comeback mechanics wich is the most common gamegenre with infinite matchtime outside beat n ups or strategy/building games... infinite matchtime just hurts DbD and i'm actually in awe how it lasted that long without it.


  • BillSimmons
    BillSimmons Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 74

    I think confining the game into a specific play style would make the game stale for both parties.

    If BHVR follows through with the new gamemode promise, I'd be interested in something like this being introduced. More difficult trial for survivors more bps, cycle different gamemodes into 3 day intervals to keep things interesting.

    I like the idea, just not for base game. Do I think it would change the game much with gen rushing games, no but gen rushing is its own beast in itself to tackle.

  • Youkari
    Youkari Member Posts: 53

    Well, Gen rush is mostly apparent as killers not getting rewarded by defending gens purely except for Gatekeeper but frankly it's more of a double edged sword doing so as it is;

    most killers can only pressure one or two survivor at the same time while the others are safe and free to do what they want.

    I made a topic regarding fixing both the repair speed as well the hooking/bleedout mechanics as these seemed outdated as well in my opinion. But core issue as of now killers barely get any real reward for purely defending gens except for trifactors/quadfactors. they're still too much bound is on hooking survivors wich is due the chase mechanics of the game wich can take much longer than necessary but killers are mostly forced to commit as otherwise they get no progress by itself;

    found a survivor and wounded em then kick gen = 1 gen defended and slowly regressing as wounded survivor can return after 30sec selfcaring as the other 3 may finished 2 gens by that time. It's by itself pretty harsh but may more reasonable if there's a timelimit the killer can take value out if by buying time wich isn't the case as of now wich is the reason most killers struggle hard for progress on higher ranks. Cuz most ways for killers to win is by snowballing hooks wich is hard to utilize for most killers and reason Nurse, Billy and such killers are so favored as of now.

    Not to mention the 2 left hatch stealth "meta" i also mentioned here...