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When will 4man SWF be addressed?

Member Posts: 289

1 perk slot less or 20 extra seconds on each gen

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  • Member Posts: 3,333


  • Member Posts: 1,953


    It's constructive haiku!..

    Don't judge me. ;(

  • Member Posts: 625

    This a clear definition of a cocky SWF, it's hilarious!

  • Member Posts: 1,953

    @Raccoon I was going off of




    I thought that was another form of haiku, O O F.

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  • Member Posts: 407

    @Peanits And why got solo q not equalized to swf? Through "being chased"icons, kindred as a base kit and totem HUID?

    why is there still solo and teamplayer? Would it not make Balancing much better for all if there werent 2 survivor modi?

  • Member Posts: 1,089

    4 man's are only a problem, when they consist of high skill players. Especially the week of the 13th, when they start deranking so they end up green rank after reset, instead of purple.

    a 4 man of greens are just as likely to be 4ked as a group of solos in that level. So it is hard for them to make adjustments to this. Since nerfing them will hurt more people, then it will help.

    So what they want to do is bring solo survivors up to the same-ish information level as 4 man. And then buff Killers to make up for it. However, they have been buffing survivors without much of help on the killer side. Which is why the game is currently heavy on the survivor side right now and the killer pool is dwindling, that's why the survivor lobbies are taking longer and longer.

    In truth, the answer is an adjustment of the objective. They just need to make people have to find a "used part" to start a generator. This would make "Brand new part" have a solid reason for existing, and be a little less op. This would buff gen times a little wihtout adding more time holding m1 (or whatever button you use. I use a controller for survivor personally, feels better to me) and encourage more chases and escapes.

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    Survivor lobbies are fine; it's killer lobbies that are painfully long.

    Only reasons people tend to spend a lot of time in lobbies as survivor are being dodged or dodging bad ping games.

  • Member Posts: 433

    Punishing survivors isn't fair, so let's punish killers even more instead. 👍️

  • Member Posts: 1,089

    @SunderMun That's some of it. but i'm not insta-quing like i used to. For a good while before the last patch, i would get instant games no matter what role I played.

    My killer que times are super fast.

    hmmm... What country are you in? Maybe that's a factor?

  • Member Posts: 1,423

    The only answer is to buff solo's information sharing capabilities to be on par with SWF and then buff killers accordingly but that doesn't seem to be on their to do list.

  • Member Posts: 2,789


    Australia atm, until recently I was in the UK with a similar case, albeit slightly faster queues for both, being in europe with more people in my immediate vicinity

  • Member Posts: 1,089


    Ahh I'm US, so that might be it. I do hear killer lobbies are long in the EU. Tru3 comments on it a lot.

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    you dont realise do you they wont change it if they do something about SWF it will be a nerf on SWF but also for solo players it wont work the only solution its making solo players the same lvl as SWF and putting perks as kits on them like kindred or bond will be a good thing to be the same lvl of swf and solo players

  • Member Posts: 606


  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Wouldn't mind having matchmaking pair based on highest ranked survivor. 2 reds/purples paired with lower ranks is not a fair match for new killers and a more easily exploited than de-ranking.

  • Member Posts: 71
    edited May 2019

    What would be even more interesting is to see the distribution of those matches by rank. In other words, are the # of matches in higher ranks so much fewer in number that the occurrence of those 3-6% overall 4 person SwF matches actually -higher-? Or are high rank killers full of crap about “almost all matches are SwF”?

    @Peanits - happen to have a breakdown like that handy?

  • Member Posts: 781

    Never mind that 4 man's are incredible rare lol

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    I doubt it's that easy because when I am with a full party of my friends, we can be anywhere from rank 4 to rank 15 (depending on who I play with). Would they count our 4 man group as being "high rank" because of the one rank 4 or "low rank" because of the rank 12/15 in our group?

  • Member Posts: 194


    I was waiting no more than 1-2 mins for queues last night playing 3 man swf.

  • Member Posts: 1,796

    But SWF just want to play with their friends, right? Why would they dodge a little extra penalty if they just want to play with their buddies and not bully the killer?

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    Imagine people just wanting to play games with their friends and have fun...

    It doesn't need to be addressed because the game balance s fine (below 50% even with 4 man groups).

  • Member Posts: 1,089


    Yeah, que times in swf tend to be quick. When i'm in a 3 man it's near instant. But it only needs to find one poor soul for us to rush gens while they dangle on a hook.

  • Member Posts: 2,051

    Why put an effort into putting down less than 5% of all players?

    Why not put an effort into raising up 95% of the player base instead?

  • Member Posts: 1,433

    When you stop whiny

  • Member Posts: 2,789
    edited May 2019

    If it can be abused, it will be abused, and clearly they're aware of it as a doesn't matter if the majority wouldn't care about the penalty; others would intentionally dodge queues until they got their friends.

  • Member Posts: 73

    SWF just want to play with their friends, ######### killer they are the bad guy anyway

  • Member Posts: 507


  • Member Posts: 95

    And the interesting part is, dev had just mentioned that they can't differentiate SWF and SOLO when the player asked for option to killer not accept 4 man SWF recently before the data sheet come out

  • Member Posts: 25

    Since swf matchmaking works based on the average rank of those in a party, I'd imagine that average is significantly higher than 1 in most cases. Especially with the new pipping system.

    Got a source for that one? Hadn't heard that.

  • Member Posts: 507

    They just need to help aid killers against the SWF squads. Bloodpoints Compensation, SWF lobby indicator of how many SWF. Killers can better prep and have the expectation to know they will be on coms.

    TO prevent the lobby doge "dilemma" They can buff the cooldown timer after the first few doges. Then the cooldown goes back down to its basic state after a period of time (minutes assuming)

  • Member Posts: 685

    Then why not make a simple BP incentive for killers to be fine with dealing with the advantages of 4 swf then? and solve the problem entirely?

  • Member Posts: 685
    edited May 2019

    When you stop being such a massive troll on the forum...I least be subtle.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @Scal3r Killers also just want to enjoy the game. But against a 4 SWF group, they don't have a fair chance winning and that kills the fun.

    If killers would receive reasonable buffs, they wouldn't be so hesitant to accept SWF lobbies.

  • Member Posts: 504

    Stop whining and improve yourself?

  • Member Posts: 685
    edited May 2019
  • Member Posts: 2,002

    Survivor mains have ALWAYS adapted. Nice try though

  • Member Posts: 685
    edited May 2019

    Never heard such a bold faced lye in all 3 years of dbd forums. Nice try though :)

    Easy evidence, try telling a survivor main there are other ways to win other than looping and see what adapting they have done :P

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    All these threads about SWF need to be closed for real, because they're a waste of time. Nothing needs to be addressed because there isn't a problem.

    The real issue here is that people seem to think 4 man SWF = game breaking/toxic

    I know plenty of friends who all play and stream together and they're average at best. People act like every 4 man squad is running the best perks in the game, knows how to run inifinites, and are all try hards and that's simply not the case.

    So y'll come here complaining and wondering why your so-called "issue" is not being addressed, but there is no issue to begin with and you have this false idea in your head that 4 man SWF are all unbeatable, toxic, game breaking teams in here to ruin your killer experience.

    I've played against 4 man SWF before and killed them all. I've played against 4 man SWF and only ended up with one kill before. I've played against 4 man SWF and hooked everyone twice without tunneling and without running Ruin and let them go just because I wanted to be nice even though I could have killed them all (basically toyed with them).

    Whatever the outcome of the game, as long as the other side wasn't being toxic, suck it up and move on.

    People want to say it's no fun to not be able to catch and kill people (which says something about your skill, not SWF) but then turn around and say "oh yeah, but face camping is a strategy. we don't care if it's not fun for that person or any of the other people who have to either try to make a crazy save, or play m1 simulator on a gen". You not having fun as a killer is dependent only on you. The survivor not having fun in a match is totally dependent on the killer. But yall don't see a problem with that *sips tea*

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