RIP Basement

Now, the whole map can be a circus zone 3:
Didn't think the devs would be able to buff DS and BT yet again, but boom!
Can't have Survivor mistakes be punishable, now can we?
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Yeah, quite sad that you actually need Skill (if DBD has any) to kill people and not get them by just standing at some Stairs.
But I know that this is the Level some people expect to get rewarded for.
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bUt mAh sAFetY.
I swear I might go down Master's route at this rate. He went from respectable and cool to cynical and nasty. I see why.
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There's never a need to be rude, good sir!
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Come on its due to the egc and not being able to be held in there so you are guaranteed kills.
Anyone can see its a balance change for that scenario.
You can't fix survivors being able to hold the game hostage with a new mechanic after the gates are opened and leave a way for killers to still do it.
Honestly people will complain about anything when they remove a way to give them an easy win.
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I know right? Some people can't stand not being able to "WHHEEEEEE!" out of the Killer's lair because someone held M1 on them.
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@twistedmonkey I for one have not held people in the basement unless I was doing so as a meme when playing the Wraith.
That being said, I guess you don't know what holding the game hostage means. When a killer does it, it means that they kept a survivor pinned in one location until said unfortunate soul dced. With the EGC, it meant after 2 mere minutes, they would die and thus a new game could begin. So it wasn't holding the game hostage when there was a clear way for it to end. (Only the killer can legitimately hold a game hostage)
And before you say it, yes I know survivors couldn't technically hold a game hostage before this patch, as the killer could simply hit them, but that is not what we are talking about here. (I only bring that up cause most other people would.)
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Of course I know what it means, I have posted plenty times on it when people asked if this bannable when the others were free to so gens.
Survivors trolled at the end so the egc was needed to get them out and stop bullying lower skilled players.
Now if the killer can hold two people down there with the egc it does create a new definition of holding them hostage as it's an easy 2 kills if anyone goes for the save, it may not be like before but it's also a mechanic which anyone with a sense of balance can see is a good change.
Do you honestly think it's right that if someone is hooked down there with the egc a killer should get thise two free kills due to being able to block them in?
Anyone that thinks the change is a problem says to me they want to keep mechanics which grant them things without having to actually play, this statement goes for both sides as some survivors think the same way with DS and MoM.
I hate the fact they fixed the nurse blink for example and posted my thoughts about them leaving using a power to hit not activate MoM to balance it more.
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When I run a SWF -- I always find out where the basement is FIRST to let the bait players know to avoid that spot.
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If you get shoved into a basement during endgame, there is not much point in being saved cause the regular player will see it as suicide, the altruistic Borrowed Time Survivor with Hope will be your last hope, from both sides, closing the hatch is nice but it allows for Survivors to wait at exit gates or hatch to be more meta, since hatch spawns as soon as one Survivor left, not even a single gen done, and a Survivor gets rewarded for being part in a potato team or waiting for everyone to die. Close the hatch you say? Oh yeah, they get to escape without doing a single thing to reward themselves for it.
what I do love though is a perma EW3 Myers with Tombstone stopping at the top of the stairs, if any Survivors run up the stairs, it's suicide.
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This exactly, killers cried and cried that survivors are always taking the game hostage, and now that's been changed they're upsetti spaghetti that their way of taking the game hostage is also gone.
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Bodyblocking the basement stairs is one of the better techs to seperate good and bad killers. It had to be taken away ofc. It cant be fixed strictly to prevent holding hostage. It had to be a general killernerf. Ofc
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okay but a nurse can use her power to blink and hit someone and down them with NOED correct? so shouldn't the same thing be with MoM? every other killer has to use their base attack to down someone with NOED example Huntress's Hatchets down down you in one hit with NOED she has to hit you with her axe to get you with NOED, So if you think the nurse blinking and hitting shouldn't count towards MoM based on your logic then the same should be with NOED, exactly the same principle power vs base attack.
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@twistedmonkey Eh. I can kinda see your point.
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You can still tunnel the unhooked person. Just prevents holding people there for the 2 minutes.
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so much hate we cant we all just be freinds :(
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Not really as noed is a different perk all together, it has another purpose and can be removed before it happens and also you have to hit them still.
The problem with MoM is it works on the majority of killer for just hitting a survivor with no counter play.
The exact same reason people complained about legion having free hits is akin to a survivor can getting a free heal state with a boost.
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Imagine thinking standing in place makes you a good killer ๐
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The basement is not used to take survivors hostage. I would bet that falls under 0,1% of its uses.
EGC is just a killernerf.
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It is not a Killernerf. It is something many Killers wanted.
But it seems like some people expected free Kills with the new Endgame.
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Imagine bodyblocking is advanced tech to prepare oneshots, cut off dodge routes and let BT run out. Here come the survivor mains who dont even know how to use bodyblocking
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wait, what got changed about basements?
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Show me ONE killer who wanted the basement nerfed. Pls
It could have been fixed without touching the base game, but if you can stick a killernerf on it, even better.
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How is EGC a killer nerf? It gives you control in a hatch situation that killers have wanted for so long.
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The basement and the Pig got nerfed. The EGC does nothing unless survivors want to take the game hostage.
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From the patch notes.
- Reworked the character collision in the basement stairs to prevent hostage situations.
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Oh let me guess...even more killer nerfs from patch 2.7.0
Who wants too bet this ruins the whole wait out BT timers strats?
Who wants to bet the basement is now a safe place for survivors now as well?
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My question is... did they adjust both killer and survivor or did they just adjust one side...
I feel this is a nerf to the killer but at the same time it's something that should be taken away (body blocking the stairs that is) because it may not happen often taking the game hostage which would now be waiting for the end game to kill the survivor (which would be even rarer... I mean think about it the killer either A has to have someone hooked in the basement or just stumble upon someone looking through the chest) but its still possible to do... now they should do the same for the gen rush! Since 2-4 min games may not happen often... its still possible! Therefore should be fixed!
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You talked about the EGC. It is 100% logical that things get rebalanced around this.
You can cry about it and play the game anyway or simply play and skip the crying part.
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Pig nerfs were BS tbf, went to far but the EGC was created for that exact reason. You wanted survivors to stop taking the game hostage and now you can stop it.
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I talked about the basement. They should take the time and effort to fix the PROBLEM, not rip out the whole root with all its aspects
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Why do that when you can just take the easy route and say " ######### Killer players"?
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There is a good counter argument for it not changing throughout the normal game before the egc so maybe they could change it to only work when the egc is present, I don't see an issue with that.
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did people really rely on bodyblocking the basement this much? I'm so glad people can't just block the stairs for free kills during EGC anymore
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Its what makes the basement really dangerous to save against. You could bodyblock the first guy, hit him and bodyblock the second guy for another hit. You could bodyblock survivors for chainsaws too.
Now thats gone... it just a normal place now. gj
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I'd be down for just removing the basement completely.
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if that were true, people would stop hooking in the basement. it's still just as dangerous. I don't think the 2nd guy has enough time to get anywhere safe after u hit the first guy
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No its not as dangerous. It lacks the bodyblocking aspect, which made it strong. The 2nd guy is standing right next to the first guy, he will definetely make it out the window into safety.
It is as dangerous as a single hook in a slight deadzone now.
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Ok. Read it as "EGC update is just a killernerf".
I dont have any problems with EGC, this is a basement discussion
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Remove the basement now, along with the killer shack. There's no point of having those hooks there in the safest place of the whole map, with that insane window/pallet combo.
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Fair and Balanced
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If you address hitbox issues on one side, you have to address them on the other side too. Fix looping!
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sUrvIvOrs SHouLD leArN tO AdAPt
Anyone else get deja vu back from when people went ballistic over camping nerfs?
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If it isn't used to take the game hostage then the change wont matter, why else would you need to be able to block survivors in the basement past hitting them once so they melt through you anyway?
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I only came in here to hand out hankies to the killer mains.
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- Bodyblocking for a chainsaw
- Bodyblocking the next survivor after hitting one
- Bodyblocking to counter BT
- Bodyblocking to throw hatchets for shorter cooldown
- Bodyblocking to reload clowns bottles
- Bodyblocking to recover cooldown for Spirit (and Legion)
- Bodyblocking to vomit on survivors
- Bodyblocking to trap the stairs
- Bodyblocking to counter endgame DS
Idk about you but i benefitted a lot from blocking the basement to my advantage. I never held the game hostage before and i have no intention ever to. This game is getting dumbed down, tech like this should be preserved not removed.
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someone has the good tea. Blessed be the Entity for fixing basement stairs.
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- Bodyblocking to vomit on survivors
- Bodyblocking to reload clowns bottles
This one really hurt me a lot and both clown and plague are weak killers
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It's a shame, the basement felt scary because you could be blocked in if the killer knew you where down there.
Killers like Plague, Billy, Leather face, Myers, trapper, Pig all could utilize the body blocking of the basement making it a terrifying place to be if they followed you down.
Though now that I think about it it seems like another big reason for the change could've been to make basement saves safe in the end game collapse, Removing killers potential to be strong in a place on the map where they're supposed to have the advantage.
I wish they'd have done it a different way that removed games being held hostage but didn't end up making the basement so safe.