Legion is dead

I have accepted it, legion is dead, the Mid chapter proves this, its a good time to play wraith though
Hip hip
Hip hip
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They didn't listen to some of the good suggestions I've seen. I'll still play em' but... I really thought they'd listen.
Where's my fun?
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Talk about a huge waste of time testing the PTB and providing feedback, again.
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Says you
If there are freddy mains out there getting 4ks we can suck it up and git gud as well.
I think Legion will be fine after we all play them for a while. If stats are low the devs will buff Legion in some way i'm sure.
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finally some good news :D
(literally just had a game with a hard tunneling, hook patrouling, stabwounds study + franks mixtape legion who, to top it all off, moonwalked aswell. ive had SO MUCH FUN!)
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@Bbbrian2013 Yeah, nerf them
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Good riddance
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@Bbbrian2013 Those people are gods and should be worshipped.
The point is, a lot of people don't like the change. Some people, like me, liked some of the changes and was fine with some of the things. But I love the Legion, and I have seen a lot of issues, I gave my feedback, things I felt would not make Legion overpowered, yet still somewhat viable.
I have seen people who gave good feedback, and they've been ignored.
My hope is waning, but I have (diminishing) faith that the devs will see the feedback and apply it for the next patch.
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Okay who will we be slaughtering next maybe Doc? perhaps myers? Maybe freddy with the new rework? hmm oh I know! Let's slaughter Billy AND nurse at the same time! But in all seriousness the only things now are to either get used to the changes or maybe we'll realize the changes are somehow good. I haven't been in other places of discussion other than the forums about this but perhaps some content creators were saying legion's rework was good causing them to keep the changes.
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The worst update ever. Only one that is happy is freddy because he doesn't occupie the bottom tier list now.
They didn't listen to any of the suggestions, they just go with all the legion ptb nerfs to the live version. What a way to kill a killer and ignore feedback from people.
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I liked some of the changes but they did take it a bit to far
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Legion is in a better place to receive some buffs now, the cup is always better looking at it as being half full.
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Little off topic, but does anyone know what you have to do to get his DP achievement now with his changes?
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@littlejohnny Down survivors that have deep wounds status with anything but timer
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I get removing the option of abusive tactics, but they didn't give anything to legion besides limitations on how you play. Good change for every survivor facing a BS legion, but just sad for any legion players that didn't play dirty.
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PTB is a good place to provide "hey, I like this about Legion, hey, Legion is bad in these areas", they get tiring with how Legion, a good character design and idea was destroyed by their bad game play concept of him/her.
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I BURIED THEM....................................................................................i buried them
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I haven't played him since the patch release this afternoon so I cannot confirm if he is now BROKEN or DEAD or OMG UNPLAYBLE
I tend to hold back on my knee jerk reactions
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Yea a better place for survivor maybe.. Come on that its just an excuse to not balance him in a proper way and just trash a killer.
That's is the purpose of the ptb not the live. And they didn't implement anything from all the feedback, except one from piggy.
The responsable for legion changes is very reluctant to the feedback we give and im pretty sure that not much will be changed after this butchering.
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Music to my ears. Absolutely delighted with these changes.
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@Bbbrian2013 I am surprised and glad to see your reaction here as you were one of the strongest voice against the changes.
You are right on one thing, we are keeping an eye on the changes / data now that the release is in (almost) everyone's hand.
Keep on giving your feedback 🙂
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Yes balance was needed. Freddy's 4k against potatoes. But new legion isnt fun to play as. They're just easier to loop just like any other w+m1 killer. Legion had an identity. Now they're a worse version of freddy and wraith.
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They said the same thing about Symmetra at Overwatch and they somehow made a weak character even more woeful. Not to mention, she’s barely received any meaningful buffs since either.
I don’t have an egg in this Legion race, but I sympathize with decent Legion players and tbh thinking this will position Legion to get buffed sounds like a comforting lie.
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Good riddance.
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Congrats you beat him into stockholm syndrome territory, just like freddy mains.
Hip hip hooray
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Using "4K with freddy" as an argument is stupid, nobody said it was impossible, when people say he's #########, they don't mean he can't kill, just that he's the least effective at consistently doing so, he still can do it, it's just harder than with a killer like Billy.
Legion isn't dead tho, he got nerfed without any real reasons when all he needed was a fix to exploits and the ability to damage DW, but currently, any other M1 killer is going to be a better Legion at doing what Legion is supposed to do, wich is stupid, that's not how you balance a character after countless threads of feedback and going on a radio silence after 1 stream where you barely adressed the issue.
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@not_Queen Feedback why? No-one of you cares. We said "miss a hit and lost the power gauge in't good". No one gave a damn. We said "4 seconds fatigue and the cooldown add-ons isn't good". No one gave a damn. We said "can't see the blood during frenzy isn't good". Guess what?
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Wrong, legion abusers are dead.
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Legion was wrongly designed from the start, there is no excuse to release a killer who had no counter play, that was the biggest issue.
Players also found a major way to abuse the power and make easy down happen, for a killer who's whole purpose was to be fun for both sides to turn out how they did negated the whole vison of them.
The devs stated have stated they are collecting stats on them now to see how they do and what they may need to change.
You can take that as a lie or whatever but it's happening, just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean it wasn't needed.
Sometimes you need to take a step back and realise why something happened and give feedback now on what can be done.
The ptb had many changed for testing some were simple numbers but major ones generally don't get overhauled before going live as they need a lot more testing.
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yes people who abused Legion mechanics are dead and wont play him no more. good players will adapt.
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@twistedmonkey Right, what about releasing MoM without testing, a perk being pure awful design that rewards you from ######### up ? What is the excuse for that? And why is the excuse for everyone trying to stop this perk from being "balanced".
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You are trying to preach to the wrong person with that as Ive already posted my thoughts on MoM, I don't think the nurse change was good or using a killers power in general should count towards it like the pigs ambush.
I also don't think you should be able to bring in Mom and DS it should be an either or scenario.
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They can't test thing on live when we have a broken matchmaking system. It's like having corrupt data. You can't balance a game right when for example: I with 2 friend with more than 1k hours plays a match with a killer with 3h.... and viceversa.
And about legion changes, the only thing that needed to be changed is the abuse of deepwound, but the rest it's uncalled nerfs to just make survivors life more easy and make legion even weaker, because he never was an op killer.
And here we are again, nerfing killers for new players with a bad matchamking and i assure you that doing this it's not for the healh of the game but a corporative action like some people are saying. Because no one with a clear mind can say that all those changes are good, the mayority are very bad.
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Legion is not dead, legion's exploits ARE DEAD!
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Who said anything g about testing things on live? With stats they can remove the ones where they are of unequal ranks it's not rocket science but keep trying to find ways making it sound like they can't.
It wasn't just about deep wounds, FF being able to down people meant cheap cheesy down with not outplay, if you can't see that you were part of the problem.
Regardless of how long it took or where they stood as a killer in the ranks having it so any competent woild always down someone and the only tools the survivors have are negated was bad design.
You can have any tin foil hat response you want but your assurance means nothing, it's simply a player that is unhappy.
You say its not for that health of the game and then dont realise the game had the biggest drop in players since legion was released since 2017.
I don't agree with all the changes to them like not seeing blood for example whichnibhave my feedback on, I would rather FF and deep wounds were changed but I won't cry and stamp my feet about it, I will give my opinion and feedback on it.
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Honestly I just feel like they should have reverted the speed nerfs to Feral Frenzy. If you can't down with it, there's no reason you should feel slow as molasses, everything else is OK and has room for buffs.
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"FF being able to down people meant cheap cheesy down with not outplay"
Are you serius? Having to hit someone 3 times for a very long chase when at least 1 gen is powering up is op for you? Hiting people with his power until you down them was only viable when using frank mixtape, and only with that it was a "cheesy" way, but without it its not. So a neft was needed to the addon, not the power, and yet we get a power nerf *clap clap clap*
So for you a way to balance a game is nerf a killer until a survivor can sucesfully counter or escape any mechaninc he have? You know that this should be and asymetrical game don't you?
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Did you read where I said it didn't take a long time? That doesn't change the fact it a was a cheesy mechanic and not fun as if the killer player decided to use it what was left to do? Having no counter play was the issue not t the "but it's not worth it" camping isn't always worth it but any still do it.
I never said that so stop trying to twist people's words to suit what your head thinks, if you learn to read better you will see that.
It's a problem with players like yourself, do you know it being assymetrical does not mean the killer should have the upper hand from the start?
The game gets harder for the side with more as they get taken out which is the case, balance in a game such as this doesnt mean one side is so op the others doesnt have a chance and if you think that maybe this game isn't for you.
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after playing against 6 legions i have to say that he is completely trash now. this wasnt a rework, just a huge nerf. the 4 second stun after frenzy kills him. also his power is just useless. im just doing gens instead of mending when legion is around since the timer stops. he is a joke now. dunno how to feel about it. but since im playing survivor more i guess its ok, ppl dont dc anymore xD
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Good lord this is so overdramatic
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Luckily, none of the nerfs effect my playstyle.
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Did you keep an eye on the fact Legion had the worst kill rates as is? He has the lowest kill rates, but let's destroy him because Survivors are crying YET AGAIN!
You tricked us with Freddy, you ruined Pig, made Plague EZ after PTB, hurt Wraith with cube, & now talk about watching feedback! Cut the stuff man. You're looking out for SURVIVORS... PERIOD!
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The Spirit got like fifteen buffs after her PTB and release.
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I love when a survivor main like you start insulting, its so cute.
You say that a single survivor should always have a counter againts a killer, but yet you miss the fact that this game it's a 4v1 game. So the asymetrical downside for killers is already there, therefore a killer should always have an advantage in 1vs1 chases or all of them will escape, and that is the asymetrical part while playing survivor.
The changes they did to legion are very survivor sided. Only a few needed but most of them not. If you enjoy easy matches then good for you, I not either if i play one side or the other.
They finally did the same as with freddy except this time not in the next week of release but later.
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Excuse me while I do a happy dance on Legion's grave then.
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Everyone get together and dance on legion 1.0 grave with his theme song playing!
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Making assumptions I see, I actually play killer more so that negates that statement its around a 60/40 split.
That is what the devs want, everyone to have a chance so again maybe this game is not for you.
Something being assymetrical does not mean one side should be OP, this is not the game for you if you want that type of game, if you have trouble in a 1v1 maybe thats on you not being as good as you think you are and not the actual game.
Assymetrical means the game can get progressively harder and easier for one side as it goes on, in a 1v1 survivors are weaker that the killer, if you dont think that its on you.
You sound like one of those players who blames the game for your own mistakes, I dont win them all but I win the vast majority, you cant awlays win everything you know, I took the time to learn hwo to herd survivors where I need them to be, make them go the way I want around a loop so I can limit where they can go next, there is always a safe and less safe side for the most part fallowing me to get a hit, mind games are an easy way, moonwalking etc.
The changes they did to Legion were due to them not having counter play, its down to the original design that is the issue, I said it long ago the FF was a mistake as it was a cheesy mechanic and it took no work, you could down someone with no skill involved where as the others you need to be able to play and learn the game at least, the only ones who defended the original Legion were those who played them wrong.
Legion was never designed to follow one player, they were designed to hit multiple survivor in one frenzy, if you did not play that way then you werent playing them right, the changes do overly nerf them but as I said they have to start somewhere and once they gather stats they can adjust certain things about them, its not the sky is falling scenario you and a few others are making it out to be.