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This is what The Legion needs

After playing with new Legion alot (im counting the ptb since they didnt change anything but nerf his add ons on release). I have gathered a list of things that legion needs tweaked in his base kit.

  • The cooldown timer needs to be reduced to somewhere around 10-15 seconds, 20 seconds is to long and im finding myself only getting 2-3k deviousness points when i only use his power when optimal. combine this with loss of power when u do an basic attack and removal of any lethality in FF the power is almost never used because it punishes waay more than it rewards you for using it.
  • Also he should be able to enter FF whenever he wants after betwen 20-40% his power has restored. Again i don't feel any benefit of this power unless you mean to tunnel one survivor i never get that easy 1 hit and then go for another survivor.
  • Basic hits should not deplete anyof his FF. Again this has to do with survivors getting away with things they shouldn't. So many matches when i find 2-3 survivors clinged togheter, but because i hit someone 10 seconds ago i either just have to stand there for 10 seconds and wait, or hit them normaly wich again makes my power useless.

That fact that his power is not lethal at all anymore makes it completely useless unless i can use it basically whenever i want. Never do i get the opportunity to punish survivors for staying togheter because i can't hit them normally. And if i used it recently i have to wait an absurd amount of time to be able to use it again.

  • The stun should be reduced by 1.5 seconds when you hit them a second time. Since this cancelles the power and does absolutely nothing it will give an incentiv to actually do this and make more sense.
  • his add ons deep wound study and franks mixtape are useless since FF is not lethal anymore. These need to be made either common add ons or reworked completely. Even if you eguip both add ons you will never get a down from FF since there is no way the timer will go down unless the survivor "allows" it.
  • The pin add ons i really like, but they are to short they need to be atleast 90-120 seconds to be worth taking.
  • And lastly but extremely important. The vault speed. Needs to be reverted to its previous stats. With the new slow vaults you can no longer catch up to survivors on unsafe pallets and loops, wich means. if theres a short loop and you are in frenzy your power cannot catch up to them before they are at the other side of the pallet. This has happened to me so many times its ridiculous. Sure you could say don't chase them in frenzy, but considering the stun time is 4 seconds that is enought time to reach a safe pallet. so no matter what you do legion is getting looped with or without his power.
  • And lastly increase his bloodpoint gain in deviousness. Unless all of the above is implemented.


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Imma go by points

    • Agreed. Seeing as we can't down survivors with it (unless Frank's which is bad) there's no point for that long cooldown
    • I don't feel like both of these should be added. Either one or the other.
    • I... don't know why this still happens tbh.
    • Don't know - would have to see this.
    • Yep. No point in running these add-ons
    • I feel like the pins should get applied when hitting someone with Frenzy but have decreased time than now
    • Even increasing it a bit would help.
    • I was getting a lot of deviousness points... idk maybe i was lucky ;d
  • Tempi
    Tempi Member Posts: 5

    P2 Legion main, I believe some of the changes they implemented into 'new' legion was necessary for survivors to have 'counterplay' against him; this includes FF no longer depleting the bleed-out timer from multiple stabs and having the bleed-out terror radius based. This essentially stopped the mindless repeat stabs until down game play.

    ON THAT NOTE: Feral Frenzy poses minimal to no threat to survivors when you compare it to other killers (obviously each killer is unique in its respect).

    Post-changes, I'm barely using FF to travel across the map or rush to generators notified by 'Discordance' as the CD duration is far too long. It's far too punishing to use FF at all when you know FF will still be on CD as you approach a survivor.

    Having the power usable only at full charge makes it so I have to -

    A: Use it to travel across the map to do gen patrols or B: basic attack and lose 50% or C: Wait a couple of seconds for FF to recharge, attack, fatigue and deplete FF.

    Deep wounds doesn't pose a lethal threat to survivors at all. Not a single survivor I've played against post-change has been put in the dying state from deep wounds. The thought behind it is essentially a stall-factor. Yet, when you compare it to The Pig's stall-factor, Deep wound's mend time and urgency is extremely laughable in comparison to completing The Pig's mini-games ALONGSIDE having them scattered across the map.

    The phrase DEEP Wounds should infer in itself that the stab wounds inflicted by The Legion should pose a serious issue to survivors, but what we're given is a self-heal, which really doesn't take long. Even having the survivors be unable to do generators, bleed out more, grunt in agony louder, requiring another survivor to mend them before they bleed out; any of these additions to make FF and Deep Wounds fearful would be great.


    The changes to the pins is a wonderful addition, but still doesn't add enough impact on The Legion's power itself for Deep Wounds to actually pose a threat. Blindness has been helpful, but Mangled doesn't really contribute to high-ranking games as survivors don't fully-heal against Legion (though this is starting to change due to his increased base MS).


    Also the vault speed... I-It's just... Vaulting over a window seems to be fine, but vaulting over a pallet is just laughable. Better off fatiguing and breaking the pallet instead. The though behind The Legion as an 'anti-looper' is dumpstered by how slow the pallet vault speed in FF is.

    These are some of my thoughts on Legion post-change. Some of the changes have been neccessary, but other changes have been so extreme that make his power useless.