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POP goes teh weasel should have 45 secs atleast .. most killers cant even make it to farend.

Member Posts: 194

30 secs is too less.. slow killers cant even maek it to far end gens and the effect only applys if you can finish the kick animation so its not 30 secs its more like 27 secs..

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  • Member Posts: 44

    There's no reason for this perk to have a timer in the first place.

    You can't stack perk activations. Survivors having less ways to predict whether the kick is going to be standard one or not is a good thing. Such timer also doesn't prevent camping, since hardcore campers are probably not even gonna bother with this perk and situational campers are not going away from the hook in occasions where camping is the optimal play.

    My proposed QOL Changes:

    1 - After hooking a Survivor, the next Generator  you break is instantly regressed by 15/20/25 % of its total progression. Normal Generator regression applies after the damage is done.

    2 - After hooking a Survivor, the next Generator  you break is instantly regressed by 25 % of its total progression. Normal Generator regression applies after the damage is done. Pop Goes The Weasel is active for 80/100/120 seconds after the Survivor is hooked.

  • Member Posts: 125

    There have been a lot of times where I rush to a gen after hooking and the perk ends during the kick animation. It’s frustrating to say the least. I’m not sure why it needs a timer on it to begin with tbh.

  • Member Posts: 684
    edited May 2019

    But what if i'm too busy especially i'm chasing another survivor in near hooked survivor who's about to unhook it if i leave?

    If i start chase them, i lost the timer

    If i don't chase, the entity displeased

  • Member Posts: 471

    I mean I guess that makes sense but that's not really an incentive for me that is just a straight up restriction. They need to stop trying to regulate killers actions through their own perks.

  • Member Posts: 2,051
    edited May 2019

    Then they will make camping less beneficial through more direct means like removing hook grabs, and I highly doubt anyone would be any happier with something like that.

    What other alternative would you suggest?

  • Member Posts: 1,089
    edited May 2019

    @Peanits This is where we can tell you are a math guy, with little experience playing

    Those are straight line distances. How often, on your maps, can I move in a straight line to a single generator? Not often. Add into it many maps are large, and good survivors run away from all the generator work.

    This means Pop only gets used on fast killers, Billy, Nurse, and Spirit. Killers that have the ability to check 3 gens in the time limit. Otherwise this is a wasted perk.

    edit: Before anyone says "billy runs in straight lines" Yes, but he can sprint to the turn, wlak around it, and sprint again immediately.

  • Member Posts: 471

    How are they going to do that? The one time they thought of a change to prevent camping it just didn't work. Camping is already heavily penalized by the emblem system so you could say it already is less beneficial to camp if you even care about rank that is. If they want to deal with camping directly then they can go ahead, but perks should be based around making killers stronger not trying to fix a problem that only agitates survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,051
    edited May 2019

    Like removing hook grabs... making hooked survivors start at full health after being unhooked, making the area inaccessible to killers after hooking, raising the chance of self-unhooks, increasing between hook stages, etc. Again, I'm throwing all bad ideas because weakening camping directly is a bad idea. Unless you have a better idea, since you are the one unhappy about them doing it indirectly through perks.

    The emblem system is even less direct than changing perks. Tell me, what does it even matter? How does losing "emblem points", which we get no feedback at all in-game, affect our behavior?

    There are plenty of perks on the survivors' side that dictates their behavior too. It's not at all unique to Killer, if that's what you are implying.

  • Member Posts: 1,055

    I agree. At this point the timer should be increased to at least 60s. Or better. We get rid ot it entirely and make it like Spirit Fury. Once active, one time use and gone until it gets activated again. Under these circumstances the perk would be useless for a camping killer, because they can't gain multiple stacks. So they might use it once during an entire game.

    And it benefits less mobile killers as well. The current version is more beneficial for already strong killers. That would be eliminated without taking anything away for anybody.

  • Member Posts: 194

    sorry for late response dint check forum in awhile.. i should have been a bit more clear i was playing huntress then switched to freddy and this ######### happens back to back.. the little pricks wouldnt let me kick the stupid gen they kept tinkering with it till they entered dream and my timer ran out.. i usually pair pop goes the weasel with BBQ and head towards the farthest gen usualy where i find gen jockeys. but with other faster killers i dont have a lot of issues just the few slower killers .. why being so stingy with 30 secs you can only kick them limited times on average 6-8 times but most games i go after hook divers who i find very often.. i understand this perks scales very well the less survivors there are.. but give me like atleast 5 more secs please :(

  • Member Posts: 2,320

    I've always wondered with Pop Goes the Weasel, if you start kicking the generator one second before the cooldown is up, when the animation is finished, does the generator actually get Pop Goes the Weasel applied to it.

    Cause I've sworn that I don't think it works if the animation time exceeds the remaining cooldown left on the perk.

    Does anyone know?

  • Member Posts: 2,320
    edited May 2019

    NVM... misread something.

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    regarding obstacles on map tiles

    I'm not sure if you guys have noticed or not, but most tile borders make obstacle-free gaps for running. Indeed, many maps have wide open lanes for running.

    It part of the reason why Billy can build map pressure.

    As a killer main, I believe this perk is fine as is.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    I'd like a token system or, at least, 60 seconds for PGTW.

  • Member Posts: 194

    play couple of rounds as freddy or huntress and you will get atleast 1 near miss .. like you just make it and start animation but it ends befrore animation completes and doesnt apply effect..

  • Member Posts: 3,298

    Personally I think this perk should have tokens, each hook is a token, you spend the token by kicking a Gen. To make it function just the same you could limit it to a max of 1 token. That way you don't lose momentum by kicking a Gen instead of chasing a Survivor or you chase a Survivor and miss out on kicking the Gen and it's still fair because it's just 1 Gen AFTER a hook and you can't stack tokens.

  • Member Posts: 194

    That woukd make this perk way too powerfull in 3v1 or 2v1 scenarios.. literally wont be able to finish gens unless they are co oping with toolboxes.. i think an extra 5 secs is fair.. ive had quite few near misses with anna or freddy.

  • Member Posts: 1,962

    @Peanits As a hag player, this doesn't take into account setting traps on the way to a generator or that the generator you're heading towards can be damaged in the first place. Or you happen to run into a survivor during the 30 second window.

    What if it was token based instead so a killer could capitalize on finding a survivor while travelling to a gen to kick? They wouldn't have to miss out on the benefit of the perk by allowing a survivor to go unchallenged.

    Especially since choosing to let the survivor go is more detrimental than not utilizing pop when it's available.

  • Member Posts: 1,922

    to be honest though ironically whenever i run this perk i get ultra over altruistic survivors, and when i don't i get the ultra immersed ones. im not gonna leave the hook when i get the altruistic ones because that means free saves but like i wanna use my pgtw :(

  • Member Posts: 166

    Well as hag for example you mentioned, you have to make a choice, set traps OR go kick the gen for 25% insta regression. I like that killers need to make tough choices now, but I do think it should be a token system instead of hooking.

  • Member Posts: 3,298
    edited May 2019

    @Skemooo 3v1 scenarios? That's up to the Survivors to get the job done, don't use Survivors' lack of strategy as an argument against practicality. Also in 2v1 scenarios the Killer would need to hook the other to kick the gen, why kick the Gen when they can look for the 4th Survivor?

    It's all up to how the Killer and Survivors play, the Killer can save the token up until they actually use that 1 token, replenishing it when they hook someone, if they hook 2 Survivors without using 1 token well they wasted their first token because they don't get a 2nd. You still need the hook requirement and as far as I can tell about this game, hooking a Survivor is the goal and the Survivors are losing.

  • Member Posts: 613

    This is my proposal.

    After hooking a Survivor, the next Generator you break is instantly regressed by 15/20/25 % of its total progression. Normal Generator regression applies after the damage is done.

    Pop Goes The Weasel is active for 40 seconds after the Survivor is hooked.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    @Peanits This is assuming you know exactly which generator needs kicking. God forbid that you have to patrol more than one generator to find one that needs kicking. And btw, I have had more than one circumstance where I have hooked a survivor and immediately went toward a generator and was unable to kick it before time ran out. Apparently it is possible to hook a survivor further than 132 meters from a generator or your math is wrong.

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