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Holding the game Hostage?

Member Posts: 100

Is this not holding the game hostage.

Just had a game where the survivor got down. Hatch was closed, but the survivor could not open the gate in time so he got downed. Surely this is holding the game hostage if the killer leaves him on the floor waiting for the end game timer to go down at its snails pace because a survivor is down.

If not then. Really fun gameplay devs.

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  • Member Posts: 100


    yeah like I said. Seems boring. Hooking them would divide this time by like 10. Instead he has to wait.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    The EGC is an improvement but Idk why survivors can't now just press a button to bleed out faster, especially since killers can close the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 100


    is there at least anyway as to where the survivor automatically dies due to the end game, if there is not way to escape and he is down?

    Just seems like a waste of time.

  • Member Posts: 100


    It just seems like it has not been thought out.

    Also you say about the "wasting time." well that is how the game was intended for the survivor to be immerse. Consider it hide and seek. Still a way for the game to end too. The killer has to find them. Duh.

  • Member Posts: 289

    For years survivors could infinitely waste time a killer cannot waste more than 3 and 1/2 to 4 minutes.

    Can you please show me the post you made or you talked about how horrible it was that survivors tea bag at the exit gates for 15 minutes? @Taelance

  • Member Posts: 100


    Think you should listen to the dev mate.

  • Member Posts: 474

    Sounds like slugging is griefing.

  • Member Posts: 100


    Even the dev agrees with me.

    Plus having to 2 doors does not take dc.

    About survivors running around. I will refer to my previous answer about catch them. If they are immersed then, find them. Was how this game was intended.

  • Member Posts: 94

    Can you please show me where a killer hold the game hostage in a basement or a dead end and you created a topic about it? Just because a lot of people created a lot of this situations doesn't mean putting a timer of 4 minutes now is okay. Some people keep forcing this situation, even if it's just 2-4 minutes, it's still time wasted. It's less time, I agree, but still the same. The problem is not solved, just has a timer now and it looks cool, so it will get forced even more often.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    It literally just came out. Why are you pretending to know the future?

  • Member Posts: 100


    Doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Literally my second game and it happened.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Your 1k in BP is not worth 4 minutes of my time. Simple solution would be to award the BP if the survivor bleeds out on purpose.


  • Member Posts: 289

    How can a killer hold a game hostage for 3 hours like Survivor can?

    O body blocking the basement? Yeah there's tons of instances of that happening for hours on end /s

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    So when new killers are released, do you also assume that every single person who plays killer, from then on until the end of time (or until the next killer is released) will be playing that new killer and nothing else? Or do you assume the logical thing, which is that people will get tired of playing the same thing over and over again and will change it up when they get bored?

  • Member Posts: 118

    This also happened before end game collapsed, if a killer downed all the survivors before a 2nd gen was finished, there was no hatch to escape to by crawling, so they could let you bleed out.

    This definitely happened a lot with nurses because they could down 4 survivors before 2 gens were finished the easiest, so I wouldn't say it was super rare before.

  • Member Posts: 100


    Did I say it would be everyone?

    NO. Did literally say it was my second game and that it would still happen.

  • Member Posts: 100


    good point. Just did not face that, saw it happen but did not face it.

  • Member Posts: 474

    You say that as if you have the power to make it happen....which it won't. Offering a killer the same amount of BPs as 3 hooks and a sacrifice from a survivor controlled "suicide bleed out" and it's gonna be a slugfest. There will be no need to hook. No more flashlights, no more body blocking...your "WOAH" solution, just removed the hook mechanics, entirely. Deerstalker combined with Nurses Calling would be the new meta.

    I thought of that inside 2 minutes....imagine what THIS community would do with it in 2 days.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Well, here's the kicker: we know it will still happen. It will happen less and less each day, however, until it's as rare as letting all the survivors bleed out. Because right now it's the shiny new toy, and everyone wants to play with it.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    No one ever got banned for slugging a Survivor to death.

    This is the same, except cool.

  • Member Posts: 100


    So your original point is wrong?

    That was my whole argument. You going "How can you see into the future."

    When you just agreed it will happen.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    No, your argument was that it will keep happening ad infinitum, or close enough. The reality is that it will go away on its own, in time.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    What are you even babbling about? I'm talking about specifically in the EGC when the killer is slugging you just to get the animation. You should be able to bleed out faster.

    Pay attention before you try making smart comebacks.

  • Member Posts: 289

    Bleeding out faster denies the killer the chance to hook, which denies BPs.

    Killers already get denied enough BP.

  • Member Posts: 474

    No problem that I can see....get the Devs to agree to awarding any remaining possible BPs, and yeah, suicide away during EGC.

  • Member Posts: 2,582

    If they made you bleed out faster in egc I can promise you you'd see people throwing a fit because it's a nerf to Unbreakable and you'll get tons of people crying about how they bled out before they could pick themselves back up.

    This slugging will stop in a week or so when everyone is bored of the kill animation. Just suck it up

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Like I said in my initial comment, you would press a button to make it happen.

  • Member Posts: 100


    Your reasoning of Survivors did this and this. Is the exact mentality that will destroy this game. you are not eliminating a problem but just adding to it.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    It's not about fixing a problem for some of them it's all about revenge.

  • Member Posts: 100


    What are you talking about using mods. The guy just agreed with me. Stop whining. He was even here before you and disagreed with my main point.

    Looks like someone is a bit jealous.

  • Member Posts: 289
    edited May 2019

    You only have a problem when the other side does it. You are not eliminating a problem, just adding to it.

    You need to be objective.

  • Member Posts: 100


    Love how you disagreed when I tried to improve player quality. I can really tell your mentality when it comes to this game.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Can you blame them, when many people were all about causing the problem in the first place? Now you're asking them to bite the bullet again and deal with double standards again.

  • Member Posts: 100


    Very hypocritical when you literally just did it.

    Also the issue was not the same. This killer could still go and get them. It is just that most killers go off and hide in a corner when they see a door open. Of course the survivor will go for the hatch or just get more bloodpoints.

  • Member Posts: 100


    Yes I can blame them. As they are too blame?

    don't see your point at all. If they are causing it they are too blame. The devs literally implemented this too counter it.

    But now you see it as fine when a killer leaves a survivor on the floor with no hope at escaping. Like It needs to just end it when that last survivor is down and the doors are not open.

  • Member Posts: 100


    Yes I can blame them. As they are too blame?

    don't see your point at all. If they are causing it they are too blame. The devs literally implemented this too counter it.

    But now you see it as fine when a killer leaves a survivor on the floor with no hope at escaping. Like It needs to just end it when that last survivor is down and the doors are not open.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Here's one more wild idea: allow survivors to leave the game in the EDC but their character stays behind for the killer to do what they want with. If they want to slug them so they can see the animation, cool. If they want to hook them for the better BP yield, great.

    Honestly, I defend the devs a lot but when they come in here and say "it's just 4 minutes, no big deal" it's kind of insulting. Here we got killers and survivors arguing about really petty crap and the devs could easily create a solution. It's insulting that they allowed survivors and killers to hold the game hostage before EGC and now it's insulting to say "just wait 4 minutes." People have lives. If a game is hopeless you should be able to move on to the next one or get on with your day. Cause you're certainly not allowed to DC.

  • Member Posts: 100

    Man I have never received soo many vote downs just for wanting to improve player quality.


    Guess this game is doomed.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Simple solution: reduce the timer to 10 seconds.

    No more hostage situations.

    You're welcome!

  • Member Posts: 170

    Y’all keep saying go to the other gate like you realize there’s a timer

  • Member Posts: 100


    the gate is not even open anyway.

  • Member Posts: 100


    You say that but yet it is our killer mains that have a problem with a fast game.

    But also a problem with a slow game.

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