Ranked Play / Looping / SWF

Part of me is wondering why i even bothered joining this forum and am bothering to write this post. I read the forum often and already know how toxic the community can be if they don't agree, plus the Devs never seem to listen. I was a huge fan of DBD and play religiously... Killer Rank 1, Platinum Trophy, All Killer Perks Unlocked. But i'm so fed up with so many elements of it. The constant adjustments to gameplay, killers, survivors etc. I've purchased every killer and half of them have changed so much I don't even bother using them. The Pig & Legion reworks make paying for them a rip off. The developers couldn't balance an egg on a spoon. Yet, here I am in hopes someone will prove me wrong.
Now i've had my rant, here's why i'm posting...
I'm fed up of playing as a Rank 1/5 Killer. I'm constantly paired with SWF players who communicate on their mics and loop me religiously. It just isn't fun. As soon as I chase them off one loop, they go straight to another. I know what you're going to say... use bamboozle, use nurse, but I don't want to and shouldn't have to. Looping is the result of nothing more than a poorly designed map which shows a lack of skill and professionalism on the developers part. Using 'get good' or 'use this perk/killer' is not a solution for their sloppiness. Survivors shouldn't be able to hold a game hostage by looping around objects until you give up. Imagine watching a horror film and the survivors just run in circles. Would that be entertaining? Would Michael Myers think 'oh screw this!' and walk off? It doesn't represent what a horror game should be.
I propose they add an option to allow you to play non ranked games with no members in a party. This way I won't be constantly be paired with rank 1 & 2 survivors who abuse the hell out of the game by playing SWF and knowing every loop on every map. I also think being able to chat ruins the fun for the killer because survivors can always give away your position and share details about your perk builds. At the very least there should be a penalty to those who play SWF. 1 less perk?
The only option I have at high level ranks is to disconnect until i'm reduced to rank 10 so I can actually enjoy the game. You might argue i'm not good enough for Rank 1, and that very well may be the case but I never depip because I always play the game properly, chasing, smashing gens and never camp hooks.
I know a lot of people will disagree and i'll get loads of hate for my comments (I understand, I know i'm sounding like a d*ck) but i'm fed up with the flaws in this game. I can't wait until a well established studio decides to make an asymmetrical horror video game so I can enjoy a balanced, well structured and thought out game.
Ranks 1-6 killer here & I am with you 110% on this and feel every bit of your pain.
I started playing this game a day after console release, and absolutely loved it. No one relied on pallets, looping, hardly anyonr camped, it was just a much more enjoyable and tense experience.
As of two days ago, after grinding every killer to ATLEAST prestige two on both consoles with a few being P3 50, and just really putting time in, I had to uninstall it.
Practically noone plays solo anymore, it's nonstop SWF on mics, giving away your position and every move, non stop looping (some looping is fine but Christ when it starts to feel like an episode of Scooby Doo it's time to stop), literally just running from pallet to pallet with no cat-and-mouse gameplay, and unchecked and rampant toxicity...it's too much now: the fun to frustrating scale is WAY out of balance. With each update, each killer feels weaker and weaker... i mean how tf are you gonna make nearly all killers base speed & vault speed SLOWER than survivors, while giving them infinites and endless pallets? Not only that, but since the Plague release, they spawn ALL 4 SURVIVIRS WITH EACH OTHER AT A GEN DESPITE ANY OFFERINGS! It's damn near unwinnable.
I mean they reduced the number of pallets back in October, but what happened? Raised the animation speed of the pallet slam so its just awkward to try and see if you can swing through. With that said there are 8 minimum per stage...and noone drops it right away so it essentially feels like 16 pallets per stage.
Don't even get me started on the 18976638394 survivor crutch perks.
Swf wouldn't really be bad if they weren't able to communicate at all.
Loops are a direct result of absolute GARBAGE map designs. I don't care how many mind games you try and play, 4k's are getting rarer and rarer.
We shouldn't be forced to use certain perks or the only top 3 killers just to counter loops or crutch perks in order to have, how tf is that "balance"?
I'm sorry for the rant, but it just really irks the hell out of me with what happened to this game in the 2 years I have been playing. I mean, even if I decided to derank and stay in lower ranked matches thats 1) not fair to the true low ranked players and 2) i'll be mocked for doing it.
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I only play this at my friends place on his PS4. I am a PC gamer and there is NO WAY I would play this on PC due to the toxic BS that goes on. He is a survivor main and I am a killer main. We both try to play fair and have a good time. We have been playing for about 2 years now and there have been some questionable changes on both sides but it seems the killers get it in the neck more often. The higher in ranks you go, the less fun this game gets. I would LOVE to play matches without SWF being a fear or having to have certain perks or use certain killers to guarantee even a 1k.
The only reason I bothered to post this is so you guys know yer not alone on this and to let the devs know there are people out there who feel this game could be so much better than it is. Being a game developer is a thankless job for sure, but there comes a time when you need to look at the community and the "numbers".
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I'm glad you share my frustrations! I completely agree with everything you've said. I think you hit the nail on the head with your comment 'the fun to frustration scale is way out of balance'. That's the best way to describe it.
This game really is going downhill fast and it's such a shame because I love the concept so much. Would be interesting to have an option to play with 0/1 perk.
On another note, I just saw the news about Predator: Hunting Grounds. I think my prayers have been answered!
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I'm glad you share my frustrations! I completely agree with everything you've said. I think you hit the nail on the head with your comment 'the fun to frustration scale is way out of balance'. That's the best way to describe it.
This game really is going downhill fast and it's such a shame because I love the concept so much. Would be interesting to have an option to play with 0/1 perk.
On another note, I just saw the news about Predator: Hunting Grounds. I think my prayers have been answered.
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I'm glad you share my frustrations! I completely agree with everything you've said. I think you hit the nail on the head with your comment 'the fun to frustration scale is way out of balance'. That's the best way to describe it.
This game really is going downhill fast and it's such a shame because I love the concept so much. Would be interesting to have an option to play with 0/1 perk.
On another note, I just saw the news about Predator: Hunting Grounds. I think my prayers have been answered!
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Thanks for your comment,I appreciate you responding and sharing your experience. I glad you agree!
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Man my phone glitched out and posted the same comment multiple times and I can't delete them? Anyone know how you can delete the posts?